This is wrong. You're born XX or XY, you can't change that. Also Dragon Age Inquisition thread

This is wrong. You're born XX or XY, you can't change that. Also Dragon Age Inquisition thread.

Other urls found in this thread: for dummies

>retconning the Qun
die Bioware

>living like another
>like for dummies

Are you saying I can't be born a man and live like a sissy?

>it's a Sup Forums refuses to google the difference between sex and gender episode

Inquisition was a mistake.

>taking arbitrary dumblr concepts seriously

>it's a tumblr tries to fit in episode
Fuck off, retard.

isnt that cloud in drag?

What are some good mods for DA:I besides from uninstall.exe

>not knowing the difference between Tumblr and established science

stop doing that

Uneducated retards. Pick up a book sometimes you dumb faggots.

if you insist it's a subjective thing why do you pretend to be the superior voice of reason nigger

I played DAI for 150 hours and never witnessed this scene that makes so many of you mad.

Didn't Sten make this big long speech in Origins about how "A Farmer is a Farmer, even if he becomes a merchant he is still a Farmer" and that's why the Qunari use a Caste System? Doesn't this fly in the face of all that saying that" It's ok you can just switch if you don't like it"?

I thought that you can't mod frostbite.

You want to ride a bull?

>it's a tumblr raids Sup Forums with their bullshit episode

>Genders based on feelings
>wasting 200K on a useless degree that brainwashes you for 5 years and can lend you a DIVERSITY OFFICER job for under 30K a year.
No thanks.


I kekd.

Born with x set of genitals = gender a
Born with y set of genitals = gender b

It's really not that complicated.

This makes full sense for the Qun though

>buff female qunari

Now she lives as a man, doing a man's job

>feminine, weak male qunari

Put him in a dress, make him a whore

>Not allowed to want to be anything other than your caste
>This is dictated by someone more important than you
>This is non-fucking-negotiable
>Breaking the rules means not being seen as Qun

Sure, this seems consistent.

It's an onslaught on the youth.

yes, it's just Bioware fucking over their own lore to appeal to some twisted tumblrinas

Nothing too surprising honestly

Still my favorite thing from DA:I

The concept of gender is used outside of shitflinging on the internet, and social justice LGBTBBQ victim Olympics.

Seriously, do some research.

>tfw legitimately can't tell if b8 or serious

Libtard globalist commies detected.

>It's not subjective, it's arbitrary. Made up.
Conservatives say there are two genders, LGBTQIA+ says gender is a spectrum and thus infinite.
There is no gender is biology, only sex. People made up genders because reasons.

I said a book, not a degree. Are you seriously that retarded?

The gender and sex split has been a thing in the sciences for far longer than you've been alive you dumb faggot. Just because tumblr is retarded doesn't mean you are safe from being retarded as well.

>It's a doesn't understand that males have a penis and females have a vagina, no matter what clothes they want to wear or what hobbies they want to partake in and no amount of acronyms and hyphenations will change that episode

>He thinks gender applies to more than language

Say the farmer, a masculine job role, wants to be a baker, and is really good at baking and kinda shit at farming. What do you do? You call the farmer a Aqun-Athlok and let them make bread.
Why the fuck is this shit so hard for people to understand? It's just a system to easily deal with abnorms and keep shit flowing steadily.

can you explain it

Which sciences we talkin here

is it gay if i found this pic arousing?

it applies to biology, mook. which is based on reality.

user, stop

You should've realized by now that Sup Forums has become tumblr's right wing equivalent. Just like you can't talk sense into a genderfluid otherkin tumblrina, you can't talk sense into an enlightened alt-right Sup Forumstard. Give up.

So how's that minimum wage job working out for you?

>The gender and sex split has been a thing in the sciences
Sincerely doubting that.

I want to see the sources for any of this gender/sex split shit. Far as I'm concerned, the only mental differences between men and women is some emotional tendencies and the rest is Tumblr justifying their Autogynephilia and general fetishized delusion.

i've literally never been to tumblr other than for porn

can you explain to me why the term gender is a bad thing if it doesn't take away your precious term sex. The two can live together perfectly fine.

i totally do

Too fucking bad, he's a farmer and will only ever be a farmer. If he tried to bake, he would bake with a Farmer's mindset, unlike someone born to be a Baker.

My country stopped supporting gender research after they were blown the fuck away and shamed back to American liberal arts colleges with their pseudoscience bullshit.
I'm pretty sure the one in the picture you posted identifies as a female and not TRANS(which is codename for UGLY, FAILED TRANNY)
There are two genders: Male and Female.
Why do we need 10K genders while other mammals only have two?
It's the special snowflake syndrome in full-effect. If you have no redeeming qualities, you just make up some idiotic bullshit in the vain of "I'm a bi-gender apekin with a level 2 genital spirit"
Supporting people like that leads to mental illness.
You're part of the problem.

Gender and gender roles change depending on the society in question. Gender is a social construct.

Sex is assigned at birth and is immutable.

A mentally ill tranny can turn his dick into a hole can pretend to have a different gender with mild success, but his sex will always be man as dictated by his genes.

