What are the best reasons to build a gaming PC?

What are the best reasons to build a gaming PC?

resolution, framerate, being able to customize games to your liking, mods, using different input methods, not needing an extra device for gaming (everyone has a computer already anyways, so why not a gaymen machine?), cheaper games, tons of interesting freeware shit.

There´s probably more but I´m tired and can´t think clearly atm.

shit, I forgot emulation

The only reason to own a console is to play exclusives and with retarded friends who only play on consoles

It's simpler to just flip the question around

Video games.

Making your own content too.
Mods/level editors/game development platforms like Game Maker, Unity or Unreal engine.
Anybody ever try making levels in little big planet? Massive pain in the ass using a control to manipulate stuff.

Posting on Sup Forums.

PC gaming is not worth it, in fact it's only worth it if you like AAA multiplats and must run them at the highest settings and you are willing to fork out over $1000 to do it.

In my humble opinion, those games are not worth that kind of money, I don't even think there's been a AAA multiplat game released this generation with good gameplay....

PC's core and flagship games are surprisingly the most cost-effective video games there are, the core demographic and the overall userbase don't have $1000 PC's as such PC's main games can run on much, much cheaper hardware.

If you mean is a $100~$200 PC worth it, to play PC exclusives and for utility then yes, but the enthusiasts in my opinion who spend upwards of 1k on a rig are pissing money down the drain..

Lbp is way simpler than blender

You can't file your taxes on a console

Nearly unlimited and gateless backwards compatability


But I can file my taxes on my laptop

More options in pretty much any game.
Generally better sales

>The only reason to own a console is to play exclusives and with retarded friends
And if you like physical copies rather than digital.

Laptops are PCs.

all of them

You can buy physical copies for PC games but sure, ised games

>muh physical media
literally grow up oldfag

>buy physical copies
>see this


Shitpost and gaymes.
You can't make le dank maymay on consoles amirite? XD

I play a lot woth unreal, unity and blender, LBP is a million times simpler, wtf are you on about? Of course LBP is limited too but it's a fiucking game

>I have a 3 Mbps DSL connection
Consoles used to be plug and play.

tony hawks?

better community

Not my pic and i have no idea what console ""game"" this is since i'm not a scrub.

wanting to tip your fedora

Just heard the disc contained the demo only because it was so rushed as activision ran out of the license on release day

Consoles USED to have solid, concrete, legitimate advantages over PCs.

It's struck me as really odd though, how console makers seem hell-bent on eroding those advantages over time.

Once upon a time, consoles had the "ease of use" angle locked the fuck down. You'd pop a cartridge of Super Metroid into your SNES, turned it on, and within a few seconds you were in a fucking game! It was great! Meanwhile your friend would be stuck for half an hour swapping disks, installing Ultima Underground, and then that game would be awkward as fuck, and while it wasn't terrible, very, very few PC games of the time had the immediate and obvious appeal of console games of the same era. To my 7 year old self, Super Mario World was just, flat more fun than Commander Keen.

In the future space year 2016 though, we've got this weird bizzarro world going on, where console games take half an hour or longer to install, and the vast majority of the crowd pleasing, instantly fun, widely accessible games are either exclusively on PC, or the PC version is the best one (how many people are playing overwatch on PC right now compared to consoles, do you think?)

And that's not even getting into game availability and exclusives. If you told me 10 years ago that the best version of the newest Metal Gear Solid was on PC, or every Final Fantasy was available outside emulation, I'd slap you. But here we are.
Brave new world, man.

LBP2 editor is one of the best level editors I ever used, the only real problem are the retarded phisics.

>Consoles USED to have solid, concrete, legitimate advantages over PCs.

They still do, all PC gaming is 10 year old console ports while missing out on the best console games simultaneously.

The advantage consoles have over PC is video games. PC is just a more expensive console shoehorned by shitty multiplats.

