This faggot needs to get nerfed. Hard

>play as genji
>rush junkrat down, deflect his bombs
>fucker freaks out, throws tire bomb, spams more bombs at me
>i die instantly

this happens with every character, not just genji. his bombs do WAY too much damage for their to be an infinite supply of. junkrat is by far the most OP character in the entire hero cast.

If you were any good, you would have kill him first

i kill him in 1v1's with genji 90% of the time. i'm talking about how easily the faggot can get out of a screwup by spamming his shitty bombs and tire bombs.

More salt than the entire ocean tbqh familia

>This character beat me in a one on one 'cause I don't understand distancing, they need a nerf.

>I kill him 1v1 90% of the time
>but he should be nerfed anyway lol

the whole point of this post was to point out that junkrat's bombs do too much damage.

t. mei who got fucking destroyed because her ice heal ran out

>as genji

Pick Pharah or Roadhog

Tracer come fuck him up if the Junkrat doesn't know how to press shift

>I usually kill this character
>But he needs a nerf

Don't get close to him
>B-b-but muh Genji ult
Play a better hero

What are you talking about? He's easy to abuse with Genji.

The real pisser is his trap when playing Genji. You're moving so much you have a much higher chance to jump into it, and the time you're in it is longer than your reflect. But landing in it is always my fault, should pay more attention.

>play as genji

Theres your problem

>This one character killed me this one time
>pls nerf

dumb animeposter

>play as genji

What really happened was you ran over his body and got killed by his martyrdom

>it's an "user dies several times to a player with superior skills, blames his inability to play correctly on the enemy hero, and is so angry he feels the need to make a thread on Sup Forums" episode

every day

don't forget

>He mains a character in a game where you need to counter pick
>He has a bad experience fighting one hero and keeps repeating the same mistakes when they fight them again

The game is a instagib aimbot joke made for casuals, what do you want?

>this one time a guy was better than me
>nerf the hero he was using

these stories always get me

>a bunch of different things happened
>then I died "instantly"

>getting in a close fight with someone who can trap you, has explosives come out when he dies, and basically has a pharah rocket launcher with close range direct hits

>play as Genji

Suffer, you fucking nerd.

What would you rather have on your pug attack team, a Pharah, a Junkrat, or a Mei?

>rushing down Junkrat when you only have 200 health
>losing in a 1v1 next to Junkrat when you have more than 250 health

No matter how I twist it you're a fucking idiot