May be true, but think about how fucking rare these people are.
Now think about how mentally ill they are.
Boom. Fuck off.

>sex split has been a thing in the sciences
>taking social studies seriously

>can you explain to me why the term gender is a bad thing if it doesn't take away your precious term sex
Alright, it's regressive as fuck, that liking girly shit mentally makes you a fucking woman or something.

>using a term invented by an insane pedophile

And you just went full blown straw man. I hope you had fun putting words in my mouth.

No user, he will be a shit garbage farmer and will always be a shit garbage farmer who will continue to fuck up and clog up the efficient system that is the Qun and no amount of Reeducation will fix that. Get over your BW hate and realize the retcon is good even if it's only usage in DA:I is for pandering dumb bullshit. Had they thought of this shit then, you can be damn fucking sure Sten would have referred to female Wardens as Aqun-Athlok

But the female Warden is good at fighting and Sten still thinks she's a man

I was so confused by this scene because I kept wondering where they were getting these 21st century doctors from to make her into a man.

Social sciences are psudo-science bullshit.
No one takes it seriously.
We've given you some positions in comfy offices with a meager salary to make you go wild in your brainwashing activities, but we do not involve you in anything even related to actual sciences.
"I think this goldfish identifies as genderfluid, maybe that's why we can't see any results of the vaccine"
^This is why you are never taken seriously outside universities and social media.
Now fuck back off to your safe-space and accumulate debt that will eventually drive you to suicide.

Yeah I guess that's it. Gender really isn't a thing. You are your sex, your genitalia, so stop worrying about what you identify as or what others identify you as.

Yes it's true, they are rare.

The problem is why is the media inserting them everywhere ?

It's like they are trying to normalize this crap.

I don't want to play games with a tranny cast.

Who cares, buddy?
No, seriously, who cares? Are you that insecure?
Just jack off to what you want user.

>Put him in a dress, make him a whore
Relieving sexual frustration is manly the job of the caretakers that also raise children.

>Gender is a social construct.
That's all I needed to know.
Now please leave before you embarrass yourself further.

Did EA kill this franchise yet?
They haven't announced a new game.

>tfw German does not distinguish between sex and gender
>leftists still want to introduce it here
>they fumble and awkwardly twist around every time someone asks them to explain what they mean
>constantly try to import English tumblr expressions to hide their bullshit behind foreign loan-words

He doesn't wanna be gay bro, now answer the question.

They're serious, and they're right.

it's an is absoulutely ass-ravaged episode.

Better than your future Starbux gig, debt slave.


It's funny, because social sciences also dictate everything around you. Ever look at an ad? Ever study how humans deal with addiction, or the influences of popular culture in how we think? That's all social sciences.

The irony is that you dumb faggots think it's psuedo-science while at the same time being the most susceptible to it. You argue against brainwashing, but are brainwashed all the same.

user, it's a caste system. It doesn't matter how bad he is at his job, he is stuck there.This was decided for him at birth. Sure he might suck and make things less efficient, and maybe he would do better as a baker, but he can't change that, both because the Qun dictates it and because he doesn't know any other life besides farming. For the same reason if you are born a man, you only know how to live as a man, and the Qun decides that you are a man.

it doesnt make you a woman sexually you fucking retard goddamn I'm mad for some reason

you take a boy, you raise him AS A """"GIRL"""", his gender will be girl and his SEX will be boy

how is this a difficult concept to grasp

enough of this moronic fucking alt-right kneejerk I AM RIGHT U ARE WRONG LALALA bullshit

it's the exact same shit that feminists do

I'm not saying trannies aren't retarded

I'm not saying feminists aren't retarded

what I'm saying is that ever since the 60's gender and sex have been separated to remove ambiguity, where sex is biological and gender is social construct and probably a little bit of the results of sexual dimorphism (man is bigger/stronger, etc)

now stop circlejerking you cancerous reddit retards, all eager to jump on a bandwagon and circlejerk something into oblivion

and read something and THEN form your opinion


>There are two genders: Male and Female.
>Why do we need 10K genders
Because there are two polar opposites in the spectrum of gender. Technically this would make for an endless amount of genders.

I agree specifically identifying as one dot on that spectrum would be retarded. But i think you're mixing up sexual preferences and fetishes on this one, (just like most tumblrinas, i.e. being attracted to men with vaginas and large feet doesn't make a gender)

>Alright, it's regressive as fuck, that liking girly shit mentally makes you a fucking woman or something.
Liking girly shit doesn't change your sex, it might however signal you are more feminine than masculine in the gender department.

If anything it reinforces the Qun. If they determine you, a biological female, is best suited to be a soldier, you are not considered a man whether you yourself believe it not. The opposite would be also true. If you are born a woman, but "feel" like a man inside and should be a solider, you are shit out of luck if the Qun disagrees. Gender within the Qun would appear to be tied very closely with your designated role in society, so if a woman cant keep up with the men, thats too bad.

