
anyone still play this game?

i quit years ago, played some again earlier this year and then quit again.

it's dead to me, everyone's level 500+ and it's only become worse / pay to win-ish

the few Sup Forums servers that has been up were fun a few years back, but probally not that fun anymore.


check out medivia online. its 7.6 custom with new hunting grounds for 100+ since 7.6 wasnt really designed for that high of levels. huge player base...and everything is 1x just as it was when the client was originally out.

>custom 7.6

I compiled my own 7.6 server back in the days.

too bad i know it's not custom, and know gamebreaking bugs that can crash the server and dupe shit.

7.6 private emulations (custom servers) allmost all have the same broken core because of the snaps taken from official servers and circulated were garbage.


this is NOT the same, and i would be highly highly impressed if you could exploit this server in anyway. please please share if you do lol


i p much can do it on any 7.6 server, even the ones that claim to have the latest features compiled in.

there's like 7 different engine related bugs that emulation cant handle, and some of the bugs are also script related.

2 of the crashes stem from widely used scripts most people use and dont bother to make themselves.

nothing is "custom".

sounds like you're saying challenge accepted. you cant do any of those things to this server, i promise you.

desu i dont care that much, only times i've done it in recent times was to give Sup Forums advantage over the brazilians and polaks on the servers that were up.

just do it

Quit fishing, Jesus. Grab the source files and slog through it yourself to find them.

>not training on full def so the rots take longer to die

if they dont bloodhit you you dont gain any skill xp :|

>Actually have to say the words to cast the spell
I thought this was cool as fuck back then

im not fishing, im saying you CANT do it.

Any big changes the past year or so? Its hard finding out about big updates without Tibianews to check every few months. Part of me wants to see them take a dramatic new direction like adding music.

Too bad, 7.1 was the best

You can blood hit on full def, you just do less damage. Anyway the best way to train is on a monk with 2 creatures hitting it so every hit is a blood hit while it heals.

1 blood hit every 20 hits is what is required.

rotworms until 60/60, then slimes.

you are fishing, because we're not the same person.

lol alright

I played this from 1999-2004 and then again last year. It's a completely different experience. The market system + real money lets you instantly have nearly the best gear for about $4. Off-line training does away with active training of any kind. It feels like there's no purpose to hunts except xp, and everyone uses map hacks so there's no exploration with groups because someone in the group will have it all mapped out and have looked up every detail of whatever it is you're going to do. It is just a huge grind now that the end-game content is intended for lvl 300+. The servers are also somehow more unstable now than in the past; almost like they're doing it on purpose to get you to spend more real money to buy more shit when they d/c you and you die.

It's not worth risking death in the game, the penalty is way too big. I wish amulet of life was still a thing.