$ 69.99

>$ 69.99
is this shit worth it?

It wasn't worth $69.99 in 2013. It's one of the most boring GTA games I have ever played. All of Rockstar's effort goes into the retarded online game, in an attempt to milk people for digital currency.

>It's one of the most boring GTA games I have ever played
Nah you're thinking of IV, the worst GTA.

Good god no. Fuck this game, seriously. The singleplayer is okay but they removed tons of promised features that are instead available online, which is a soul sucking grind. It feels like a free to play game that's pay to win.

>tfw I bought this for $25 amerbux yesterday

Admittedly, I got damn lucky.

Details, titty monster.

>Singleplayer is a 10/10 experience like every previous entry in the franchise
>Plot itself is meh and at times poorly executed but the effort put into the game is visible at all times
>Game world becomes soulless after you beat the game but during the story it's vibrant and immersive as fuck
>Soundtrack is meh relative to other GTAs but you're bound to find a few stations you like
>And honestly a few years from now anons in retrospect will agree the soundtrack is actually pretty great
>Online used to be shitty and boring as fuck but now that there's ACTUALLY SHIT TO DO IN FREEROAM it's a pretty fucking fun experience
>especially with friends
>Sharkcards are still inexcusable but fuck it, just ignore them
>still no Singleplayer DLC, reeeeee
Just get the fucking game. It's GTA.

It was $60 on launch in USA. Disappointed me compared to IV.
I bought it on PC for another $60 2 years later for mods. Still disappointing, but this time around it's also a 65 gb download.
Don't buy it for more than $30 USD.

V was better than IV in every way you nostalgiafaggot.


>Singleplayer is a 10/10 experience like every previous entry in the franchise
Only if you never played the online, there's so much in online mode that should have been in singleplayer it's disgusting. No houses to buy or insurance on my cars? For what purpose?
>Online used to be shitty and boring as fuck but now that there's ACTUALLY SHIT TO DO IN FREEROAM it's a pretty fucking fun experience
online has always been relatively fun but crippled by the microtransaction-based structure for getting cool stuff. The most fun I ever had online was when a hacker gave me 120 mil and I could pay for whatever I wanted.

Basically, if he buys it, he needs to find a way to get some modded money in the online mode or else he's gimping his experience.

And the community. Oh god. Pure ️. Screaming children and Carlos. And the hackers. The wrong people always get banned. The only hackers R* gives a damn about are the ones who give themselves money because they're losing potential shark card purchases. It's not even about protecting profit now that they're rolling in dough, it's just greed. And even if you cave in and spend 100+ $ on virtual money it will all be for nothing when people get bored and the servers shut down.

Bought it from a vidya mini-store in this flea market I sometimes go to on weekends. Guy there said he probably lowered the price to compete since it had been on sale for $40 bucks a while back, but forgot to change it back once the sale was over.

Told me that if I didn't pick it up then, he would've raised the price.

I actually already had the PS3 version, but mine's dead and I knew Gamestop was selling the PS4 version for $55 used so I bit anyway.

It's $39.99 at Walmart.

>I don't have any reasons for my beliefs...but I can call him a nostalgiafaggot!
IV had better physics at the very least. Other parts are subjective but IV objectively had better physics, and RDR had even better physics than that. V gives you everything you wanted in IV that wasn't present, but then says fuck you and puts a limit on it. You want an invincibility cheat? No problem! But it's limited to 5 mins. You crashed your car? Well, there's no visible damage to it, but now your rear right tire won't move. That's not in the multiplayer though, you say? Only the singleplayer? Why would you play singleplayer when all of our updated features are for online only? Shark cards aren't that expensive, and they add so much!
tl;dr GTA V was one step forward and one step back from IV

Imagine how awesome GTA V would have been if they scrapped the online part early in development and invested all the more ressources into fleshing out the main game

online is based around progression, unlike singleplayer. So in terms of the extra purchasable commodities only available online such as yachts, it's excusable because it's only fucking cosmetic and to show how rich you are. It would only be a problem if Rockstar added something like say, casinos to Online and didn't include it in singleplayer. That is an additionally integrated gameplay feature that should NOT be unique to one mode only.

God no. GTA V is shit, and no amount of Online updates is going to fix it.

>10/10 SP
You're delusional.

What you just said is
>CSGO is shit, and no amount of TF2 updates is going to fix it

$69.99? hell no.
30 bucks at best.

Jesus Christ, I didn't know retards could operate computers.

You can get it cheaper. It's pretty fun.


Sup Forums's here.

>this meme

While a yacht isn't necessary in SP, people asked for stuff like lowriders for ages, and R* just decided not to put that in singleplayer. Why not just make it an option in the garage? It's not that hard, modders have done it. But what bothers me the most about it is just that there are some really great ideas for the UI and features like insurance and what not, but that's not present in singleplayer and essentially makes you play multiplayer to get a no-holds-barred experience. I'm also still pissed that the Hydra is a ridiculously hard to get online exclusive vehicle too.

What's CSGO? Stop abbreviating everything.

Hold on lemme list all the missions from IV that weren't shit

>Three Leaf Clover

That was hard


nope , into trash.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

This needs to be a Sup Forums banner.

Forgot about the lowriders. Yeah, that was pretty low.

GTA online has a variety of very good features simply not present in SP for no reason whatsoever, the SP could have been patched post-release to be brought up to par but R* can't make more money on SP after sales.

Now name a good one from V that isn't recycled from SA.

70$ for a game? where the fuck do you live. Even 60$ is stupid

>facts are memes now



And that's the path they're taking for the rest of the DLC too, no more vehicles for SP. It's incredibly disappointing, especially for console players who have to shell out $50 a year to get the full game.