FFXV, World Of Final Fntasy, FF 12 remake
>All on console

PC: We might get FFXV a year later

>Newest metal gear is now an open world sandbox but if I cna run it better it means its good
>can't play the last and best true MG game being 4

PC gaming is a joke

your post is a joke

Whatever helps you justify your purchase.

We'd all be better off without proprietary hardware. Consoles hold back everything about the industry that should be moving forward. Step back from your fanboyism for a moment, and look at it objectively. Consoles are just locked-down, proprietary PCs. The brands needs to end.

>how many people are playing overwatch on PC right now compared to consoles, do you think?
Actually PS4 is the platform with more people playing Overwatch.
>can't play the last and best true MG game being 4
The last true MGS game was MGS 3

Even physics are pretty cool when you consider they work off screen anywhere in the map so you don't have to worry about physics breaking on larger contraptions

>The last true MGS game was MGS 3

And the best things is that you can emulate it on PC


1. brag about having a pc
2. ...

"Why I switched to pc" the post.
After 6th gen consoles started becoming worse pcs instead of better consoles.

My problem with the physics is they are too "floaty" for a platformer but the level editor is great.

>Consoles are just locked-down, proprietary PCs.
Supported by manufactures who actually make video games, can afford to contract and develop third party exclusives and provides an entry point to the industry for developers who can't survive through crowdfunding/greenlight yet still want to make AA games.

We get console ports, 99% of our games can run on $100 hardware, we contribute nothing to the industry and flood our own markets with shovelware trash on an hourly basis.

PC gaming is a joke. Wake up.

You get to become a wizard

>console ports are the only games on PC
You're incredibly wrong

You do not need to spend $1000 on a gaming PC. A PS4 is what, $400? You could build a PC that blows it out of the water for $400. The PC I built 6 years ago blows it out of the water.

>make expensive gaymen PC that can run games decently 10 years from now
>buy the consoles depending on what games you'd like to play

If you're not a poorfag be an idort.


remember when Crytek triyed to make a game for top-end PC's and nobody bought it?

Apparently fixed in third one but I haven't played it

Why even play video games if performance is so important? Just watch stress tests at 4k resolution over and over, there is literally no point in playing video games when you can max your hardware with benchmark tests.

I literally look down on a filthy pesant who insists to push the idea that he can actually ''''''''''enjoy''''''''''' video games on such dated hardware which I can run better. Console users are so stupid that they dont realize PC hardware fully outperforms it at any given moment.

I'm thinking about building a PC soon. How much would it cost me to build something decent? I heard AMD announced a new card at e3. Willing to go sale hunting for parts. What CPU?

Lots of people bought it desu, and that's why it got many sequels

>I'm thinking about building a PC soon.

For what purpose? PC has no games

I think you've summarized the evolution well.

The only thing I'd add is how cost effective PCs are now in comparison. It's totally possible to buy a comparable PC for the same cost of a console and then you can do a million other things besides gaming with your fully functional computer. And if I ever want a new game on console I'm going to have to shell out $60. On PC I have an enormous number of games I can buy for far cheaper or even for free (I mean actually free, not pirated.) Hell if I want to do online play on a console that's likely an added cost too.

Maybe he will use his PC for productivity purpose. Who knows?

>I'm going to have to shell out $60. On PC I have an enormous number of games I can buy for far cheaper or even for free (I mean actually free, not pirated.)

This is the reason why publishers keep giving consoles exclusive games while you miss out

>Lots of people bought it desu
>Cevat Yerli stated during an interview with PC Play in April 2008 that he was disappointed to see the game leading the charts in piracy and because of that his studio would not produce any more PC exclusives, as he believed a game such as Crysis would sell four to five times more copies if it was released on consoles.
Crysis series was literally saved by consoles senpai

>how much would it cost

Between 800 and 1000 for a GOOD PC. That's something that will play everything out there right now at max or very very near max settings.

You can skimp if you want, but building a PC is very much a "You get what you pay for" situation.

