It's a "Genji won't jump onto the point during overtime to reset the clock...

>it's a "Genji won't jump onto the point during overtime to reset the clock, even though he respawns right next to it because he's afraid of messing up his KDR in a team based game" episode

>tfw I always contest the point as Genji and just double jump all over the fucking place and no one can hit me because they can't aim
>contest for years
>no one ever comes to help me


I can't believe people on here actually wanted this game to be F2P

>it's a "this meme again" episode

>Symmetra actually killing things with her turrets

she deserves it

>Not randoms in general
I've watched tanks too afraid to jump on the point and prolong overtime.

>Zarya ults enemy team
>zap them for a second as Winston
>Reaper was the one who actually killed them all


wow sounds like you're really good at video games! have you ever thought of going pro?

This is basically all Friday and weekend players though. Now that it's the summer time though, it's all day every day. Fucking shit stains have no idea what they're doing.

filling a custom game with bots who all vote for you doesn't count, user.

>It's a "two widow one torbjorn team on offense where all three refuse to switch and when we lose they spend the entire post game arguing about who was more useful and who needed to switch more" episode

Her turrets wreck teams, dude.

When it hits overtime and I'm on defense left with six minutes left for attackers I just go afk and dick around in base.

>tfw playing with a guy on my team who got 30 kills with her turrets

Reaper got a quadkill too. It's a team game. Do 1 damage, and you get an elimination regardless of who does the rest.

>it's a person picks hanzo on attack and does nothing all game besides whine about having no healer episode

>It's a "traveling to hanamura on offense and I have to leave the game immediately because I don't want to waste time with what will end up in a guaranteed defeat" episode

>that crop
>6 kills

Your card was the only one to show up, admit it.

meant for

>it's a "widowmaker and a hanzo on attack" episode
Also Pharah a best

This, and it's why talking about how many eliminations you have from a match means jack shit and only shows how much of a big pussyboy you are.

>It's a "bastion is going to sit outside of the point on KOTH in turret form without contesting the point and we lose because of it" episode

You're part of the problem. I've come back from worse.

They are glorified assists because blizzard doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

>it's a 'everyone on the defense team goes torbjorn and the opposite team cannot even get out of the gate' episode

What does pharah think of omnics?

You've also lost better games, shut the fuck up.

>that ledge over point B on Hanamura
>can sit there and bully the defending team

Why is Pharah such best girl?

>it's a 'zenyatta has his ultimate ready but the rest of the team stays behind cover and the payload is only 2m from its destination' episode

she's balanced and not a stupid stereotype like the rest of the overwatch cast.


>have friend who plays ow with me all the time
>really good, gets potg/golds/carries all the time
>whenever we play with randoms, he gets mad salty literally every other game
>if we win, he chews them out for being useless and picking characters that he didn't want them to
>if we lose, he does the same but with even more salt, always blaming them for the loss
>if we play with other friends, he's usually chill unless he tells someone to pick a hero and they don't pick it/disagree with him, in which case he gets just as pissed
>every time he's on the point he's complaining over comms about how nobody else is on the point with him even if people are on their way after respawning from a well-coordinated ult chain from the other team
he's just not that fun to play with, he gets way too mad at video games and gets in heated arguments with people about character picks when we're about to steamroll quick play in a 6-man premade anyway

how do you deal with people like this

>it's a "your team ignores the objective and just thinks it's team deathmatch episode"

>facing two zarya's at the last attack point
Seriously this bitch should of just stayed on tumblr

It's like Team Fortress 2 all over again.

>Soldier girl with mommy issues
Not really, sounds like she's the biggest stereotype in the game, actually.

dont play with him and state the reason why

He probably yells at your friends because they pick Widowmaker/Genji/Hanzo on an Attack map.

The only time Hanzo is acceptable on Attack is at the last capture point and only for his Ultimate if for some reason the 5 of you cannot break through.

Even then it's not worth switching to Hanzo after the first point because usually by then your Ult wont even come up.

Post a genji getting the card for objective time.

You can't.

>no you don't understand genji fucking off on his own fishing for potg is helpful

I feel for your friend.

It's frustrating playing with shitty friends and randos alike who get defensive when you tell them how to play better.

>Fuck off I'm a genji main!

>>It's a zarya ults in a one on one fight right as she is going to die and is nowhere near the objective episode.

>It's a "shit game in which hacks are character abilities and everyone gets to feel special" thread

>It's a "Every single person on your team storms the point on their own and dies then does the same thing again instead of waiting for the rest of the team" episode

I did it, didn't screenshot it obviously since it's not really a big deal. Just sit on the payload my man.

I'd rather have a retarded genji than two snipers and a bastion when I'm on attack to be honest

at least the retarded genji might luck his way into actually helping.

>see Zarya on out team
>always say my Ult is up as Pharah
>synchronizing team wipes

Zarya + Pharah ult is so good. Then again Zarya ult + any ult is really good.

>it's a "team picks two widowmakers and neither leave their sniper cage to contest the point while in overtime even though only a couple of the enemy team is alive and our team is on the way episode"

>should of

You should have stayed in school.

>it's a "having a good game and then get disconnected halfway through, then get a leaver penalty" episode

I can because ive done it. Just sit on the objective on payload maps while the team runs off to fight the enemy in team deathmatch.

