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What's the most underrated gaming console of all time?
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easily the saturn
It's a good console but... you can't count more than 20 or 25 good games
>Nintendo product
>Millions upon millions sold
Kill yourself.
Good choice.
I was 6 when my parents bought me a PS1, and I had the choice between that and a N64. That's what I went with. Never heard of the saturn until 2006 when I saw it in a game store. It's depressing because it blows the N64 the fuck out hardware wise.
i actually have no idea but I've always wanted one of these
We need more Dreamcast ports on Vita.
They're really neat, but the screen is just too small.
no we need jet set radio future
But I want Skies of Arcaida and Grandia 2.
NX pls. I will buy you for JSRX,
Sega Saturn.
Probably my favorite platform this gen. Fucking love it. Wish there were more ports of ps2 games.
i cant count more than 3 good games: Wii Sports, Mario Galaxy 1, Mario Galaxy 2.
Turbografx easily
It has a LOT more than just Rondo of Blood
i wish it could emulate ps2 games, i know its not possible but just the thought of a handheld that can emulate ps1,ps2, and psp games gets me rock hard
That controller is fucking garbage. So much wasted space.
Jet set radio neo future would be cool as shit, basically a mature future in an akira style neo tokyo
Wii is not underrated at all
>SMG1 + 2
>Metroid Trilogy
>Sin & Punishment 2
>Sonic Colors
>Rhythm Heaven
>Wii Fit/Plus
>Red Steel 2
>The Conduit
>Dead Space Extraction
>Skyward Sword
>Kirby's Epic Yarn
All of these games got insane levels of publicity
Wii U, I love this system and am sad that no one has one.
>the conduit
>skyward sword
Ngage for real
well they were certainly in the news, newfag
The Wii is known for two things: waggle and mountainous piles of shovelware only surpassed by the iPhone.
i thought you were listing good games for the wii my bad, i need some sleep
and also incredible soft mod functionality.
a Wii can be almost any pre-6th gen console with thousands upon thousands of games at your fingertips for free, including non-emulated gamecube games.
>favorite platform because of ports from over a decade ago
It's not really underrated, Sega did the right thing porting its games to everything. I can't really think of a good Dreamcast game that hasn't been ported outside of Shenmue or D2.
Came here to post this. Unfortunately it's a really hard system to get into since most games cost an arm and a leg and emulation is still terrible. Until eBay starts punishing sellers that just dump their collections and leave them there for 10 years until some idiot buys them at a 500% markup or emulation starts to get decent (which is unlikely since it's been abandoned for almost 10 years) then unfortunately the Sega Saturn will remain the one of the most obscure and underrated consoles of all time.
Reading comprehension.
I can all of the day bro
>I can't really think of a good Dreamcast game that hasn't been ported outside of Shenmue or D2.
I can think of a few.
Shenmue 2 was released for Xbox.
Shenmue 1 you dingus, and no the movie doesn't count.
those are all shit though
Okay I owned Blue Stinger and I'm not going to stand by and let you act like it was a good game. It was a shitty Resident Evil clone then and it's a shitty Resident Evil clone now, except now it doesn't even have graphics as a selling point. There is nothing fun about it, it's just wandering through repetitive combat and block puzzles in a series of identical corridors to pursue fetch quests at the behest of poorly-voiced NPCs. I COULD HAVE OWNED SOMETHING DIFFERENT. YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO ACT AS THOUGH MY PAIN ISN'T VALID.