I want to fuck Jill

I want to fuck Jill.

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I want Shill to fuck off.

>used goods



I want to talk to her and gently pat her head while we cuddle under her kotatsu

Anyone got screenshot when alma is serving her drinks?

Is being a used slut a desired trait in Venezuela?

Really, guys? A little on the nose, don't you think?

Jill is cute, CUTE!

G'evening b'tender

Who's best girl?

Also, I'm a tad ashamed there's not a really fun tune like Steel Hearts.

>Jill's full name is fucking Julianne Stingray
Fucking seriously?


But she likes girls.

She is bi as she mentions she has had boyfriends and the type of guy she likes as well.

Is this a fetish? Because it fucking should be.

Delicious mom jeans

I want to sniff her farts

Holy shit you just punched me in the face with nostalgia.

Im really upset that i lost one of the cables for my gamecube. Been dying to play this game again.


also are there any special triggers or branching paths for getting clients drunk on purpose or serving wrong drinks?

Jill think she slick.

Once you hit new game + you have hints on the remaining endings.

There are special triggers for serving wrong drinks, for exemple sweet drinks to Ingram during day one (and maybe the others too, I haven't tested yet).

6 endings. 1 of them is the bad one, just don't pay your rent by the end of the year.

For the other 5:

1. Don't royally fuck up any of Alma's orders and her ending is easy enough to get.

2. Drink enough to get drunk (I just down all 12 beers), when talking to Dana on your balcony.

3. Make sure you cheer Dorothy up with a piano woman when the time comes, also she likes girly, sweet drinks.

4. After the bank incident, Sei will ask for a bleeding jane. Jill will comment if she should really have one. At that point give her a blue fairy instead.

5. Buy Mulan tea in the shop, when Miki pops back to visit towards the end of the game, give her the tea when she asks.

Also, for the secret characters you need to give the secret drink to Alma, Stella, and a third character (I recommend reporter girl when she literally asks for "something"). The drink is 1,1,2,3,5, all mixed. You'll screw up your perfect bonus, but in return you'll get 3 secret characters.


>obsession with "muh pure waifu" taken to obscene fucking extremes to the point that you'd think their mothers were still virgins
I like pure girls as much as the next man, but Japan is stupid about this and their idol culture.


She's masturbating
which is very cute


>playing with scan lines on

>you will never watch Zyuohger with Stella

Why do I even bother living?

What's the best song and why is it "Every Day is Night"?

i just set it on repeat now when playing, don't even bother with anything else

That's a good user

>Also, for the secret characters you need to give the secret drink to Alma, Stella, and a third character (I recommend reporter girl when she literally asks for "something"). The drink is 1,1,2,3,5, all mixed. You'll screw up your perfect bonus, but in return you'll get 3 secret characters.

is there a specific time when you need to give them this drink or just whenever?

damn good taste, user

what is this supposed to represent. It happens when you click on her, right?

she's recovering from her orgasm, user

how the fuk do i unlock more music?



This one's alright, a bit too cheerful though, doesn't suit every scenes.

I personally like the most Reminiscence, Digital Drive, Dawn approaches, with renewed hope, Showtime and Heart of the city.
Yeah, I just can't pick one

why am i playing this game if i don't even drink

I didn't catch it until someone else pointed it out. granted I don't actually play VNs very often, only other ones that come to mind are KS back when it was flavor of the month a few years ago and Steins;gate

What is this game

A meme game for the meme age.

pretty sure the secret drink is classy (or classic? i forget) since I gave it to alma just fine when she asked for one of those and kept my bonus.

It's a really comfy game you fag
It's the best game this year.
Normies get out xxD

>Visual Novel
>Has no porn in it

What's the point then? I honestly don't understand the reasoning for it.

Dev here. delete this porfavor

Also I pirated. But hey it was a nice game.

The moment I found out she's into girls I dropped it. Completely ruined it for me.

Not the dev here
They live worse off than you probably
Pay them for game and they can be happy thanks to be buying user friend

Jill reminds me a lot of a Mexican girl I know in High-school

It makes me feel melancholic

I'd say me and the dev are in an equally shitty situation. Sorry mate.



