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Disappointed that they went for a whole different style but the fun gunplay saved it for me

New York rooftop section was great.

Nice gameplay and soundtrack, also enjoyable shooting up BRland.

A shitty Man on Fire ripoff

the TPS minigame was okay

Terrible. Functional is as highly as I will praise it.

Ugly. Poorly written. Gameplay and levels appear to be designed almost exclusively indepedent of one another. Cut scenes create horrible pacing. You simply can't play it on NYM.

Fun but too many interruptions during gameplay for cutscenes

Trust us now
It's time to let me go
Give up on us
Follow what you want
Trust us now
It's time to let me go
Give up
Give our soul away


too bad i lost my rockstar account informations and can't play it anymore even though i bought it over steam



Worst game of all time

Best one in the series.

Don't answer that.

Loved it.
I have a soft spot for Dome Max

best track

Could have been the GOAT TPS. Instead we've got shitty story and style. Those cutscenes are simply horrid

>adding a cover system in a max payne

its trash

Kino: The Game


Great if you've never played a Max Payne game before

Ok if you have

I got the shoot all guys at the bar in slo mo scene on a DualShock 3. I greatly enjoyed it, Online was a blast as well, too bad it's dead now
>playing as red head guido girl shit talker
>all that npc shit talking on the New York maps
It was a lot of fun.

Fuck thats where it felt familiar. Playing the game I couldnt help but wonder where I have seen it all before. Good movie doe

Same user.
Alongside Vanquish, Binary Domain, Uncharted 2 for melding cinematics and gameplay smoothly, Resident Evil 6 and Shadows of the Damned, it was one of the best third person shooters of last gen, and I find it really hard that any current gen tps will top any of these games

Fucking awful consolised shit.

>The constant cut-scenes
>He always changes from rifle to pistol in cut scenes, which is all the fucking time.
>He always walks right into the least tactical position during cut-scenes.
>The fucking crosshair (or microscopic dot) dissapears when in cover.
>He routinely throws away perfectly good rifles during cut-scenes and you cant backtrack for them
>managed to fall right out of the game at one point.

I have a theory that console-kiddies loved this shit because the don't know any better and their gimped controllers rely heavily on auto aim.

Fucking over-produced crap.

>That old Vietnam vet that saved your life.
>You hiding behind your wife and daughters tombstones.
>TEARS start playing in the airport.

Max Payne 2 was superior in all ways.

>"Max, dearest of all my friends."
>"Kaufman is gonna be pissed!"
>"I was supposed to be the hero."
>"I had a dream about my wife; she was dead but is alright."

Can Sup Forums help me find a game? it looked just like that webm,but the dude was a cop and he had a dog with him! you could give orders to the dog and everything,i played it on a ps2! pls!

Dead to Rights: Retribution, it's on last gen consoles, don't know about PC but it's fun in a B movie kind of way

>Dead to Rights: Retribution
Thx you so much! pic related was the one i played,the nostalgia...

It made Max feel part of the environment, instead of some model that awkwardly glides across the ground. It has impressive tech really, and while the cutscenes are awful, the gameplay is really the meat of the game. It also has an arcade mode and time attack, so it's forgiven

>He always walks right into the least tactical position during cut-scenes.
I sometimes wonder if miserable fucks like you actually even like video games, if things like this make you hate them.

you sound like a fag. it's probably the most technically impressive shooter of all time. story and cutscenes were meh tho

>prerendered cutscenes
no. fucking. excuse.

also i got so fucking pissed when i would have a rifle with full ammo and two holstered smgs then a cutscene would play and all the sudden my rifle is gone and i have a half empty pistol.

When did this happen you fucking liar

>"Like Baghdad with g-strings."
What did he mean by this?

Amazing gameplay, sub-par story. Max Payne games never had great stories anyway, so whatever.


Best third person shooter I have ever played. Max Payne games are consistantly ahead of their time.

What makes it sub-par? I genuinely want to know.


The locations and character graphics are amazing but the actual game-play is a total cluster-fuck.

The gameplay is terrible, the cut-scenes walk you from one shooting gallery to another.

Fine if you liked it but I personally play video games so that I can control the action, not sit there like a dumb shit while the dickhead I'm supposed to be controlling throws away perfectly good machine guns.

You're right about the gameplay being the meat, see image.

>Going through that strip club segment as a kid

Feels good man. Never played II so I think I will try to play that

Don't care about uncharted and never played RE6/SofD but Vanquish and Binary Domain are genuinely amazing and fucking underrated

First one did, all the monologues and fancy metaphors were great.

What, things like the character you're supposed to be contolling doing the stupidest thing imaginable?

Are you fucking braindead?

Absolutely stellar gunplay, really enjoyable plot so long as you remember the GTA guy wrote it.
Loading-cutscenes kill replayability, unfortunately.

This happens all the fucking time.

All. The. Fucking. Time.

But that doesn't matter if the game is structured around you.
Never once did I ever get to a part in the story and think it unfair because I was in a stupid place it put me. You're starved for excuses to be a contrarian faggot. That was some weak shit.

You must be really dumb shit who is easilly pleased.

Do you often find yourself giggling at clouds or staring in rapt attention at shiny paper?

Shadow, go!

>Fucking rips out guys throat.

Man that shit was SO cash.

>everything locks behind you


Not that user, but it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, Max acts really weird and the story becomes really absurd for no reason and Max just does things for no rhyme or reason. Even if you try to find reason for his actions as some sort of redemption in the end he does a 180 and gives you a monologue on capitalism.

