Why do people worship this fat fuck? He has the most middle of the road opinions on gaming and life """advice""" ever.
Why do people worship this fat fuck? He has the most middle of the road opinions on gaming and life """advice""" ever
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Why do you care so much?
Milking the pity angle.
I don't know
Boogie is a huge faggot. Guy knows his weight is going to kill him, to the point where doctors have told him if he drinks soda again he's going to end up in a diabetic coma.
He also has an incredibly thin skin, and is a huge baby.
He frequently also makes videos on "meta" stuff like Drama, and things that don't effect him even slightly like the Orlando shooting, where he literally almost broke down in tears over it.
Guys just been doing it so long, and he has a fuckhuge amount of enablers.
Can't respect self made fat fucks. Seriously sort that shit out you grim first World cunt.
Isn't it obvious? He loves fatboy cock and Boogie hasn't noticed him.
Why you give a shit is beyond me user, maybe you're just a pathetic fucker.
He's a better person than you.
I wonder what his wife looks like.
I wonder if they have ever had sex.
Like, seriously, I wonder if such a thing is even physically possible to do.
Because despite being old, fat, and gross - he's not ashamed of who he is, can edit and post videos on youtube, and makes money off it, unlike you.
He's fat so i'm automatically better
There's a video of him saying video games are going to crash and indie games are going to save the industry. I never watched him ever again.
Do you realize that obesity is genetic, right?
He tries too hard, and he's still shit at it.
>Oh I'll just make yet another video where I sit on the fence on something because I have no strong feelings one way or the other because that's DANGEROUS thinking and I don't want to offend anybody.
Guy needs to grow a fucking backbone. You can still be assertive, and be good.
she's the jewess here
>thin skin
Your skin would also be thin if it were stretched out like a tarp to hold the four corners of his lard in place.
That is one really fat man
he is so fat he has to ride around on a fat mobile
are you the one that hacked him?
Literally who?
kek where?
What the hell is Emma Blackery doing there?
Nice b8 m8
Cry more pussy face. Being fat doesn't equal mandatory pity.
This guy is so fucking pathetic. I don't think he has ever run a mile in his life. He makes 100k+ a year talking about gay rights and fat acceptances and weeboo shit while his wife's eggs dry up.
What a fucking waste. I guess he is a good american in other ways.
I think that he was one of the popular youtubers that stayed on gamergate's side when the whole thing went down, that is enough to grant him my respect, imo
don't spend it all in one place
>middle of the road is bad
>those fucking haircuts
He/she has pissed their pants. Gross
How many times do we have to explain this?
No, it isn't. But you know what is? Shitting out a video to hundreds of thousands of people about the topic as if you're saying fuck all new.
>Fat scooter
Would hurt to get that exercise
a "better" person than me despite talking shit about his dead mother and capitalizing on drama for Jewtube bucks?
Sure thing bucko
How insecure are you OP? kek
nobody talked about how he was threatened into shutting up about it by sjws
> be a fat fuck until high school
> have enough and start working out every day
> lose a shit ton of weight, get /fit/
Fuck off.
>Would hurt to get that exercise
It would be extremely painful.
No seriously, he said in videos before that the cartilage in between the bones of his hips and knees has literally disintegrated.
>His wife
>That unintentionally hilarious tweet
>fat loser who cries on YouTube about being bullied
>has to move around on an electric skooter
>only successful for initially making fun of how obese he is
>dumb as a fucking brick
>2 undergraduate degrees and a masters
>in the top 10% of students in my field
>Good job
>inherited a fuckload of money
>thin and athletic
>fucking a hot girl
Yeah, nah familia
He seems like a nice guy and from the little I've seen of him he doesn't seem to excuse his fat ass and seems to accept it's going to kill him. I'm a fucking spooky skellington (6ft1 110lbs) because I only eat once every 2 days and forcing myself to eat fucking sucks, I can imagine trying to lose that much weight has got to be somewhat tough as well but since he's pretty rich he should really be able to afford healthy food and a trainer.
>not just chubby, but blatantly obese
>giving out life advice
cuz he fat so he is funny, also because he remain neutral on the GG debate