Other urls found in this thread:
>That one fag who just uses his Queen to win
Chess is only good between two people who haven't studied it.
Just rote memorisation, play a real game like Go.
Chess is a strategy game. And one of the oldest games in existence.
White > Black
I miss Fitz.
>that guy who challenges your King to a 1v1 in mid
>he breaks his word and ambushes your King to checkmate you
Fuck you Tyler.
Guys I got 1969 space chess from a garage sale for 3 bucks today. It's like chess with 3 levels. I can upload pics when I get off of work at like 10:30 est
God I hate women.
>Not doing Pawn only runs
Scrubs, scrubs everywhere.
I thought we were talking about Chess, not people.
Reminder that castling is a scrub move invented by scrubs and if you use it you're the cancer killing chess.
You better deliver
>One of the oldest games in existence.
This is what A.D kiddies actually believe. I bet this scrub has never even played rockball.
The game is very unbalanced. It's turn-based. So whoever has the first move has the advantage.
The game has been out for nearly twenty years now, and they still haven't fixed this.
What the fuck Nintendo?
Chess? More like shess... sess...shit, more like shit
>yfw you realised it wasn't a joke and he's really gone forever
I've got two days, a decent microphone and video editing chops. Give me a game to play and review like Fitz would, Sup Forums.
You can move in any direction, any distance, whatever you want!
Origionally the queen was much weaker, some liberal faggots made her stronger back when there was this succesful female or some shit.
Like all Germans, the denizens of Hagensendtdtdt are silent, emotionless and made entirely of light, having no corporeal form.
>King can't do a goddamn thing and has to be protected by his slut wife Queen that probably cucks him on the daily with Bishop
fucking SJWs ruining everything
Wow, those two are really cute.
Mangnus Carlsen, play League of Legends you scrub.
The only female in the game, the Queen is a fucking Mary Sue.
name some chess games
Sup Forums again proving that they are never funny.
>teleports behind your pawn wall
>checks your king
>pssstt..nothing personnel... kiddo
>forks your rook
Battle Chess, from which all modern versions of Chess are derived.
Battle Chess
the immortal game between adolf anderssen and lionel kieseritzky
Oh, and this? You know what this is? A horse, right? No, no that's a knight. I thought a knight was the guy wearing armor on top of the horse. But no, no the horse itself is a high ranking member of the Feudal system.
Anyone else think Rook needs a fucking nerf? Not balanced at all
>Not playing Chess 2
Just post it already.
Meme games general?
that was really dumb
Fucking terrible I hate this game DDoS the website please, send a virus.
Once you get good its not even strategy its just memorization.
fucking SJWs had to ruin even Chess with their "stronk independent womyn" bullshit
I miss him.
What piece do you guys move first when you have to make the first move?
e4, natch
this: so I can move my bishop and my queen out
In russian denomination of chess figures
>Queen is changed to "Advisor"
>Pawn is changed to "Footman"
>Rook is changed to "Longship"
>Knight is changed to "(Cavalry)Horse"
Why can't you murrikans make as much sense?
though Bishop is inexplicably changed to "Elephant"
no, you just need to learn to respect the rook's power. A lot of scrubs dont realize he's the second best unit in the game. You have your own rooks, use them.
>treating chess like one of your epin skillz games
Every tactic is viable. It's a game of sequences.
you should know that kings cant 1v1. That's a stalemate
Bishop was originally elephant. You think they had bishops in India?
3 >>>> 2 >>>>> actual dog shit >>>>>>>>> checkers
Anything else is objectively wrong
Mate in Two.
>every tactic is viable
I present, for your judicious appraisal, the anderssen opening
In persian chess the Rook is the Chariot, hence why it moves in a straight line only, to simulate the charge
>that kid who instalocks White because of the win ratio
white to move? you need to specify.
knight to f7, fork king and queen
Well, every winning tactic is viable
who 1v1 here only
this so fucking much
White to move, checkmate in two, you answer is wrong by the way.
Qg8, Rxg8
Bottom color is always to move
And that can't lead to checkmate in two, in fact it looks like a pretty bad move
Queen g8
Horsey f7
Am I a smart boy?
>still say wacky tobacky to this day
>still miss fitz
Good job anons, heres another.
Same deal, mate in two, white plays
Why does the king NEED to be male? Why can't there be a female king sometimes?
No, the queen and all the pawns that turn into her don't count, she is of secondary importance. The leading piece must be female or else it's misogyny.
1v1 here
Not the easiest site for tho
>restricting your pawns
i like
i can't even right now
dudes im freaking out
>Of course the only female character, the queen, is a fucking marey sue!
Nf6#, Qxf6
Kd5 -> Kf6 check
queen takes knight
Qh6 -> Qf8
>posting casual shit
Here's some real deal
Boys are just better at adventures.
See: Shadow of the Colossus, Ico , BIlly Hatcher, etcetera...
queen d6
pawn f6
What do I do when Knight uses Royal Flush? When the fuck are they going to nerf Sicilian Defense? And why in the name of God did they leave a schism between your teams religion down to RNG in what is supposed to be a competitive, skill-based game? What a fucking mess, I'm going back to checkers.
>there will never be another battle chess
The current game has only been around since the 1400s with some major rule changes. It used to be played with dice. Chess is newfag tier.
Knight nerf when?
Knight f6, queen takes
Queen f8
>Getting a Checkmate with your Pawn
Is there a better feeling lads?
how many moves?
>tfw shit at chess
anyone have a lobby up and wanna smash a 400?
>not playing Go
Fucking western peasants.
I would feel bad about it
However many you need to reach the conclusive victory
Couldn't get into it to be frank aniki. I don't care how strategic Go, it simply isn't as fun. Every game in chess some dramatic wacky shit happens, the most dramatic thing to happen in Go is realising that you fucked up 20 turns ago and now you're playing a hopeless game
underrated post.
>chess, but your King now has MOBA style abilities
>taking pieces raises his level
Here, I just revitalized the game for modern players
Warhammer 40k: Regicide
You really didn't
man it's really comfy knowing that plebs can't enjoy such patrician games
>Not playing with pieces of onyx and solid jade.
the musical adaptation was better desu