Should they have just kept the same team that made Mafia 2 to make Mafia 3 instead of letting some liberals in...

Should they have just kept the same team that made Mafia 2 to make Mafia 3 instead of letting some liberals in California make it?

Fuck off racist

mafia 2 was shit though

Fuck off cuck


Well, yes, the current premise but with Vito as the MC getting revenge for Joe would have been great.

I liked the current previews though I'm just worried too much of their political agenda will be hamfisted in the game, don't care if there's a black character but I DO care about other stuff

My biggest issue is the ridiculous driving physics

There is no human black or otherwise that looks like that. That is fucking horrifying


at least you get to kill that fucking proto-fascist drumpf



Why the fuck would a liberal make a nigger wear the role of a member of the mafia? If anything the devs are probably retards who thought it be hip and cool because we gangsta and shit.

Back to pol you racist.


>heh i'll photoshop mike brown's head on this guy. that'll impress my Sup Forums bros
>*whispers* shut up mom.

kek. more accurate.

>put black character in game
>make his skin pale as fuck
>make him butt ugly

Wow, good job there. So progressive.

You know I think Trump is a retard that can't be trusted with the presidency. But how fucking assblasted by the guy do you have to be to make him a pink-suited mafia dop for your progressive black hero to kill?

Sorry i triggered you. Need a safe space? Back to tumblr


You do realize these people take pride in being racists right? You're only making them feel better.

Its not about race faggot. Its called Mafia not gangsta.

he is mixed isn't he?

anyway for all their progressiveness I cant help but feel this is literally a chimpout sim. I mean dude is supposed to be all up in the fight against the evil white man but all he does is wreak havoc with no regard for collateral, not exactly very noble of him now is that?

you play as a dindu nuffin vigilante destroying the mafia because they're evil racists

Yeah you showed me bro. You should head back to Sup Forums and brag about your epic win

Looks like Jordan Peele.

You've never seen a mixed black person before.

>not a gang

Jesus at least try to get some brains cells to fire off

please. Peele is way handsomer.

Why the fuck did they put a not-Trump in the game? All it fucking does is date this game hard

>if it has a black guy as the protagonist it must be a plot to further the diversity agenda
>if it has a woman who isn't overly sexy it must be a plot to further the feminist agenda

I really fucking hate you murifats

Shut the fuck up about feminism
Shut the fuck up about LGBT
Shut the fuck up about diversity
Shut the fuck up about liberals/regressives/left
Shut the fuck up about religion

Every single god damn bullshit on the internet came from you murifats. Even the male right horse shit came from you turds.

But even then that's not right. His face has the texture of actual skin while the shit in OP looks like some volcanic crag. And then there's whatever the hell is wrong with his teeth.

>male right horse shit

I wonder who could be behind this post

because this game is being made by a bunch of beta faggots from san francisco

And you know where Americans came from? You filthy Euros.

>a black guy in a series based on the mafia isn't retarded

I was hyped for this game until >trump

Holy shit how do you drop the ball that fucking hard? I don't mind the new protag, the new setting, or any of that. If it was written well, I would happily enjoy - but including notTrump™ just indicates the writing will be guaranteed absolutely mediocre.


could be funny depending on the writing and how seriously they take it

but iirc the devs are massive sjws so w/e


>it's not an agenda you're paranoid
>villain is a satire of a current politician they disagree with
Paranoid and naive are opposite ends of a spectrum, try to fall somewhere in the middle next time.

Are video games dying?

lurk moar

Crime is power plus prejudice
Black people cannot be racist. Delete this thread and educate yourself so you don't look like a Sup Forums piece of shit leaking into other boards

this ^


you know if they were like rockstar it wouldn't even bother me, trump's a funny guy and they could write a villain based on him to have equal funny qualities (plus I'm not a winny Sup Forumstard) but we all know this ain't no rockstar so whatever


I'm gonna go with exceptionally?

What inferiority complex ridden euro country do you hail from?

>mafia will never have a handsome protagonist again

>Every single god damn bullshit on the internet came from you murifats
yeah, including the Internet, so shut your worthless little third-world mouth, faggot

>hey guys what if we completely fuck up a character reference to the previous game

I don't even mind that he's black but jesus fucking christ

those are not human proportions

What happened to the original Mafia team, and why is this game made by some faggots in SF?

>all these triggered white bois

i love it senpai. GOTY on release for sure.