>outskill enemy team
>somehow still matched with plebs

I have a friend like that. If for any reason, we haven't won the game in sixty seconds, he starts saying shit like

>"GG we lost"
>"why even try?"

>its a "reinhardts fighting each other nowhere near the objective" episode

quite like them desu senpai

>it's a 4 hanzo and 1 widow on attack match

i am dead from the neck up

>the most I've ever gotten was 9 recommends

>I've gotten 26 turret kills as symmetra before
>noone recommends me

>contesting the point as D.Va out of her mech
>get 3 kills and maintain the attention of the other 3
>I die and look at where my teammates are
>There is a bastion watching a heath pack in the room next to the point
>camping a fucking healthpack during countdown

>Be Zarya
>tell chat ult is 100%
>no replies
>spam ult readiness in chat several times over a minut
>still no replies
>see Phara ult far away from me and die
>see Reaper ult and kill one guy
>see Hanzo completely waste his ult doing nothing

I just want to help you get kills God damnit.


why does pharah's skin color change so much depending on lightning

>it's a "it's a "" episode" episode.

I know how you feel man, I have a friend just like this. He gets massively butthurt whenever someone kills him and then complains that every character who kills him is OP. He also likes to talk shit and tell me what I was doing "wrong" without actually giving advice.
I deal with it by just not using voice chat when I play with him. He came to OW from League so I guess his behavior is to be expected

>it's a "half your team dies on the other side of the map before the objective unlocks" episode

I have a new one from a minute ago.

>its a robot thay refuses to pop his ult unless all 6 members of the team are slobbin his knob episode

Thanks him and ask him what you can do to be a better teammate.


More that they don't want faggots going full retard to get the last hit of a kill, and to prevent those faggots from whining about "kill stealing"

Shit, man do you want to play with me sometime?

I have 2 friends I play with. 1 is chill and likes to have fun, the other play Reinhardt with a controller on PC and always suicide rushes the enemies and gets pissed when I can't heal through all the damage to keep him alive.

I play Mercy and Lucio most of the time. Post your battle net name and I'll add you. I need some more competent people to play with.

sometimes you just have to take the initiative and use your ult if someone else is around and has theirs ready. Check out the team screen thing to see if their ults are charged and then use yours near them and hope they get the picture.

also: does anyone use voice chat in the game to keep their teams together? I absolutely refuse to talk to other players with voip stuff because there's nothing worse than knowing you're playing with a tiny child

Hanzo's an attacker though, dingus

His arrows fuck you up

I have friends like that its too fucking obnoxious.
One standout was making the game unfun for us so I told him he cut that shit out or we'd stop playing with him. He did'nt so we stopped.

She just is

Why is Pharah such a best girl holy shit

Same thing here. For the sake of our friendship I've decided to stop playing OW with him.


mind the pronouns shitlord


>be mercy on one of these teams
>stand behind the chokepoint and buff/heal as they rush one-by-one to their death
>one of the dps cries in chat about not getting healed enough

Why would anybody expect Mercy to just walk into a full 6-man enemy team just because she has a single DPS with her.

>randomly ask global if anyone wants to team up
>some guy accept
>he zarya, me soldier/junkbro how the situation require
>goes on a awesome 4 kill with the zarya's ult and my soldier combined
>win the KOTH match
>tfw actually found someone who knows his shit and was chill as fuck to play with
>salute me with a "bye sexy"
Best random encounter so far.

I want to fuck that egyptian

Pharah is

>step on the point every chance I get
>deflect all the fuckbois
>whilst away shuriken all the supports/healers
>ult when enemies are stacked
>lose anyway
ranked when

>This is basically all Friday and weekend players though. Now that it's the summer time though, it's all day every day. Fucking shit stains have no idea what they're doing.
Do you know that people WORK during weekdays, right?

back 2 school

>tfw ranked is just as bad as high mmr quickplay, nobody uses voice chat and people just pick whatever

Ranked is trash, the people somehow manage to be more shit than quick play


>5 people died to Symetra sentry

Must be on console.
No one on PC will stand in a beam for 20 minutes as it slowly whittles health away when they can hit the turrets with literally anything and they die.

>I'm bouncin
>woop woop

I have a friend who stands by a very strong and furious claim that Tracer... IS THE MOST BROKEN, OP UNFAIR BULLSHIT CHARACTER EVER!

Friendship is hard, man.

32/1 with symmetra
my average is twenty kills with her

>Playing Rein
>Steamrolling the opposition on Hollywood
>They finally put up some defence on the third point to get to Overtime
>We wipe them down to 1 McRee hiding round the corner in the distance
>Literally all 5 other members of my team chase after him instead of literally doing nothing to guarantee the win
>I stay on the point because duh
>Get mobbed by the whole enemy team coming back from respawning

Nice bots user

>"voted for my self"

>ranked limits people so we don't have 3 widows on attack for any payload attack
>end up in an attack team with symmettra, bastion, hanzo, widow, and mei


All of them are stereotypes, that's what makes them great, just like tf2.
Stereotype doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

What's your highest direct hit % as Pharah? 41% here

Remove them from your life or tell them the truth.

>being under 75%