Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem

>What is this game?

Fourth Fire Emblem game. Japan only, but has a new translation patch that actually translates the whole game.

>What's this thread for?

I play the game and you suggest how I do it. There's a lot of factors to decide on, such as who gets specific items and how certain units interact. There's a generation system, so these decisions have huge impacts.


Other urls found in this thread:

Last time barely anything happened because I'm shit at planning.

That being said, here's how the map and everyone looks.

that's just stupid

Well hopefully the thread takes off this time.

If anyone has any questions about FE4 or FE5, feel free to ask.

How do you actually get Seliph and Julia to marry each other?

I already reset, so I know that eliminates one option

Finn finally gets the bargain ring.

Holy shit I never knew this was a boss convo

Everyone thinks Sigurd's up to no good but rumors never go anywhere

This chapter takes forever


I fucking love barbecues.

Hey its everyone's favorite name change

Don't worry, the key is not to reset once you've started the second generation. You can reset all you want before that. Celice and Julia come with a super high love meter but it normally decreases over time. You can quickly get them married if you don't reset in the second generation and use the jealously system: arrange your units like this for a couple turns:
[celice/julia] [mana/radney]
[mana/radney] [celice/julia]
Or the non-subs if that's what you have.
That will get them to marry immediately. Note however that you'll lose the change for Daisy to give Celice a hero sword if you do this.

The other way is to keep Celice and Julia together all the time without using the jealousy system (so their love doesn't degrade), then in the very final chapter put Celice beside Julia for a while when she's an enemy.


Well I'll do it if it gets voted

When will FE5 get a decent translation?

He's mad

This section is nasty as you have an awkward path, ballistas, and a boss with infinite sleep staff

where's your tripcode siggy

Right here.

Charge is a terrible skill and this is proof.

Never ever.

But hey, at least it's something.

Oh and there's an upcoming TRS translation to look forward to.

After hitting many inaccurate hits, Lex almost fucks himself over right before promotion. Thank god for Vantage.






and Erin's here.



Finn, Arden, Lewyn, and Midir are taken. Claude's the only guy not present, but he's allowed.


Delete this, or I will report this thread.



please report, end my suffering

Can you keep her unpaired without killing her off or are you playing too slowly?

I could, but I ain't going for subs.

seems today's slow again. I guess people left after E3.

Holyn was clutch, thank goodness.

Now he looks like a very upstanding gentleman. I doubt he'd ever pull any kind of underhanded trick and only fight in the most honorable fashion.

In hindsight, FE4 doesn't work too well for these threads.

I'm almost tempted to just drop it and start up thracia because that game's a shitton faster. That being said, these decisions are up to the audience. All 4 of them. Good god I'm terrible at schedules.

>2 votes

FE4 confirmed cursed. Killed the original LP user, and now I'm in the same spot

Sorry to disappoint yet again. I really am no good at these things.

Welp, time for me to disappear again. See you in September. Maybe TRS will be done by then. That'll be cool.

FE threads usually take a while a get going, maybe one more thread after this before switching if things don't turn out?

Nah, this is like the 4th thread. FE4's a slow game and I doubt it'll pick up. That's on me for both picking a slow game and being slow about playing it.

Next time I'll get it right. If there ever is one.

Honestly, Kempf does nothing wrong aside from falling for Olwen's provocation in chapter 16a. Olwen criticizes him for not sending reinforcements to a lost battle, but he made the right decision and she was clearly incompetent given that she couldn't even say which army was attacking them. And what's wrong with preparing some special tactics to defeat the enemy? Nothing, in fact he should be praised for being a good tactician.

It's too bad /feg/ is cancer, otherwise, you could leave a passing mention there and get some people genuinely interested in FE4 to watch.

I think FE5 or TRS shit translation version to poke fun at would work out without needing restrictions since there's more "choices" to be made.

It's too bad there's no interesting ROMhacks left now.

Yeah, I'd rather not reach out there.

Guess its just bad timing. Once summer ends I'll probably pop into an FE thread to gain interest in FE5/TRS.

Its unfortunate that this is like the 3rd time in a row I failed to finish a game but I guess I didn't get too far to begin with.

Thanks for the advice though.

There's nothing wrong with the way you're doing the LP, in fact I'd say you're a hell of a lot better than that nigger who was LPing recently. You could get more children in here if you demanded "gets" and played a more popular game, but I know I would enjoy the threads a lot less.
Too bad this run died, I hope you finish your run on your own and enjoy playing the game.
If you're brave enough, you could try moving to /feg/ and try to do your LP amidst the shitposting. I'd really like to reclaim /feg/ from the shitposters one day.

I don't think FE5 or TRS would work since they're even less popular than FE4, unless you did a GBA LP first to build attention or something (but that's kind of lame).

>I'd really like to reclaim /feg/ from the shitposters one day.
I feel like that would require a couple of different things that aren't entirely feasible.

I'm pretty sure it's bad timing. I was following your FE7 playthrough up until the chapter where you fought Jerme and suddenly I couldn't find your threads anymore. FE4 is a fairly poor choice for this though since you can basically deploy everyone.