StoD is mediocre and only great for playing it through once. It is RE4 but way easier. I remember at some point of the game the machine gun has homing effect, as in you don't even need to aim.

stranglehold is king

I always thought he did it cause he had nothing to lose.


3 has good gameplay as always but the setting doesn't work, the story is bad, and the presentation is all off. I'd like another MP game but I feel like 3 kind of killed the series.

Well, if you think that is acceptable, I'll just have to assume that you are a typical spoon-fed console baby so go fuck yourself and maybe try and get someone to smash your face in.

Classic game! I hope they make another one soon.

I liked it.
1 was better though

You could say it's not "a good" Max Payne game but it's better than all the shit these days.

Seems fun enough, I'll pick up a cheap copy
I'd love a 3 style spin off where he just fights mafia on the rooftops of new york

Max Payne 3 is so awful that I am going to have it deleted from my Steam library. Pity that the tech from 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' is fake. Then, maybe not, If I erased it from my mind I might accidentally play it again.

Kek. What a fucking autist. I haven't played on console in years. You are a fucking saddact for getting this angry and cynical, but hey I'm on Sup Forums. That's about what I'd expect.

Give me 5 better third person shooters.

Seek help you delusional fuckwad

mexico sucks

1. MP3
2. MP3
3. MP3
4. MP4
5. MP5

I spit hot fire

This is now BIG L thread

Before I buck lead and make a lot of blood shed
Turn your tux red, I’m far from broke, got enough bread
And mad hoes, ask Beavis I get nothing Butthead


>look at the mirror with head full of scruffy beard
>shave himself bald and leave the scruffy beard on
>leave the suit and put on shitty Hawaiian shirt instead

His idea of a fresh start is apparently some sort of mid life crisis image change

Max was hired to bodygaurd. He did so. Then he uncovered he was being fucked with by scum. It got personal and he wanted to take out those corrupt fucks.

It isn't hard to follow.

I jumped out the Lincoln, left him stinkin
Put his brains in the street
Now you can see what he was just thinkin

Absolute garbage. The shooting is kinda alright even though it feels very slow compared to the first two games. The fact that the controls really make you want to feel like a clumsy old fat drunk also doesn't help. The story is devoid of all charm, even Max himself is dry and witless. The worst fucking thing is the level design and the cutscene -> 2-5 minutes of shooting -> cutscene structure. It kills all flow the game might have had.

Facts on tracks I recite well
Everybody wanna be like Mike, but Mike wanna be like L

That isn't hard to follow, his reasons are.

Cutscenes were a pain in the ass. Fantastic gunplay that used the Euphoria engine well. PC version was a dream and insanely well optimized.

Something along the lines of Rio being a fucking warzone, but also a party city? I dunno, that was a wack-ass metaphor.


I’m livin' up to my extortion image
I be stalkin' Lennox, catchin' more bodies than abortion clinics

dead space
binary domain
kill switch

+ fun tps
+ good soundtrack
+ gore
- terrible, ripped off story
- incessant cutscenes (all of which are movie files)
- weapon switching after cutscenes
- level 'gates' that lock behind you when you pass through them

I'll give you vanquish, binary domain and maybe kill.switch

Mafia 1 is great but the TPS aspect cant compare to me3, same for dead space

What’s this motherfuckin rap game without L?
Yo, that’s like jewels without ice
That’s like china without rice
or the Holy Bible without Christ
or the Bulls without Mike
or crackheads without pipes
The Village without dykes
or hockey games without fights

Who the fuck cares about history in games? I would fuck Zoe Quinn just to play again for the first time that Airport Hall sequence.

>there are bitter people who cant enjoy this

feel bad for them desu

He is in São Paulo, actualy. There is a neighboor here called Morumbi where the slums are right next the milionaires condos.

Max is a good guy. He was in a position to help people. That's what men do. I'm sorry you can't relate to that or understand that.

>dead space
I found it boring but it's still a good game
>binary domain
>kill switch
Should've said WinBack

Mein nigger!

That song was perfect for that section.

Happiness isn't something that you can "be" all the time, it's a serious of moment.

Playing this for the first time is one of those moments.

I thought he just liked killing stuff and drinking

I would enjoy it if the whole game consisted of shooting like that, but no it just has to wrap itself up in so much bullshit that its even hard to tolerate on a first playthrough.

Fun and packed with action.
I like how the story is told with flashbacks, and Max's voice.
fight me

You're trying way too hard

binary domain is absolute garbage, i dont know why you faggots eat it up. japs cant make anything remotely resembling a shooter

Kiryu and Akiyama skins.
'Nuff said.

He explains in the next scene that it was for his disguise. That's why he also gets a gaudy shirt. To look like a tourist.

it's a one man Tropa de Elite simulator
playing Vanquish and Binary Domain back to back it becomes clear that BD is an overrated 6/10


>playing max payne 3 with rifles

absolutely degenerate, it's a m9 or a revolver


you sicken me

>Gameplay and levels appear to be designed almost exclusively indepedent of one another.

Well put. Such huge potential for "flow", but such little room to actually use it. The airport part was fun because it's one of the few bits of the game where you have space and time between cutscenes to cut loose.

Why make that cool little animation for going through doors, and then go on to just force pointless cutscenes over most of them anyway?

That's the most frustrating and baffling thing. Why the fuck add short cutscenes for actions that the players would normally do themselves in any other game? The only reason I can think of is to merge gameplay and cutscenes more to get that "cinematic" feeling but that's missing the point completely. Max Payne was always meant to be cinematic, but in the sense that the gunfights would often look like some well choreographed scene in an action movie, not in the sense that you're sitting there watching a fucking movie most of the time. Even turning the game into Uncharted would be closer to the spirit of the original games than this shit.