Why the fuck is this allowed?

why the fuck is this allowed?

Dunno, why is she wearing clothes? should we less honestly desu

i don't see the problem here.

look in the mirror and look at your chest. now do the same pose she is doing. how big is your man boobs compared to before?

that's the point retard, it's a fucking child

Because Gabe wants money and weebs have money.

she has no tits wgi care

I mean I'd hardly call this sexualized... so. You're probably a muslim loving obama supporter

Why the fuck should it be disallowed?
Which one man should have the power to decide what's allowed in fiction?
How many men should be employed to enforce these decisions?
How should the state punish the artist for doing a thing you don't like?

>it's a fucking child

It's actually a cartoon.

I thought muslims loved fucking children?

If that character makes you feel confused you're probably a closet pedo yourself.

USSR had a lot of freedom for artists

Why the fuck are these threads allowed?

Comes for ps4 soon too

It pisses off feminists, which makes it ok.

so, are you saying that you have big manboobs?

What would you say if she were 18?

Because not everyone is a cockgargling faggot like you OP.


My wife is 30 and has that body

She does happen to be Asian

People like you make her feel sad

Rabi Ribi would be even better if they were all lolis and each time you defeat a boss the MC would have hot, angry S&M yuri sex with her a la Raidy before the boss joins the village. Then you can talk to each boss afterward for more slow, sensual kissing and more yuri sex.

Go make her happy. With your mouth.

i'll play it on my vita for maximum comfyness
also, I can "play" in the bathroom

I agree with OP, it would be much hotter if she wore a micro bikini top instead.

>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Japan can't keep getting away with this.

And her penis?

I'm starting to really enjoy metroidvania games without having played castlevania. Other than that any other games you anons can recommend?

That's a fairy, user. Just because she's small she has to be a child?

Most pedos are shut-ins. Like furries, most of society hates them so when something caters to them, they line up to throw money at it. That's the only way to explain the prevalence of pedofag moeshit on Steam.

>The only time anyone remembers Kino is when she's being sexualized
This confuses me so deeply.


guacameelee is pretty cool if you don't care about maymays

You are gonna be so triggered when Rosenkreuzstilette finally gets on steam.

Guacamelee is shit even putting aside the memes, the visuals are a horrible flat mess, and the gameplay is just being locked in every room until you defeat every enemy with the boring as shit combat system.

If it makes you feel better, KnT's getting a new CYOA-ish audio thing soon where she's being voiced by Aoi Yuuki.

Also, new volume in three months.

>Conservatives aren't prudes
Lol wut

Id still fuck it.

This isn't real life. There are no thousand-year old loli demons in real life, so it doesn't apply. These designs are only made to cater to sick pedos and defended with twisted justifications on how it could ever NOT be rape.

Neither because they're both inhuman abominations.

>There are no thousand-year old loli demons in real life
That we know of.

that's like... your opinion
and your opinion is wrong

But Etna is a child by demon standards


There's an alarming amount of overlap between the weeaboo and pedophile crowds. And they should all be chemically castrated.


Its actually a drawing.

>Mfw normies cant tell fiction from reality

Because this isn't Nintendo or the eshop.

Rabi-Ribi is fun.

Game isnt fap worthy, and the story is retarded, but it's one of the best metroidvanias to come out in a long time.

so what? go a cry a river somewhere else

Is this some kind of zionist game?

Aioi Yuuko?

So if it's not real life then why does it matter?

>I base my morality on my Chinese cartoons and geimus!

Holy shit, I'd tell you to kill yourself but simply living as yourself is probably a much worse fate.

>This isn't real life
Great observation. Now just keep trying to notice when things aren't real life.

>dad is one of you stupid whiite cunts who wants to fuck children legally
>mom is super tiny japanese woman
>be me, suffering with manlet genes. 5'6 and 105lbs
Mixing races should be against the law.

to make you angry

fictional* child


Maybe God loves us and decided to show us he cares by giving us this small gift.

Thanks Jesus :3

Legit GOTY

Please tell me that steam lets you filter tags so I can axe anime and JPRG and never have to see this trash in my queue again.

Weebs do t have money, furrys have money

Every woman isn't blessed with huge tits user

Check yourself into a mental institution so you don't go elliot rodgers on some innocent white girls.

Same chick who voiced Madoka Kaname, Clementine from Overlord, Noel from Sora no Woto, Hibiki from Symphogear, etc.

Hahahah im happy for you

because they are not asspained as nintendo

You mean muslim?

actually its a fairy

>Mom is 5'2" white
>Dad is 5'10" white
>I'm fucking flat in the middle at 5'6"
>Stocky and hairy as shit so I look like a fucking dwarf
Sometimes, staying with the same race doesn't work either, pal.

Because it's fetish entertainment pandering to people who kill and rape children, who should be under treatment, not being the tastemakers of a game storefront.

>tags: cute

why is this a thing

>Sup Forums is full of people with the same mentality as SJW's.

Why am i not suprised.

how if they spend all day on their scary costumes sniffing other furries asses like retards?

..i.....my dick....

loli thread?

I played Rabi-Ribi and I haven't killed or raped any children, and so my anecdotal evidence proves that you are wrong, and also pleasure old men for money.

>its a Sup Forums gets triggered by loli episode
I wish I had a folder of lolis to post right now

[citation needed]

My mom is like 5'4" and my dad was 5'9" while I'm 5'10". You just gotta have the right diet, man. Gotta get that meat and protein in there, and get some good sleep.



Why are you retards responding?

>KnT's getting a new CYOA-ish audio thing soon
Sweet, thanks a lot, user.
>voiced by Aoi Yuuki
Wait, why would Aoi Yuuki be voicing Kino?

>new volume in three months
Maybe one day I'll be able to start importing novels. I honestly can't read actual books on a computer or a digital book.

i have one
but i keep getting banned for posting them

We got some the $$$ so we determine the morality of steam.



because they're insecure about the morality of their fetishes

>western shit with Japanese artstyle
Why indeed.

Clearly a demon spawn sent by the jews (notice the name Rabi). Rabi meaning jewish priest in hebrew. I mean just look at those demon wings. Do you need any more proof?

would if i could, bitch

I got banned for even saying the word Loli a few days ago

Illya is the cutest!

posting in epic thread

fuck it,

No, it's a fictional child, a collection of lines and colors creating the illusion of form and figure, and you're letting it offend you because you're retarded.

we got some reddit tier mods

best thread on Sup Forums honestly

Post Kiss.webm to trigger the Sup Forums babbys.