I paid very very slightly over 800 for mine a year and a half ago, it's a mini ITX build with an i5 4590, and it runs literally everything I've ever thrown at it to this day at 60FPS at max settings. You could probably by this exact PC for less today, but there are better options out there now, as far as sales and better tech goes. You'll want to do your homework.

TL:DR: the sweet spot for a good, cost efficient high-end PC is around 800-1000, but it's absolutely worth it.

You get the highest quality versions of multiplats and ports in most cases, and when a console generation dies the PC won't and will still be getting games from each generation, and it'll be getting games from all the competing consoles, rather than just having Xbox games or just having Playstation games as you would a console. Consequently, in the long run, its in a way cheaper than if you bought a console, as you will have a more limited supply of games and it'll eventually stop getting games for it.

I use my PC pretty much for multiplats and ports and I adore it.

Yeah you're right. Denuvo saved pc gaymin I guess ;=)

>Denuvo saved pc gaymin
PC gaming can't be saved senpai ;^)

I think it comes down to how accessible PC has become.

As you said, PC gaming was a chore in the past. Not to mention most people weren't going out and getting new parts for upgrades. Computers were still pretty niche, and you likely only got a part if you were fixing your computer.

Now that it's so easy and cheap to upgrade your computer whenever you want it's made computers more competitive against consoles. Consoles can't afford to have significantly lower graphics or more expensive hardware in order to avoid load times when PCs are almost the same price as consoles now.

>Supported by manufactures who actually make video games, can afford to contract and develop third party exclusives and provides an entry point to the industry for developers who can't survive through crowdfunding/greenlight yet still want to make AA games.
pure delusion

I'm lost as to what the point of your post is.

>I use my PC pretty much for multiplats and ports and I adore it.

This is exactly why its hard to take PC gamers seriously, when essentially console ports become the pivotal point of your gaming experience whats the point of even playing on PC? Why don't you just play on console where ALL the games you want to play art? Why limit yourself to 2 ports when you can have the full library on a console?

modular. shop around for used parts. low cost. high performance. sell your old parts. 100% digital library.

>This is the reason why publishers keep giving consoles exclusive games
third party exclusives are a rare thing to see these days

well there aren't many good exclusives, but the emulation lets you play all those old games without buying a shit ton of consoles.

Not being retarded is the main one.

If I REALLY want to play a console exclusive that bad, which is rarely the case because they're usually overhyped AAA hallway simulator moviegame shit, I could just pirate it and still play it on PC.

What's that gif from? Are they on street fighter or something?


>why play console games plus PC games when you can just play console games


Why i5 and not i7?

GTX980 or AMD's new card?

>when essentially console ports become the pivotal point of your gaming experience whats the point of even playing on PC?

That's a double edged argument, though.

When the vast majority of games are available and largely identical regardless of platform, why WOULDN'T you choose the platform with the best framerate, graphics options, and resolution?
Not to mention seamless patching, instant support, free online functionality, and in the best cases, modding and community tools?


Why would you want to enjoy games the best possible way?
I don't get it either.

sauce me fammo

i7s are usually inefficient for gaming. Or at least they were. I don't actually know much about the landscape right this second.
I just picked the parts that were most cost efficient for the time that I bought them (forgot to mention I got a GTX970). If I did it all again today, I probably would pick up AMD's new card.

>the platform with the best framerate, graphics options, and resolution?
don't fall for the PC meme, most PC ports are shit.

>Why don't you just play on console where ALL the games you want to play art? Why limit yourself to 2 ports when you can have the full library on a console?
I believe I answered your question in my post. Generally speaking the PC version of these games is the highest quality version, and once a console dies out no new games are being released on it, while the PC will continuously get games from each generation. Sure a graphics card/processor might become dated, but it'll still be getting games that will play on it. And the PC gets games that are on Xbox, Playstation, and occasionally, Nintendo, while each console environment, disregarding multiplats, is often excluded to itself. For example, Scalebound is on Xbox One and PC. Megadimension Neptunia VII is on PS4 and PC. Sonic Lost World is on Wii U, 3DS, and PC. You aren't locked to one environment. That's why I game on PC, even though I mostly play multiplats and ports.

