DOOM thread

DOOM thread

Tell me about your first ever exposure to DOOM. Which game was it? What system? How old were you? Did you stick by the series after that?

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>played doom 1 and 2 didnt finish them but played the crap out of them
>played doom1 on the n64 and the nes
>was like 8 or 9
then i played doom 3 which was ok. then recently bought d44m single player is pretty fun.


dads computer, I saw my dad rarely and it was a bonding thing to play doom, both of use are socially awkward and pretty quiet but playing that game was fun

I think it might have been the demo version though, definitely original

it had windows 97 I think

Doom 2, PC. I think I was 10 years old. After that I totally enjoyed the golden era of FPS. Then 2000's happened.

oh and I just only a month ago bought all but doom 3

installed brutal doom too

I must say the newest one is fucking lame with so many lockdown areas, punching and teleportation enemies

Doom 1 and 2 right after they were released. We didn't have a home PC back then so I had to come over to my mom's office over the weekend to "study" at her PC.

They had a shared LAN drive with all latest and greatest 90s games: Prehistoric, Wolf3D, Doom, Quake, Warcraft, Starcraft... Thanks those anonymous office workers for my happy childhood.

Well shit I was born the same year as DOOM.
I have vivid memories of sitting next to my older brother as he was playing through DOOM 1 as well as 2.
I can also vividly remember a single specific nightmare I had about the game. Really all it was was the spider mastermind walking to this music:
It fucking terrified me holy christ.
Eventually my parents thought "oh fuck it, we know you're too young but you've seen your brother play it lots anyway, so just go and play it already".
I couldn't even play with monsters on. They terrified me.
I had to play on this one mode that didn't have any enemies, and I was still fucking terrified. The landscapes and atmosphere scared me so much as a kid, it's crazy.

It's still one of my most favorite and precious games to date. I still own the original DOOM 1 and 2 on CDs actually, they're hidden somewhere but I know I've still got them.

NuDoom gets the fast paced action right, but it's exactly as you say: You get locked in every single area.
Walk in, enemies spawn, locked in, forced to fight enemies.
You were never forced to fights enemies in the original Doom games. Fuckin' hitstun them with the chaingun and run away. You didn't have to kill shit.
All you had to do was GOFAST.
Can't do that in NuDoom.

I was well aware of it for years before, but my first one was--ugh--the 32X version.

I don't know if I'm autistic but I really liked how all enemies in originals were cleverly hidden instead of just teleporting from thin air

My cousin showed me how to pirate doom on my first ever computer.

my play style was pretty different

though killing enemies in the new doom can be a fucking chore, not a challenge or anything like that, just pumping weak ass weapons on them

Only played doom 3 and resurrection of evil and started playing brutal doom recently, its pretty good, didnt expect the game to be so difficult on the higher difficulties but its cool, probably going to try the originals also at some point

Don't get me wrong, I killed every enemy I found in the old doom games because I was a scaredy cat and didn't like the idea of monsters surprising me when I thought I was safe.
But you were never -forced- to kill the enemies, save for a few 'boss' levels.

>Which game was it?
>What system?
Pic related

>How old were you?
Probably somewhere around 6 or 7 years old

>Did you stick by the series after that?
I didn't really care for it much back then. Didn't even get to play Doom how it was meant to be played until much later on. Before that though I did play Doom 1 and 2 again on xbox og through doom 3.

Series is in my top 10 for sure.

brutal doom on realism mode is crazy fun

it's sure is a reaction/cover shooter at that difficulty but damn it's fun


First PS1 game I owned. Looking back on it, it was a fucking strange port. It had weird out of place music. Lacked half of Thy Flesh Consumed. Put in some weird version of DOOM 2 that didn't even have the Icon of Sin.

It was a mysterious port.

D44M is my first doom and its pretty good

Yeah what happened in FPS games in general, why on earth did enemies start appearing from thin air? Weird progress

Forgot the picture like a nigger ass nigga.

Lol its pretty challenging for me on ultra violence already tho im kinda running thru enemies and shootin em up like sanic instea of picking them off 1by1

that is cool art, thanks for posting it

School computer in the late 90s had it, shit was cash

Doom 2
My long term memory apparently doesn't care about how old I was when things happened
The first Doom is better and Doom 64 is better than that.

