Gentlemen, let's do this.
Super Mario Sunshine - Cover Remix
Other urls found in this thread:
>redo isn't waluigi's hat
And we're off.
A1 pls
B2 here. Do you faggots want me to make Mario's hat
Or none of the above
Here's my resume
Whoops wrong pic I'm the faggot
Let's go Wario.
Make it orange Mario's hat.
>influx of mosaic threads recently
good shit
but don't be a faggot and post it before it's completed
Claiming D1
No sir, that's no good.
In fact, when you guys post your completions, spoil them so that people can't see the whole thing at the end.
And let's update this.
I was halfway through Wario but I'll draft up an orange one too, it's a fresher idea and I like it
My most avant-garde work yet
claiming B1
sorry I worded that badly, I should have said don't be a faggot by posting it before it's completed
claiming C4
oh my bad, didnt spoil
Taking A6
fucking gold user
Wait shit hold up forgot the little purple splurt
Don't worry, I know what you meant, not going to post result until the end.
I claim b2
thanks user
I'll take A4
That's B1.
that's B1 nerd
that is b1
You messed up the size, do it again.
he was just making fun of for claiming the wrong one
Okay, thought it was
i snipped it straight from the template m8
They're all 381x359.
oh shit you're right
someone else take it, i'm retarded
Didn't think I'd get to use the blue hat.
Checking this out.
b3 is done, not b2
My bad.
Anyone ready to give one?
Had some trouble with my Trombone , it will be done shortly
>Another Nintendo game
Why are these the only covers that get accepted to be redrawn these days. I made a thread to redraw the Ratchet and Clank PS2 trilogy covers and all I got was shitposting and a deletion
My masterpiece
A Battleborn one was just finished in another thread: I'm assuming you got unlucky simply.
Thank you sir.
Getting there.
here's C4
it looks bad by itself but I promise it'll look good when with the other tiles
those are the results, silly
I made A, 4 you.
claiming D2
Already been done.
I don't know who came up for the idea of these threads, but the man is nothing short of a genius.
Here, D2. Hope it satisfies you. If it doesn't then i'm fine with someone else doing it.
I love it
redoing B1
Need some more nigs to claim tiles though.
gimme dat C1
crap i forgot to reply. my bad.
Here's A5. I hope you know to make the image a .png file in the end so there's no artifacting.
Looks great, I'm loving the rainbow colors we've got going here
No what?
We've got something special here boys.
Worked slightly more on it
Artifacting, I'm no expert on this but .jpg files can cause dirty pixelation (like pic related) due artifact compression while .png files keep the original image clean.
Do you mean aliasing?
No? I mean
Running out of green hats here.
Claiming A2
What the hell is this? What's the goal, or the point? I don't get it.
The goal is to come up with something as glorious as this.
i did it
Claiming 6 D
B3- I slightly changed mine as well. I cut out the background from the dancing guy
Have you never been in a mosaic thread before? You take a tile of the box art & redraw/edit it whatever you want. Here's the outcome of the Kirby's Dream Collection box for example.
ill take that c3
Claiming D3
bigge smalls![sjis][/sjis]
I already did A4, but can I also do 6C?
A3 claim
D5 claim
I vote yes
It's already been done.
Go for it.
Looking good.
Should I add anything else?
You should add the angry sun from Mario 3
Yeah that seems pretty empty to me, try adding something. And not something randumbz but instead thoughtful, try to get inspiration from Nintendo work and any related things like that autist with his half A presses and infinite parallel worlds on Mario 64