Doesn't matter to me anymore. I was done with Rockstar when I saw that real estate and car insurance were Online-only.

Yep, this fucked it up a lot for me too. I've tried mods to fix that but they just don't work

Not anymore

It never was.

can you make an online private server like on the ps3/gta4? or do you have to pay for it?

Yeah I think there is an option for that, seems like the most enjoyable way if you have a lot of friends

CSGO is irredeemable shit though, infested with the same disease tf2 has thanks to neo-valve. It's PC's CoD with the userbase and everything else that entails.

>I respond to analogies unrelated to the overall topic

Don't respond to my posts unless you have something to contribute to the thread. leave now.

Nah. I made the mistake of buying for PC in 2013. The best fun I've had with it was finding niggermenu and joining a room with another guy using it. We ended up getting a few helicopters/cars/boats full of people and having an all out war on land/forest/sea. Shit was so cash...... for a few hours until I got a 3 week ban.

Haven't played it since except when my friends come over and want to fuck around a bit.

>buying for PC in 2013
>buying for PC
>in 2013

"I don't enjoy anything anymore so my opinion means very little"

>opinions are facts

>Walk into jewstop
>69.99 new, 65.99 used
>Check online
>All 55 euro +
The game is like 5 years old what the fuck is with the price.

Why don't you enjoy anything anymore?

Nice story, too bad it's 100% made up

"I don't have a point to make but he does so I'll just call him a grumpy asshole"

Recolor the guy black and rename it Watchdogs2Combat.png

I love how tards make stupid fucking posts and then when they get called out for being shit, they always reply with "wah no argument". It's like they are bots. Are you alive?

The post that nigga replied to is a great example of a stupid fucking post, yah.

Yes, I am alive and I'm wondering why you are calling people with conscious thought bots when you can't even explain yourself

SP is shit an story stops when it gets interesting
MP is even shittier

If only they didn't waste their time with MP.

Nice Reddit post

lmao fucking retard

That is a new IP bruv, he probably isn't the first guy you were talking to.

>Yes, I am alive
Haha no you aren't. And you can't prove it either. I'm talking to a portable Cleverbot. That bot was programmed to say it was boring, and didn't explain why, when in fact I had a fucking blast with the story in this game. The guy who programmed the bot didn't explain itself, and it's just shitposting. It was simply called out on it's shit and always wants to pointlessly argue.

Jokes on him then, because I wasn't the other side of the original conversation either

>tfw when friends are all in vc on gtaV
>I'm in chat but my computer is a potato
>buy gtaIV on sale to sort of be with them
>it downloads after 8 hours
>Spend an hour making the stupid thing run
>Sign up for an Microsoft live account
>Sit in lobby for two minutes waiting to get someone to join in freeplay
>Crash to desktop

I would do anything for GTAV right now :'(

just use an injector

>I had a fucking blast with the story in this game.
I'm glad you can enjoy a pile of shit, that doesn't make it not shit though.

I'm sorry user, I don't understand this post. Mind rephrasing it?
seriously though I really sincerely hope this is bait because I got a good laugh out of it


>doodoo comparisons
Bot mentality. You're only proving your a bot even more by repeating the same drivel over and over like a typical Sup Forums Sup Forums bot. Nice try cleverbot, you're literally a shit program and you aren't real.

That's the downside, IV's patch system makes modding a pain in the ass and it doesn't always run properly for some unknown reason.

buying a really big cactus and shoving it up your ass would be a far better use of 70 usd

I'm a different guy you faggot nigger.
GTAV's story was shit compared to the last couple of games kill yourself. It's because of faggots like you that eat up garbage that our hobby is in such a shit state.

Well not really, the computer is more the limiting factor.

It running properly seemed to be the exception. I stopped playing before an hour of game time to get a refund on steam. Really disappointed too. I really liked IV's story.

That's not the same guy you're calling a bot bud.

No, it's $35 on Steam right now

It's really a crapchute. Sometimes it launches fine and I get good performance, other times I have to have steam repair the files and hope it works. I would definitely buy a remaster of GTA IV if R* fixed it.

So you say GTA IV and EfLC are better written ?

HAHAHAHAHA. Did your owner program "faggot nigger" into you? It looks like he did a good job capturing the Sup Forums audience with his shit talk. You don't have a hobby, I do because I am real. My hobby is still going strong and GTAV is such a worthy successor to the other games and if you don't like it you might as well tell your programmer to kill himself because he is going to get shit pissed and farted on constantly for being an entitled golden retriever who thinks he is going to get the same food.

Tell your programmer he is a miserable fucking shit.

I'm a different guy, but yeah? 3 protags never worked and GTA V's story was nowhere near as good as IV's.

Yep, it's an all around better game. So are 3,VC, and SA.

I wish I was this good at shitposting, good on you user

move to australia

This is laughable.What kind of autism do you have? If this isn't a joke you should seriously consider suicide.

This bot is specifically programmed to like things before 2010. Don't listen.

I've seen bots who were much worse and were programmed to like things before 2000s. JEsus Christ.

Your programmer really does know his audience. Isn't it about time you got updated to make sense?

Kill yourself you autistic faggot.

LMAO. The bot is losing control, it contains malware. Abandon thread.


It's blatantly obvious that you don't belong here at least. Which shithole did you crawl out of?

>It wasn't worth $69.99 in 2013.
It wasn't because the online wasn't ready until months later.

The online made it worth 70$ in 2013? Did you even play it in 2013?

>bot is programmed to counter "lmao" and "lol" variations with "You don't belong"
Your programmer is pretty smart. Kudos to him.

for $70 bucks??

fuck no dude, are you stupid?

this thread keeps getting better

Yah, he's smart unlike you.

Are you suffering from solipsism?

No. But I am suffering from 4chanitis.