Admit it, Sup Forums. The old sonic games are shit and the only reason you like them is because of nostalgia

Admit it, Sup Forums. The old sonic games are shit and the only reason you like them is because of nostalgia.

as a whole the series is garbage. most boring character of all time. literally made for mass appeal. almost all of the games are just cheap cash grabs.

You had one job and you fucked it all up, shitter

I don't have nostalgia so I'll just call them shit

I was too lazy to edit it.

Funny that only kids say that, in that time sonic games were above average in quality, independent of the genre

S&K unironically shits on every 2D Mario.

It's Saturday and it's 3 in the afternoon. Fuck you Sonic.

i think you are confusing sonic with bubsy, friendo

At least the bubsy series knew when to give up and die.

no, they didn't
see, that's why you are a kid that doesn't know shit: megadrive bugsy, i know because i was born and conscious unlike you, it was a fucking failure, but they kept trying and failing until bugsy 64 when they couldn't continue because it was monetarily impossible. But there you are, talking about it like you know shit. When the truth is that you know absolutely nothing about games from before you were born.
Please don't try again.

Fixed it since people won't stop whining about it

Still not nighttime faggot



S3&K = SMW > S3 >>>>>>>>>>>>> S&K

actualy where i live it's 00:13 Sunday

Might as well be

Hahahahha nope
Muh mustard emeralds... Muh super sanic screenflash shit...
Level design is shit user face it

Except most sonic levels don't orient you around going fast. The character moves fast, but when you can't design the stage around it, the game becomes clunky and slow.

Especially the water stages.

S&K's level design was better, i'll give you that. Easily the best of the old sonic series.

>g-guise am i an oldfag yet?!

Easy on the autism there gramps.

He probably just meant that Bubsy died with Bubsy 3D.


>comparing one of the last levels in one game to one of the first in another

Sandopolis is fucking terrible too, at least use a good level

>makes character fast
>most of the level design is around this fast character being forced to a halt

oh, okay. perfect reasoning.

All sonic games are shit. For their time they were better than most stuff but nowadays is the kind of game that a indie developer could release and sell for $5 while garnering 5/10 reviews left and right. I don't see why Sega doesn't just let him die since his game don't even sell that well.

I thought the Sonic games were bad back when the Genesis was the current system. I loved the idea and graphics, but the zoomed in camera and trial & error gameplay just made me go back to NES games.

Later on, games like Sonic Advance 2 and Sonic Generations actually turned Sonic into what it should be about; a focus on speed and timed jumps. But as you pointed out, nostalgiafags throw a bitch fest over those games.

>every 2 seconds, you get stopped by a perfectly placed enemy, spike or pit
>"You have to earn the right to go fast!"

Meanwhile, in a Mario game, you can run through a level because enemies are placed perfectly and you can actually see pits with enough reaction time to jump.

I love how everyone praises a sonic game when it's slightly above the quality of a normal sonic game. Pic related.

I was a fan of the first 2 Sonics as a kid but never played the combined version of Sonic 3 & K. I'm playing through it for the first time right now, in the Ice Cape Zone.

So when does this get good? The level design so far has ranged from mediocre (the first stage) to literally terrible (Marbel Garden, that fucking Carnival zone)

It doesn't get good. Mediocre is the best it's gonna get.

Give Sonic & Knuckles a go, it's the best of the lot.

>The old sonic games are shit
And so are the modern ones.

>Implying it isn't hold right to win

The old games get a lot more praise though.

arin pls go

>literally a guy holding right the entire time
>better level design than all of the other sonic levels


what most people who say "older Sonic games are bad" don't realize is that they only seem bad because you were marketed into thinking the entire game is about going fast and not stopping. To play through the entire game this way requires memorization and speedrunning skills, and it isn't necessarily the best way to enjoy these games.

If you actually play through the game like a normal platformer, taking it moderately slow and stopping to assess the tricky obstacles before running forward blindly, you'll find they are perfectly solid games that are never unfair at all.

>literally made for mass appeal
Yeah, because devs should make characters that everybody will hate.
Also Sonic was made to be the contrary of what was popular then (Mario).

>Shitposters say Sonic is hold right to win
>Get proven wrong
>Move the goalposts and say the game isn't designed with speed in mind


Worst part of sonic 1