How was Web of Shadows...

How was Web of Shadows? I remember the combat and swinging animations looking slick as hell and the voice acting for Spider-Man being dog shit.

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Its been a while but from what I remember:
>Shit voice acting
>Morality system is ok for combat, but not great narrative wise
>Web Swinging was pretty decent, but suffers from skyswinging
>Symbiote versions of certain characters was a neat idea
>Had Moon Knight
Overall it was ok I suppose. Though I do hope the new PS4 game is better

You sure? I only played at a friends but it was more akin to 2 and Ultimate from what I remember.

Webbing was still dumbed down, but better than Ultimate Spidey. But not as good as Spider-Man 2.

Voice acting was shit.

A bit buggy. I've seen enemies get stuck within walls and cops shooting at a building out of thin air but I can clearly see the enemy on my radar.

Other than that. A lot of people called it shit back then, but I think it holds up and probably one of our best Spidey games atm.

>Spider-Man 2
>Ultimate Spider-Man
>Web of Shadows

Pretty much the only games to play that's god-tier. I hope they don't fuck up Sony Spidey.

Well, the webbing did get attached to buildings but if you would pan your camera upwards you can see the web is just a few centimeters away from the actually building that the web was supposed to be attached to.

It was a bit off, I think the devs rushed this out before Treyarch couldn't make games anymore. They definitely cheated on the web swinging.

Shattered Dimensions could've been god tier if Amazing had better levels and Noir wasn't shoehorned in for variety.

I remember people saying ASM2 was a decent game, I dont know where that came from. I hated the QTE web swinging and how easy collectibles were to find. That and the usual problems spidey games have

Usually hear the opposite.

Its exactly as you say op. Crazy awesome combat, fluid swinging (moon swing doesn't bother me at all) but hilariously bad voice acting. Emphasis on the hilarious which made it pretty funny.

I fell in love with the black and red switching mechanic. What other games feature such a seamless transition in ability and appearance?

Do we know anything about the new game, like estimated release or anything beyond that trailer?

Absolutely fantastic combat, constant movement between ground, air and walls, tons of combos, two modes with in-combo switching, simply amazing. Swinging was slick but while it tried to imitate sticking to buildings, it actually stuck randomly in the air vaguely near a building, so you couldn't exactly swing wherever you wanted, but it wasn't completely realistic. Voice acting for Parker sucked, but the rest were decent. Cool as fuck fight with Wolverine where you have to answer Amazing Spider-man trivia. I'd personally put it as second best after the very first Spider-man game for PS1, because I don't give a shit about realism in swinging as long as it's quick and flows well.

The first ASM had skyswinging apparently, but this is just from what I heard. I did try out TASM2 and that one actually had real open world web swinging mechanics that's actually pretty decent.

I dunno, Amazing levels were alright for me, Ultimate levels were the ones I hated in it, and Noir was good for variety, but they needed to work better on stealth mechanics, it was pretty clunky.

It's fun, had replayability for me since i could start a new game and change my morality options. I recommend.

Speaking of WoS you do know that you can install skins to the game right? A ton of variant skins from 2099 to zombie Spidey.

>What other games feature such a seamless transition in ability and appearance?
Devil May Cry comes to mind. I had PS2 version of Spider-Man 3 and it let you change into the black suit by pressing the d pad. Don't remember how it flowed with combat and you had to wait for a cool to switch back into the black suit.
It's mainly just the Sandman, Juggernaut, Scorpion and, to some degree, the Electro level that kill it for me. Juggernaut and Sandman especially. Didn't care too much for Kraven either. If Noir was refined, it could have been really cool.

ASM2 actually has shitty moonswinging, though it tricks you by leaning towards buildings

are you hyped as fuck for the new PS4 game and going back to play every Spidey game you can get your hands on like I am?

Please let me know if you think this too but when you guys saw the PS4 Spidey did you notice the swinging mechanics look very oddly similar to the Amazing Spider-Man games? It looks light and cheap.

Watching the first Raimi film.
>You mess with Spider-Man, you mess with New York
Fuck, I wanna move back to Queens.

You summed it up already. Other than Spidey's voice I hated how the slowest you can move is a jog but that's just a pet peeve of mine in games.

The combo stringing while switching back and forth between red and black suits was great. There were new movesets for fighting while standing/crawling vertically on buildings too.

And the aerial combat pulling yourself to enemies with webs or tentacles and beating their asses in the sky was also great.
This guy is using the black suit a little too much for midair combat though

comparing the PS4 trailer and this video: they do look pretty similar in that while the web angles towards buildings, you don't swing like a pendulum should so it might be more sky-swinging stuff.

