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boring and repetitive as fuck

dont buy it

you see that gun in the cover? you don't really get to use it

I liked it.

This is true, too. You get scolded for not taking crooks in alive.

Starts good, but the end of the game is fucking TRASH on trash and just ruins the whole experience.

The game pulls a twist "you now control a new main character" shit out of left fucking field, AND then kill the main character you spend the whole game playing. In a very shitty and stupid manner as well. So yeah. If you can deal with the stuff up to that, can be ok.

Kinda cool, but the story pacing was all messed up and it gets repetitive as it goes on.

Not really


I thought they bundled it with the goty edition.

For all its flaws I loved it.
At times the lie detector stuff was actually quite difficult, and it was a good feeling when you catch them out by using evidence, not just doubt. The reaction to doubt gets a lot of hate, but I think it was originally supposed to be called "pressure", which makes a lot more sense. The cases are interesting, and in most of them it's not outright obvious who the killer is from the start, like in a lot of crime shows/games. The dialogue in a lot of scenes, especially one of the DLC ones with the consulate's car, is fantastic.

They should have eased up on the gunplay though. That's what ruins the pacing for me, because it breaks up the hunting feeling with mediocre shooting. They should have reduced the shooting scenes by heaps, like only in some cases endings so as not to ruin the pacing.

The world is amazing though, I liked the characters, even the sudden change to playing as Kelso. I understand it's not perfect, and it's not everyones type of game, but the setting and atmosphere made it have a special place in my heart. Give it a shot - its usually really cheap anyway.

The Homicide portion of the game is everything I thought it would be.

Goes to shit immediately after unfortunately.

Patrol was a tutorial. Traffic was great. Homicide was the worst part of the game. Vice was great. Arson was ok. Ending sucked ass. Phelps had literally no reason to fuck that whore and that whole thing was force as fuck.

First half of Vice was fantastic, the boxing case was one of my favourites. Along with Homicide, Vice had the most noir feeling of the whole game.

>Phelps had literally no reason to fuck that whore and that whole thing was force as fuck.
This. Ruined the entire fucking story.

I liked it but then i also liked Police Quest 1-4.

The open world was nice but kind of a waste of resources. Either more crimes and shit to do on the map or go all linear. This middle ground stuff is a waste.

Autism made me terrible at the interrogation bullshit.

Good but flawed, wasted a lot of potential. The GTA parts felt incredibly tacked on. Street crimes all ended the same way. The actual investigations and stuff were alright, though, apart from having to choose between two clearly not guilty parties in that one case. Also what the other user said, the whole affair thing was forced as shit. I don't think it's even mentioned that he's married before that part.

It really does. Arson is nice and all, but it wasn't worth sabotaging Phelps character for. They needed a better way to demote him IE. Solving a care that involves corrupt police/politicians

Good, but severely flawed game. At times the lighting looks amazing (pic related is one of the early cases). Other times it just looks lazy. Almost makes me wonder if they switched teams halfway through. There are glitches out the ass. Driving can be a pain in the ass, and there was no need to make it open world. I think it would have been a better game if it wasn't open world.

The main problem with interrogations is that there could be multiple explanations for the suspect's responses, however they expect you to know the one that they want you to. So even if you come to a perfectly reasonable conclusion, you could still end up getting it wrong because it's not the specific conclusion that THEY wanted.

I didn't like the ending either, and I agree their affair seemed forced. It was completely out of character for him to do that, there didn't seem to be any good explanation for it.

Slightly wasted potential, but excellent atmospheric execution and plot. The world was great, I just needed an excuse to explore it more.

>it literally took them seven years to make this game and the best they can come up with for an ending is a shitty fucking twist

>I don't think it's even mentioned that he's married before that part.
Opening cut scene, and numerous dialgoue pieces, especially with Rusty. Something along the lines of "You're married, aren't you?" when Rust is talking about how women are cunts.
The demotion because of the affair was a cover up, because he knew all about Vice guys corruption and connections with the drug lords, and was way too straight edge to be trusted with that information. Remember he was interrogating the psychiatrist who featured in all the newspapers, who you later found out helped burning down the houses to make way for the elysian fields conspiracy, when he was called in and got demoted. Vice detective guy held the information about the affair, so he could report it and get Phelps off a case that he was too deep in. From what I recall, the houses development thing was all about getting the properties along the planned highway for very cheap, and selling it off at extremely high prices to facilitate the development of said highway.
I agree the affair was bullshit, but it was just a way to get Phelps off the case. They could have handled it better by at least giving some hints that Phelps is prone to cheat, not being portrayed as immune to many womens advances throughout the game until the kraut bitch.

Good premise, but let down by the lack of levels and railroading.

If you fuck up a case really badly, 9/10 times you'll wind up somehow back on the case.

Also, Vice missions are easily the funnest but you literally only get to do one throuh to the end in the entire gam .

