Bought this from a flea market
Never played AC before
How is it?
What am i into?
Bought this from a flea market
Get ready to be comfy as fuck. Aside from one or two small features that didn't return from the Gamecube version and an annoying one added in the Wii version, every Animal Crossing is a direct improvement. If you like Wild World, check out New Leaf on the 3DS, which is the newest installment.
The first AC is pretty bad but it was better than uncharted. The second AC is arguably the best. Has best pacing and story. Then AC brotherhood came and added multiplayer but he horse riding was wack. Then AC revelations marked a decline in the series. Good luck with the games! I hope the new movie is good!
as someone who only has around 250 hours in New Leaf, I hope you'll put in more than my casual self
Comfiest game ever.
I played 235 hours and i'm still playing it.
just play the game holy fuck
Before i realized what you were saying i got ready to be real mad. No one talks shit about population growing on my watch.
It makes me made too mane
What's taking so long for a sequel to New Leaf?
Best fucking animal crossing have fun op
Better than New Leaf honestly. Villagers do actually have a semblance of a soul.
As everyone is saying it's comfy as fuck.This game is the biggest time sink though. The game runs in real time so you have to keep a schedule with it and make sure you're playing on certain days at specific times. The mechanics also make it as addictive as fuck.
A game I wish they didn't turn into a dumbed down mario party. Here's to prayers and hopes they make a good one on the NX. Doubtful, but what's a world without hope.
animal crossing is confirmed to have a shitty smartphone game in the works, so dont be too hopeful
Aw fuck...
2001: Animal Crossing
2005: Wild World
2008: City Folk
2012: New Leaf
2015: Happy Home Designer/Amiibo Festival
I'd give it another year or two. It will be on NX.
Absolutely loved it.
I do regret that I never got someone to visit my town to unlock Nookington's, and now the Nintendo WFC for DS is gone.
>What am i into?
A short spurt of rapid playing, followed by 10 minutes of playing each day until a either a holiday, or a new season hits in real life mind you. Also be prepared to follow a guide, marking off what bugs and fish you have caught.
This thread just reminded me that I missed my meet up time with Bonbon today.
Life is a fuck.
>following this pattern the next one will be in 2019
nigger, HHD and AF are not main animal crossing titles and should not be listed there
>tfw have lots of furniture
>don't know how to make a nice room
>stack all the shit in one room "I'll arrange them later"
>can't literally enter
anyone got any good room ideas?
NL/HHD had the same developer. And NL/HHD/AF had the same directors and producers working on them.
Made me laugh.
Look up feng shue and get dat good luck (it actually increases your find rate and whatnot)
I just want a pretty room
I don't care about chinese people
no offense
They are not main AC titles, but they still took time and resources to make. That means that the next game isn't in development until after they were completed. If they didn't matter, you would already be hearing about the next game being released.
Magician's Quest is better.
This is the WORST AC to start with. There's no festivals or special events, tiny town, no city to visit etc. New Leaf is the best.