Oh, and you could try /vr/ if you don't mind a slow thread.

I said earlier that there wouldn't be much interest for a FE5 LP, but just to clarify I personally would find that very entertaining. Even moreso if you were to attempt a 0% growths warpless ironman or something, as that's probably the most fun I've had with a FE game.

I want my /feg/ home back too but it's not gonna happen.

Yeah, considering how there's less than 10 people here, I can't really do a run. Not your fault.

FE5 and TRS are less popular, but sometimes that's an advantage. Nobody knew shit about FE404(myself included) but the surprises help keep interest. FE4 has a nice plot but you either know about it already or don't care

I like /vr/ but its not really good for ongoing playthroughs like this.


Hmm, maybe try getting an audience with FE8/9, then try FE5 again?

Yeah, I think there would have to be a reversal in tone to the games themselves and either people actually getting banned for breaking the rules constantly and/or a temporary /feg/ blackout so that those who are there to just shit/waifupost will eventually leave.

Great timing to refresh Sup Forums I was beginning to believe there'd never be a next Siggy thread- oh, oh dear.

Soggy you should do FE Midori/Green or FE girls lots of character choices plus japanese

That's a good idea too. I'll fuck around with Dolphin and see if I can make FE9 Maniac happen, as that would be pretty darn cool.

>everyone gets here as I give up.


I'd love to give it another go but I'm still in the awkward spot where things can't be consistent, and that makes a full run less likely. I'd rather wait it out than wait until something clicks.

Yeah, /vg/'s mods are the issue. They don't give a shit.

If Midori had a translation I'd do it. The problem is that I suck Midori is pretty hard, so I couldn't get away with using guys like Sain unless I use the tower.

True, don't think there's a translation but most of the skills are easy to figure out

If FE9 Maniac doesn't end up working out or even if it does try doing ike only.

I use to go on there everyday, no trip but it would be just fun talking to people about the games instead of the girls they wanna fuck. I mean sometimes it'd happen but not every thread. Ban all of the tripfags currently in there except for Oakland, he's alright.. I want an actual board for FE not Serenes forest or neo /feg/

I can't tell because I'm always here, but do you post at different times each day? I figure it would be best to aim for a certain time each day for doing a LP.

Don't do Ike only, that would be incredibly boring for him and for anyone watching. What would Sup Forums even choose in an Ike only run?

>Ban all of the tripfags currently in there except for Oakland
All of them. Hell Tharjafag probably should have been rangebanned a long ass time ago. The fucker changed his trip because he was getting filtered too much, which just lets you know he's making an effort of being a cocksucker.

Yeah but it makes it hard for others to follow

I try to stick to night but I lack the ability to consistently have a daily time due to work and stuff.

Is FE7if super cancer in the early chapers anybody know?

Drill Remover needs a heavy ban, Tharjafag needs to go completely. You know what all of them need to go.

FE7if was pretty annoying when I tried it.

lategame is pretty much impossible

i never get why the japanese don't know what balance is

Oh dammit just when I got home an FE LP thread happened.

Also I might make a thread tomorrow for FE6 but i'm gonna patch in better growths for that shit game no promises

one thing you could do is that you take thread suggestions for how people get buffed. Keeps the game fresh.

You're a fucking retard and from this post alone I can tell your playthrough won't be worth watching. Please explain why you need to cheat for better growths and why you consider FE6 to be shit. If you think it's shit, why are you even replaying it?

If you're gonna do that can you give Sophia better bases too? I have no idea what IS was thinking with her.

Leave Zeiss alone, he's already the best

Why patch it?

Wouldn't be funnier to see suffering?

theres an actually patch the fixes like 6 characters growths, and I already played the original game I don't like having shit units and being carried by Milady and using 4 paladians

>playing one of the worst FEs

Why would you put yourself through that? You might as well fucking play Gaiden if you want to eat shit.

Gaiden is fucking based, bite your tongue, lad

I'll excuse that shit taste only because you uncucked yourself. Gaiden is still fucking bad.

Reminder that this guy is way cool

I wonder if he's still working on that game of his.

He is. He just put out an update to let people know that the game is still an indie game and for people to not get overly excited, that it's a labor of love and he's greatful for all of the support.

The sRPGmaker game? He's almost done, it's coming out in japan in a few months.

Oh. Thanks. I was just wondering.

you gotta put them in a square like the second you get them of something like

Seliph - Aya's Daughter
| |
cleric girl - Julia

sorry I can't remember the names I haven't played Fire Emblem in years. How it function is Seliph and Julia start high in love points or whatever its called but have a strong negative growth that them just being next to each other cannot overcome, so what you must do is use the jealously system to overcome it. Basically jealous works like if a girl is next to a guy and another girl is next to her then the latter girl will get love points with the guy out of jealousy. if you put them in a square like I described Julia will get enough jealously points per turn to overcome the negative growth

In case you haven't heard, TRS is almost fully translated. Though it might still take a while to insert everything.

Do any of you read moonrunes? How good is berwick saga?

Oh I heard about TRS getting fully done a while back.

>Do any of you read moonrunes? How good is berwick saga?
Most of the moonfags I know of seem to like it.