>time for some dramatic plot!

The dumbest shit is that they didn't really give him a reason or show him doing anything more than walking into a fucking door.

Phelp's family is only seen once in the form of his wife waving as he pulls off the drive right at the start of the game. You have zero connection to her and don't even find out that he has kids until his funeral.

Also, I know the 1940's had a different approach to cheating, but denoting one of your star detectives mid-interview on a case he's close to cracking is fucking retarded.

>The main problem with interrogations is that there could be multiple explanations for the suspect's responses

this is my main gripe with this game

> denoting one of your star detectives mid-interview on a case he's close to cracking is fucking retarded.
Read They pulled him mid interview because he was interrogating 2 people intwined in the conspiracy center to the game

>hardball noir detective game
>ends with a gunfight in a separate against an insane man armed with a flamethrower

Also, I don't like how the traffic segment ends with a massive gunfight on some Aztec looking film set.

You're not autistic, just a dumbass.

That tsundere of hyperdimension doesn't appear even if the game tittle has her name


I thought it was pretty good, the biggest flaw is that the game continues even if you fuck up your decisions, and the end result can be a solved case but with a bad rating and the chief scolding you. I think people get too worked up over phelps spiraling his life into shit, but I guess they could've fleshed it out a bit more.

>Very first scene of the first detective case you work the captain says if you fuck it up you'll be running shit field work
>fuck it up
>get another case

Would have been nice if they added actual penalties for fucking up cases, like you have to do x amount of those street crimes until they let you another actual case

Has there ever been a good mystery game? Or recently even?

I've seen games like firewatch and murdered: soul suspect but I don't want to waste my money on shitty walking sims

but user that would require them to actually make enough content to fill the open world

off the top of my head:

blade runner
shadow of memories
discworld noir

i dont know about recent, i have heard mixed things about crimes and punishment but i never played it so i cant say if its good or not.

The protagonist was such an uptight faggot.

deadly premonition

The game's focus was its facial mocap. It really did look awesome at the time. You were meant to determine cases just by facial expressions.

But then they changed the Accusation system to be softer. The devs went from "Coax, Force, Lie" to "Truth, Doubt, Lie."

By rearranging the options, when you "Doubted" somebody, you screamed in their face. Originally meant to "Force" the answer out. If they stuck with the original system, I think Phelps would've been a way better character.

Lie Doubt Truth Lie Lie Doubt Truth Truth Doubt Truth Truth Truth Truth Lie Truth Lie Doubt Truth Truth Doubt Doubt Truth Doubt Doubt Doubt Doubt Lie Doubt Lie Doubt Doubt Lie Lie Doubt Truth Doubt Truth Doubt Doubt Lie Truth Lie Lie Truth Doubt Doubt Lie Truth Lie Lie Truth Lie Truth Doubt Truth Doubt Lie Lie Doubt Lie Doubt Doubt Truth Doubt Truth Doubt Lie Lie Truth Doubt Lie Lie Lie Truth Lie Doubt Truth Doubt Doubt Doubt Truth True Lie Doubt Doubt Lie Truth Doubt Truth Doubt Doubt Doubt Doubt Doubt Doubt Lie Doubt Lie Doubt Truth Doubt Doubt Truth Truth Doubt Lie Lie Doubt Lie Doubt Lie Lie Lie Lie Doubt Doubt Lie Doubt Lie Truth Lie Lie Doubt Doubt Truth Doubt Doubt Doubt Doubt Doubt Lie Doubt Truth Truth Doubt Lie Lie Truth Doubt Truth Doubt Doubt Lie Doubt Lie DOubt Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Doubt Doubt Doubt DoubtDoubt Truth Doubt Lie Doubt Lie Doubt Doubt Truth Lie Lie Doubt

Team bondis worst game

Nice Movie.

It was okay. The pixel hunting investigative sections were shit though

There are numerous mandatory shoot-outs in the game. In fact, there are too many of them, considering the game is not primarily a third-person shooter.

>"Coax, Force, Lie"

Is that really how it was meant to be?

That's kind of confusing, since the first two words describe what you want to do and the third word describes what you think the other person is doing. The "lie" option which exists in the final version of the game does not cause the main character to lie; it makes him accuse the other person of lying.

Boring. The concept was neat but it just felt so flawed.

My main problem is that the game is based around having to read facial expressions. They tell you that if they're stone-faced they're telling the truth and if they're twitching or looking around then they're lying. The problem comes when you realize that so many people are stone-faced but are lying and people who are twitching are telling the truth. Trying to read facial expressions when you have little to no information feels whimsical.

The more action-packed side mission activities were the best part of the game for me.

They recorded all the interrogations already, but changed the options. So you were meant to intimidate the suspect to tell the truth, then accuse them of lying.

They changed the options to make it more detective-y, because cops are never mean, right?

>I don't know what film noir is