I paid $20 for the game and I actually didn't regret it. Good on you, devs.

Oh, I'm sorry user.

The ost alone pretty much worth it

It's okay, I'm shilling the game to friends though. Best of luck getting out of that shithole.

>Not Who Am I

Man, why can't I get people drunk?
Do I just up the dose of Karmotrine in every drink? I heard that Kira Miki had some funny drunk scenes, but when I gave her a bunch of hard booze on the first day I didn't get anything.

locked myself into the bad ending only able to get 9900 bucks unless i fuck up alma's drinks on purpose and make them more expensive

kill me

>has no porn in it
>"Whats the point then?"

That sucks
The only way I actually made rent the first time through was because I failed my power bill, the last one is really unforgiving
It's not actually that 'bad' of an ending, though, you get to cuddle with sweet hacker tiddies

Usually if they ask for a drink with optional Karmotrine I put it the necessary components and just fill it to the fucking brim with karmotrine

>its not that bad
>cuddle with titty hacker
>who jill has a crush on
>but alma doesn't feel anything for her

It's called cozy hell for a reason

You can serve tea to miki on her first request but I'm not sure if this does not fuck her ending.

I don't think it was that hard to get through to the end, paying all your bills and not getting the bad ending. I bought the "don't get distracted" items 95% of the time (I think I only missed two or three days for that) and even had some superfluous shit like the megachristmas tree. only time I started sweating was during the last one and I still did that with a few dollars to spare by just making everyone's drinks big on the last day.

That's what I did, but I still didn't get anything good
I'm guessing that there's only a couple scenes where you can actually get people wasted, and I just haven't seen them yet
I mean, what's the point of being a bartender if you don't get people shitfaced

>make 75% of the cast gay as shit
>the one character I want to be a lez is stone cold het
It's not fair, dammit

It's time for you retards to fuck off to the containment thread in /vg/ with your "game"

>locked yourself into the bad end

Literally how? I payed all my bills and still had enough to pay rent at the end of the month.

Did you buy every item Jill wanted to keep her on task or something?

How do you prepare big drinks?

Just double the amount for each thing

Yeah let's talk about ecelebs instead

>one thread every few hours 4 days after release is unacceptable
>multiple overwatch threads every hour for weeks is okay

Sup Forums, ladies and gentlemen

There's another one hundred and forty nine threads on Sup Forums, man. At least this one's about a game.

What's the playtime on this?

Not him but I didn't know the requirements would be that steep so I blew my money on stupid shit that looked cool in my room and wallpapers

I finished at 12hrs

Yeah lets talk about ecelebs and have a lol thread, maybe with some barneyfag on the side.
This is real Sup Forums hours turn up

just double the contents, remember that if a drink starts off with over 10 units of ingredients it is already 'big'.

for getting Streamer-chan drunk like she asked, I doubled up the Ethanol drink which is like 9 units of booze at it's base, shit probably insane.

I did my first playthrough in about eight hours. If you're the kind of person who weights playtime versus cost it's probably not your game, though.

I'm fairly certain one of the first things it tells you is that you need 10k at the end of the month to not get evicted.

>never more than one thread up at a time, if even that
>threads have only even been up for a few days

undermeme had at least five threads up at any given time for at least three months, go fuck yourself

this is a fair estimate if you are actually reading all the conversations and websites on your phone.

I missed my powerbill by about five hundred dollars, if I hadn't bought that stupid wallpaper for Jill's room I would've made it

is the OST uploaded anywhere?

pirate the full game

The based musicbro uploaded it for FREE on his bandcamp

it's on bandcamp for pay what you want (aka free) m8

anyone got full body pictures of Jill?


>it must be this big for me to even get interested


how do you get this?

>Jill is exactly at motorboat height

I keep forgetting Dorothy is supposed to be a kid. She really doesn't look like it.

or if you want to be a lazy nigger


>Jill wears a short skirt
I was absolutely fucking positive she wore long pants. Damn.

I think it's 'cause you only ever see her torso and up.

Ohh thanks. Just checked the archives

I remember seeing a picture of Jill wearing long pants during breaks or once work day ends.