I was 5 years old and older brother was playing doom 1 when it first came out.

Mum started arguing with him that she doesn't want that game on the computer where I can see it and they went in the other room to argue and I started playing it and I've been a faggot ever since.

Who else used to leap up and turn the computer off when you heard this noise and didn't know where the fucking scary piece of invisible shit was

oldfag reporting in
I used to go to my friends house CONSTANTLY just to play through Doom1 when it came out.

Another friend of mine picked up Doom 2. I would go there to play it constantly.
They got tired of me pretty quick. Then i finally broke down and bought it and tried out Deathmatch on our brand new 33.6modem. Shit was awesome.

Then years later Doom 3 came out. 'Cant see shit the game', weapons were terrible, weapon effects blurred your vision, only decent part was hell. Soured the series for me.
Mods made it "playable".

35 seconds in.

My first exposure to Doom was the shareware episode 1. It was running on a display computer at Wal-Mart, back when Wal-Mart would actually put things on display for people to use.
I forget how old I was. 12, maybe?
I know I bought Ultimate Doom as soon as I could when it first released. I never got Doom 2 until the Collector's Edition in 2001.

I was sold on DOOM the minute I got the first news of it's upcoming release. The company that made Wolf3D had certainly earned a second purchase from me.

God I'm old.

I played doom 1 when I was in kindergarten. A kid brought his copy and loaded it up on our dos machine at school.
They found us playing and the boy got in trouble. Especially since he brought it to a catholic school. Shit looked fun as hell but I honestly forgot about it until recently.
I just beat doom 1 for the first time last week and now i'm playing doom 2.

played shareware Doom 1 when I was about 5 years old after my older brother installed it on the family computer

Later we bought Doom 2 and I beat it multiple times

I was born '91, and apparently played it in '93 or '94, though I have no actual memory of it.
My uncle recalls letting me play, and how I would run around the house excitedly yelling "DOOM" after playing it.

I played the Win95 version when I was 3. It was awesome.

Newest Doom is pretty enjoyable so far.

>be 17
>play doom 1 on shitbox laptop in summer of 2013 because bored and never really got around to it
>zdoom it up
>holy shit this game is awesome

>go on to play and beat doom 2 in same way
>love it, but think doom 1 was better 'cause no shit city levels
>eventually beat doom 64 ex after playing it on and off for about half a year this summer, love it even more
>somewhere in there, buy doom 3 but never get around to playing it

I'm downloading d44m right now after enjoying the demo. Frankly, I thought the game was gonna be bad. After playing the multiplayer demo, I fell into the cynicism that everyone else had about the game. I thought it would end up awful, but apparently the SP is good, and from what I played of the demo, I think it's a safe bet.

>Doom 95 demo
>literally it

Don't get me wrong, though. My dad and I played the shit out of the demo. We were way too poor and I was way too young to know about piracy. It was the only real game we had for a long ass time, and even telling him about the new game has him super hyped for my upcoming computer because he wants to see it all touched up and whatnot.

Never played Doom 2 or 3 or any of those wads, nor have I played the official Doom.

I kind of don't want to, either, because I'm afraid the nostalgia will lose its magic. Yes I am a faggot for thinking that

My dad had doom on some ancient AMD x86 shitbox he got when he was promoted to detective, and would let me watch him play it, despite my mom giving him shit for it all the time. I tried to sneak onto it, but it did that thing where it informed you how many times you played it, so each time I did it, I was either barred from the computer for a week or spanked/beaten by mom. Then I read DOS for Dummies, the single most important book any kid could read in order to get into computers, and discovered the glorious XCOPY command, and copied Doom into a hidden directory buried in a bunch of Knowledge Adventure games, so I could play it freely without anyone knowing that I was on dad's copy

Got my first PC just around the time Spear of Destiny came out and wash the hottest shit. Was about 12 then. When first Son came out later it was mindblowing.

Man the PS1 OST is something else

>doom 1 on the NES

he obviously meant the snes version

DOOM 64 is probably the most underrated game in existence