That said, I'm a slight idort. I am willing to get consoles and play on them if they are cheap enough. I have a Vita and 3DS, and may get a PS4 far into the future once the console has dropped to dirt cheap prices used.

>why WOULDN'T you choose the platform with the best framerate, graphics options, and resolution?

Why would I buy a console which gets all the games in the first place plus multiplats then build a $1000 PC on top of it just because 2 games randomly got ported so now I have to run that game at the highest settings possible.

PC's are not worth 2 console ports they get sadly. Only an idiot who likes console games waits for them on PC while missing out on its library.

It's well worth it if you have enough money to go all out with your parts. Otherwise it's more of a preference thing.

PC games don't look good on a shelf. Check mate.


making fetish porn in SFM/MMD

>TL;DR console exclusives

That's an argument that would've held water five years ago.

Today, Microsoft is actively porting every Xbox game to PC, and the PS4 has a negigible number of exclusive games, given its price tag. Like, I'm legitimately trying. I've been trying since the PS4 came out, honestly. I'm dying for a reason to buy one, but all it's got is Bloodborne, and soon The Last Guardian and maybe Gravity Rush 2, if that ends up being any good. But then, that's my tastes, and yours might differ.

The only console where "Exclusives" is still a legitimate point in its favor, at least in my eyes, is the WiiU, and I have one of those.

SS13 and DF

>what is the order and knack

So in other words, the hardware your games are running on is literally more important than indulging in a full catalogue of games and you're willing to settle for 1 or 2 console ports just so you can play them on PC.

It's funny though, you can justify spending a premium on the latest GPU to play console ports yet find trouble buying a cheap PS4 to play the very games you want to play. Everything about how you play video games is self defeating. It's like you put fourth an effort just to make it harder for yourself to play and enjoy video games, a process that should be so simple.

Can I ask when you decided to place importance of hardware over video games?

I dunno, I've found most to be passable to great. Very rarely are they bad from what I've seen.
>Disgaea PC
>Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
>Final Fantasy Type 0 HD
>Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
>Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
>Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
>Valkyria Chronicles
All of these are great ports.
>Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus
>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye, Despair
>htol#NiQ: The Firefly Diary
>Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1-3 (I'm not listing out all three)
>A Boy and His Blob
>Killer Is Dead
All of these are passable ports. And that's just stuff I've played. I haven't heard any complaints/have seen good things said about
>Final Fantasy IX
>Hyperdimension Neptunia U
>Dark Souls III
>Tales of Zestiria
I mean yeah, there are bad ports. The first two FFXIII games, FFVIII, and Tales of Symphonia are some. But I'd say most ports turn out decent to good.

I think i threw up

>you're willing to settle for 1 or 2 console ports

I think you're VASTLY underestimating the exact number of multiplat games there are in the modern catalogue.

It's literally like 95% of every console's library.

You know how many games came out for the PS4 in 2015? 87. Do you know how many of those games were exclusive, and weren't HD re-releases of PS3 games? 3.

So you can play MechWarrior Online.

Seriously it's fun

>building a gayming PC just to play Vita games
you can get a PSTV for like $30 and get the same experience senpai

>the order and knack


>get a gaming PC
>can always play your old games at the modern resolution
number 1 reason in my opinion.

>Build $1000 PC
>Play last gen console ports
>Play literal PSP games


Same here, games don't age the same.

I also love emulation for the same reason, in fact seeing the Ps3, 3DS and Wii U emulator doing so well with less than a year worth of life is great.

I'm also a graphics whore so I like playing pretty games.

Xbone has backwards compatibility, PS4 has gaikai, WiiU has virtual console.

Your point?

And those 3 games are actually good or bring something new to the table.
This year for example how are you going to play all the games getting released on PS4? Are you just going to miss out on them, wait for them on PC?

Not even remotely the same. Come on, man.