Is reinhardt for snug or fug?

is reinhardt for snug or fug?

Snug definitely. Rein is pure.

Which character is not pure?

Most of them are. But Rein is the purest.

Rein and Roadhog are for Snug
McCree and Genji are for fug

McCree is a top and Genji bottom

Why not both?

What's 76 for?


If you've ever wanted to fuck an older Chris Metzen


Stern fatherly advice.

What the fuck is he meant to be eating

Being the #1 cool dad

currywurst I guess

What about Roadhog?

snug, it would be awkward to fug since he's too big

>too big


>not letting him fuck you hard against the wall while he props you up using only his own strength

Roadhog posters are pathetic.


When will Sup Forums be over this game


what the fuck is up with that dialogue wew lad

I want to cuck reinhardt with these two.

He is for romance

It was translated from Korean.

Pretty sure koreans are retarded but not that retarded





>Roadhog posters are edegelords


I am a barafag but dumping porn isnt one of my pasttimes.

what about discussing barafaggotry

Sup Forums's fine for vidya related barafaggotry.

What vidya would your husbando enjoy?

That's lewd, user.

is he fat or ripped?

Not many of my 500 husbandos would play vidya.

Why are people so fucking weird?



For what purpose


No /fit/ man would have such a wide and jiggly disgusting belly.

Fatherly love.

I fall in love easily.


Its pretty much a perfect belly.
Bellybutton aside.

I guess people age better in the future. Given he's probably in his late 50s-70s

I see your Amerifatfag grease stuffed stomach and raise you perfect /fit/soldier tummy.

>listens to hasselhoff

Roadhog isn't American.

If it doesnt jiggle, whats it good for?

>spending all day flirting with a cute, receptive grill while going on adventures in their van
user pls, I think we all know what's happening between Reinhardt and Bridget _____monogamous sex

... Which likely doesn't look like that at all since

what is currywurst

>fatass slob
what the fuck is this new meme? am I being rused here?



Its all a big joke.

I dunno, 76 is pretty /fit/ for an older guy. Also, there's no way he's over 50; the whole Omnic Crisis ordeal would place him at about 48-50 at the most.

We haven't even see him shirtless but it can look like anything at all since everything is possible in fanart world, even making Roadhog not look like an out of breath fast food guzzler. Too bad nobody's tried that yet because muh fat representation is too important, right?

There's no way he's that ripped. It's probably more like


is there any neko roadhog art?

he's a super soldier who can pick people up and throw them like ragdolls.

He's ripped.


Sam doesn't play games. Unless he has to.

I heard anime has better men than vidya.

Is that true?

> Before long, he earned a coveted position in the government's controversial and still-classified (but widely acknowledged) "soldier enhancement program." Military scientists shaped Morrison and other inductees into the perfect soldiers, blessed with superhuman speed, strength, and agility.

76 is a (former) supersoldier

Just Grizzly-kun.

i'm not a faggot like you, OP. So it's not for any of this.

Not at all

Youre not a qt girl either clearly so you lose out on all accounts.

By not being a faggot i already win by default.

Youre definitely a faggot. Just not the good kind.

I think videogames have more iconic men so it has a lot to pick from even if you don't play much.

Fucking coward you clicked in the thread to reply so now you're automatically at the mercy of a 7 foot tall old man knight with no escape now either snuggle or bite the pillow bitch chicken you gotta choose.

>69 with an old war veteran

Fuck this Overwatch circlejerk.

Post your vidya husbando at his best.

mine will trigger Sup Forums

only one of those is less gay..

Morenatsu doesnt trigger me.

>Dominate Junkrat as Roadhog
>I'm tired of hearing your voice

Please stop turning me real gay, Sup Forums, fapping to traps was bad enough.

Roadhog is only for the gayest of gays. Youre safe.

Post vidyers you would bully

why am I attracted to fat people, please help me

>Bellybutton aside

Literally my fetish, and it's hard to find decent art that isn't either MSPaint Tier garbage or furry weebshit

Do you guys actaully look for a husbando in a game or you just happen to like a character and settle down with him?


If yo dont like kemono we cant be friends.

Both really

Most guys in videogames are shit desu, if i come into a game expecting to fall in love with somebody i know i will be disappointed so i learned to stop doing that.

Most modern western games tend to be guilty of having shit tier characters.

Hottest vidya husbando

Here guys, he's perfect now.

you guys posted the wrong redhead king

>Just when I though ganondorf was perfect nintendo releases hyrule warriors

>mfw i have no face