I would hope Insomniac would be smart enough to learn from previous Spider Man games and create their own web swing mechanic. Im surprised Sucker Punch didnt get asked to work on the new one

>had moon knight
Downloading right now

What the best story arc in the comics and why is it Maximum Carnage?

new suit is growing on me

one of the ultimate alliance games had moon knight as well. hope those rumors of a remaster are true since I never played them and they're going for like $70 on Amazon

Too bad the game becomes really boring when it goes all out Prototype in the second half, but I often replay it all the way through to that point.
Great combat, especially when you fight flying enemies, that shit is great, very satysfying swinging and hilarious voice acting. A little buggy though, you might get annoyed at the camera and the targeting system

I still hate the white logo. Hoping for a wide selection of alt costumes, especially the MCU version

New suit would be good if not for the semen stained arms

Looks so much like Ben Reily. Only gripe is the white spider. Could've worked if the webbing was white too but whatever. Still looks lit. Hoping for those remasters to be true. Never played them so it'd be cool for when I buy a next gen console.

People complain about the story and voice acting, but it's got the best combat and wallcrawling of any Spider-Man game so those plus it being open world makes it my favorite Spider-Man game.

I should give Shattered Dimensions another try, I owned it briefly but was really turned off by the lack of an open Manhattan to swing through.

The buildings just have web hitboxes larger than their actual model, it's not moonswing.

Why do they make a shit ton of (awful) Spiderman games? I know Batman gets the same but that's more if a phenomenon since Burton's adaptation. Plus to some extent Batman is often enjoyable.

For as long as I can remember they've churned out Spiderman, from like the Megadrive days too

>Looks so much like Ben Reily.

That would be such a badass plot twist if we did find out the Spidey we were playing was just a cloned Peter Parker.

You know what? Screencap it. I betcha more than anything we're playing Ben Reilley.

Best part about ASM2's swinging was having separate buttons for each arm.

The combat is seriously crazy, I don't get why lots of people on Sup Forums like to dis it

I remember that for unknown reasons to me the game was a reskinned copy of Prototype.

Please no, I can't deal with another clone saga.

I can deal with the white spider and too much blue, but like says the weird bone-like details on his forearms are terrible.

mite b cool

scarlet spider doesnt get enough love

Making all the white portions black would probably fix the design

Because MUH SWINGING. Swinging is extremely important to Spider-Man games and my enjoyment of them, but Spider-Man 2's combat is just so shitty that I think WoS is a better overall combination of elements even if it doesn't have as good of swinging.

Still wouldn't fix the overuse of blue that breaks up the red/web sections and maybe black would help with the logo spiders, but the arms would still look just as bad with black instead of white.

>Please no, I can't deal with another clone saga.

We had no game with Ben Reilly in it.

Nah, I wouldn't be able to deal with a story on the same level of insanity as the clone saga. I more or less detoxed the whole thing from my mind.

>Ultimate Spider-Woman is a clone of Spider-Man (Peter Parker) after her chromosomes were manipulated to make her female and appears to be the same age (approximately sixteen). Created to act as an agent for the CIA (code name: Spider-Woman), she retains her original self's memories. Cassandra Webb is preparing to erase and supplant those memories in order to create her identity "Jessica Drew" but she escapes before the process can be carried out.

>Doctor Octopus reveals himself as the cloning experiments' mastermind responsible for Jessica. Jessica and Peter fight Doctor Octopus together, and eventually prevail. Peter surrenders to Nick Fury while Jessica opts to flee. At the storyline's close, Jessica decides to start a new life and embrace her given identity. She takes her leave of Peter after what she calls "the most awkward hug in history".

So is Ultimate Spider-Woman gay? What's her sexual orientation?

Would Jessica Drew fuck herself? Like fucking Peter Parker? Is that incest or gay?

The MCU design is 99% gonna be in the game.

>Peter Parker is from Queens
>games are almost always limited to Manhattan

I hope Daredevil makes a cameo

>visiting parents
>find Daredevil vs Spider-Man DVD of the 90s cartoon
>rewatch on an old CRT
feelin gud

I love the voice actor for Spider-Man in that old cartoon show. He's still "my Spider-Man" like Kevin Conroy is my Batman. Was so happy when he was in Shattered Dimensions and Edge of Time

You know perfectly well how that game was, you make threads about it every day, you crazy cunt.

Josh Keaton is second to him and he also did great both games. Didn't watch the Ultimate cartoon outside of the first episode but I saw clips of Miles Morales. Childish Gambino does his voice really well. Full circle considering Miles Morales was based on him.
Haven't even played this game or made any threads, fampai.

Does spider-man 2 still have the best web swinging?


do we have any actual gameplay of this game or just the e3 trailer?

Pretty sure that was gameplay unless without the UI and HUD.

they said it was in-engine on current PS4 hardware but the game seems so early in development i don't think it's actual gameplay. although some of the swinging at combat did look like HUDless gameplay

>Stan Lee will die in your life time

>game seems so early in development
Good point, do we have a release date or period?
Probably Q3 2017, depending on when the MCU film drops.

>implying Stan Lee will ever die

Actually it needs more white to balance it out and make the chest not seem so weird.

Surprised he hasn't gotten shot since he's from the Bronx.
Excelsior album produced by RZA when?

Would Assassin's Creed movement mechanics with much more swinging and combat capabilities make a good game?

>stan lee will die before we ever get a good fantastic 4 movie

>everyone browsing this board will die before we get a good Fantastic 4 movie
Sup Forums will still gigashitpost about it in the afterlife though.