Gender and Sex only have one word in my language.Kjonn
So please explain to me the actual biological difference between Gender and Sex without using 'feelings' or 'social construct'

Most of the social sciences in the Anglosphere have been hollowed out by ideological bullshit.
Empirical evidence as a concept is being attacked by those following post-modernist beliefs.

I don't give a shit about what people identify as.
I couldn't care less if you identified as an attack helicopter.
I take offence when people go around spreading made-up bullshit and demanding from me to use their special snowflake made-up pronouns.

inb4 he calls you a plebeian

The Qun isn't supposed to be perfect you fuck. Yes, the farmer who's good at baking but stuck being a farmer is going to be a shitty farmer and thus a burden on Win society. That's why like any society the Qun is smart in some ways and stupid in others. The rigid caste system of the Qun streamlines their society through its simplicity while also limiting it's potential. Bioware retconning it thus commits the dual sin of not just shitting on preestablished lore, but also devaluing the Qun concept by turning it into a Gary Stu.

>you take a boy, you raise him AS A """"GIRL"""", his gender will be girl

In practice this has not been so clear-cut. Look up a man named David Reimer.

I don't mind separating "gender" and "sex", but I do mind when people pretend that having those two not aligned means anything other than that you're brain damaged.


The Qunari can't handle their perfect gender system being wrong.

So if someone is super good / into fighting etc, they must have been a man all along, even if they have boobs.

I never saw a contradiction there.

Sten flips his shit because the warden insists she is both a warrior, and a woman.

>Hurrrr you idiots should read books written by the people trying to convince you that fantasies are reality before can say you know anything about it durrrrrr

No thanks faggot, we already see how it is.

Which science is not ideological? Why do some researches get money and others don't?
In what way is empirical evidence not present in social sciences? What do you think is post-modernism?

After you translate your buzzwords maybe I'll understand your sentences.

Neither does most European languages(mine included)
Gender study majors get laughed at when they write articles here.
Feels good man.

>So please explain to me the actual biological difference between Gender and Sex without using 'feelings' or 'social construct'

I followed some courses on psychology quite a while ago and science wasn't yet advanced enough to see how these things work chemically in the brain. Except for maybe that experiment with mice where some female mice with showed male mating behaviour.

>what I'm saying is that ever since the 60's gender and sex have been separated to remove ambiguity
Like where? If this is so ingrained why's it only showing up in college "safe spaces" and imageboard discussions?

And if your designation of gender is some social shit like wearing dresses, playing with dolls and crossing your legs when you sit down, why're these losers so attached to the idea?

Ok, I'll bite.
Recommend me some books. If it's a single book written by someone who is rooted in an ideology, I'm not even reading the cover.

>but I do mind when people pretend that having those two not aligned means anything other than that you're brain damaged

Shh, then you might make them aware of the fact that it CAN, in fact, be fixed. Not with bible camp, mind, but with science.

Better to use science to reinforce the brain damaged insanity than, god forbid, fix it.

Soo, what was the problem with the main cast again?
Yeah, there was a few bisexual or homosexual characters, but it's not like they were just shoehorned in. They didn't oppose the lore by putting them in and the hetero choices were the objectively best ones.

>protestant country doesn't understand a concept that does not make his boss more money
Yeah we know

Only porn with solo females or dykes is 'straight'.
'Straight' porn with a man ramming a woman or getting his dick sucked isn't 'straight' because it involves a naked, grunting and moaning man. You're watching some guy's dick and nutsack. It's gay.

Anyway, if he found that pic arousing he's already a degenerate so who fucking cares.

no, that's not how it works.

if you are born as a male, you are male. the end.

How can it be fixed?

The SJW shit wasnt even that bad. The game itself had way more issues.

Sorry user poor words on my part, I meant "you" figuratively. I agree it's stupid, society has conventions and it's best to follow them. I'll give somebody "they" if I absolutely have to cause they're being a prick about it but that's it. Anything else is unrealistic.

But own your genitalia dammit. I'm tired of this tranny meme.

>And if your designation of gender is some social shit like wearing dresses, playing with dolls and crossing your legs when you sit down, why're these losers so attached to the idea?

I'm totally for seperating sex and gender to remove ambiguity.

But I have no fucking idea man. Some people attribute value to other things than others my man. That's just the way the ball bounces.

>but his sex will always be man as dictated by his genes.
>if you are born as a male, you are male. the end.
What the hell are you arguing.

The fact that you're posting here makes you brain damaged as well though.

Never pretended otherwise.

When did dumblrites and sjws invade Sup Forums? was it before or after m00t "decided" to "leave"

alright, you absolute fucking retard. Here we go, I'll explain it step by step so even your atrophied peanut brain can understand


For example, this person. Now, BIOLOGICALLY he is MALE. But you can't tell by looking at him, can you? That's because he possesses all the characteristics society attributes to FEMALES. IF he also identifies as a female, this makes him TRANSEXUAL, because even though he is BIOLOGICALLY MALE, his GENDER (remember, the CHARACTERISTICS SOCIETY ATTRIBUTES TO THE SEXES) isn't MALE.

This is not a debate, transexuals exist. You may not like them, but you won't find reasons in the sciences to justify your prejudice.