That has to be the best MMO in recent years

That has to be the best MMO in recent years.

It has the potential to kill WoW if IMC can get their heads out of their asses.

This should be reportable.

im not falling for this bait

If you don't like video games, you're free to go back to whatever shitheap you slided here from.

WoW is doing a good job of killing itself.

hey user I see you¡re the same user from the last thread
I wish ToS was good too
but everyone in Sup Forums it's a fucking disappointment and pretty bad

enjoy your 2389472389743 replies

>Runescape and EVE still have more subs

This is going to add to my shitpost fuel again FXIV fags.

>Release game on Steam for everyone
>Don't accept any new players


You can play now.

post webms of the best mmo to ever exist from the country known as South Korea

>It has the potential to kill WoW
I play it too, but even I know this is bullshit

What this?

Laugh all you want retard, even Runescape has hit and surpassed 1 million active subs in its lifetime and is still highly popular and played. XIV has never ever hit even 1 million subs, it's barely scratched more than 600k, it's been sitting at below 600k active subs since it launched.

Fuck you I never leave Sup Forums don't talk about our shitheap like that


A lot of Korean games have cool animations but when you actually play them they turn out to be total shit.

Vindictus: Not-an-MMO Edition

totally my dude

Ironic, considering Nexon doesn't consider Mabinogi Heros a MMO

Meh, ToS is an average game at best.

Honestly I like the variety of classes
the bad thing about it though
half of the classes are bad, terrible (especially archer)
theres not enough people actually playing the game to go support

Hurk is literally just space bar -> right click repeat x 10000 though. Not that impressive and Vindictus sucks in literally everything but the combat..

I don't like a lot of the shit that's happening with the game and I hate how incompetent IMC is, but I'm having a hard time quitting. I'm addicted, an addiction to an online game that I haven't had since FFXI.

At this point I'm really hoping either IMC can miraculously fix the game, or just fucking kill it and work on kToS full time so I can be forced to stop playing.

woa! that LMB+RMB combinations! so exciting!
that enemy attacks back like 2 times in 20 seconds and then just stands there doing nothing! what a thrill!

Oh. I didn't recognized it. IT was kidna disappoint mainly cause of nexon

>642 hours

What the fuck man, this isn't healthy.

Runescape has been very popular since 2001, when WoW released it only got even more popular. When Membership got introduced people hopped on the bandwagon and it has been that way since then.

I thought archer was the king of OP classes right now? If there's a bad class it's warrior, because even with meme armor/dagger and blessing/sacrament I'm struggling to kill monsters on my level. People want you to cast swashbuckling and sit there while the real classes kill all the monsters. And there's still no way to recover HP without a cleric so having extra health/armor doesn't do anything for you while questing.

except archer is probably one of the more stable classes user, itd be up there with cleric/wizard if its pet classes werent hot garbage in terms of how functional it is on the whole. As is only swordie is in a really bad state, the rest are mostly fine playability wise

>All the offensive Cleric classes look fun as fuck on paper
>They're absolutely shit in execution

Don't go to /tosg/ it's becoming the new /terag/ /xivg/

it's okay to not understand game mechanics

except most function alright, biggest crime currently is druids transform and dievs owl statues due to the love IMC has for half a screen knockback

i have 1,200 tp

what are the best hats to enchant?

At least it's not /rog/.

whatever looks nicest to you user. The rng on hats is all equal

I already have 3 hats with 3 property damage each

I just wanna jew now.

I remember trying to go Bokor and it being an incredibly unfun experience with barbarians and archers stagnating your already slow leveling. That and I remember everyone complaining about how useless Sadhu were, which was something I also wanted to play.

anything with property, and crit rate will sell high, if you can manage a hp+/property damage+/crit rate+ you're easily looking at 2m, a +4-600 hp one will go for 500kish, a triple prop will likely net you round a mil-1.5

sadhu is "fine", it needs a minor damage buff to OOB but otherwise its pretty okay, just not super good like it was in beta. Now bokor, i always forget bokor, yeah they definately need help ktos finally gave them a buff but it really just needs an AI tweak ontop of that like all pet classes do, then itd be fine too.

>when WoW released it only got even more popular.
That sounds counter intuitive. Shouldn't that hurt Runescape's subs.


MMO subs weren't a mainstream thing back then, RS players bought membership off other players with in game gold or Party Hats. It became the norm if you couldn't afford it.