Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Demo

Holy shit. It actually feels like Symphony of the Night


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youre late m8. it also looks and plays like fucking stale ass

Too bad SoTN sucked.

I mean, this isn't as bad as MN9, but holy fuck, the developers should have SOME sense of dignity.

So it's exactly like Symphony of the Night? Good to know

Last I heard it was one of the most loved PSX age titles. Easy for sure, but not terrible.

>It actually feels like Symphony of the Night

And that's all the reason I need to never play this game.

>Last I heard

Have you never actually played it?

It's awful.

Not world ending awful like E.T., or "how the fuck did they actually release it" awful like Sonic 2006. It's just your plain old awful that you can imagine a developer would shit out if they wanted money from a series but didn't want to put much work into it.

Where's the model rips?


>yfw you didn't back bloodstained

I did play it. Konami splurged detail on that title like it was going out of style. Enemy animations, length of game, music and art was top notch. Its main flaw is difficulty and voice acting.

I never found a single bug until it was shown to me how.

>le ebin contrarian man


>yfw you didn't check my 5

Holy shit, this nigga.

Also, check my 8

I know it is loved, but for the most part, it was outdone by all the castlevania games that came out afterwards. And even before those came out Super Metroid was better and more original anyways.

It was the game that forever set the precedent for the Castlevania series for years to come.

that car is an ugly piece of shit in all honesty


yeah, okay okay, calm down you autistic rondofag

>tfw you backed Bloodstained

2.5D is utter shit. No thanks.

Shhh faggot. SOTN is a fantastic game.

Do i need to PANIC or is it safe?


>It actually feels like Symphony of the Night

not really.

>looks worse AND has worse animations than 20+ year old PSX titles



>It actually feels like Symphony of the Night
It plays similar to it, but it doesn't feel like SOTN, because its art direction sucks dick, and Alucard is the sexiest most awesome damphyr protag ever that simply can't be beat in style.

alot of it was recycled from Rondo of Blood. They already had a lot of assets to work with

That is one long torrent string instead of the good old trustworthy mega.

Seems like the game might end up being a little boring in the same way the DS games are, but overall it seems to be coming together alright. But even if it sucks, did we really need another Igarashi Castlevania? For the sake of the more enthusiastic fans I hope it's good though.

And before anyone asks, I don't really think we need another Classicvania either, even though I love them. I'm just saying we got a fuckload of good games already.

The just need more animation and frames also enemy ai looks real baby tier.

Nice bait.



And better art direction
and map design

in other words, they need a game

That's the shittiest argument ever.

>every animation gives you a nice peek at Miriam's spats

>enemy ai looks real baby tier
Because it was so good in other games, right?

Probably because I'm not making much of an argument. I'm merely saying that even if it sucks I'm not sure I care because we have had plenty of good ones. Everything ends eventually.

>we want the 5 year old audience

The real question is can I cancel an attack animation with a backdash?

you can cancel your attack animation with (something).

You can cancel an attack with landing and a backdash just like in CV.

You cand do Jump->slash->land->slash->backdash->slash for 3 quick slashes.

>You can cancel an attack with landing and a backdash just like in CV.
Well it's a question because in SotN you cannot, but in Aria of Sorrow and all the later ones you can. I know this game is SotN fanbait so I wasn't sure if they'd keep that faithful to the original or to the bulk of the metroidvanias after it.

But yes thank you, good to hear

I really really like it, exactly what i wanted : Symphony of the night 2.

But there are some thing wrong.
- Aliasing
- 2.5 strangely done, handdrawn background but 3d asset in the background too?
-The water holy shit
-What the fuck is this grey water in the background in the wall hole?
- The protagonist really stand out too much

That aside, i really like it.

It's a shame he didn't cave his skull in. What shithole country did that thing crawl out of?

so what the fuck do you want to tell us? is it a good thing or a bad thing?

>-What the fuck is this grey water in the background in the wall hole?

Ocean? Looks like she is some ghost ship or whatever.

not that I don't trust you but any mega links they tend to be faster on my bandwidth


Art direction is terrible. It's too anime with little or no grounding. I liked Symphony because, although highly stylized, it sorta kinda has some basis in real world fashion and architecture.

>It's T-tortanic 2.0... I swear guys... can we h-have fun now?

>highly stylized

except sotn wasn't stylized at all you fucking idiot.

This. Feels like people are trying too hard.

is this torrent safe

>didn't have money at the time to donate to kickstarter
>missing out on all the cool bonus shit
I feel a deep suffering.

Played it at a friend's place earlier. It's pretty solid, certainly felt like I was playing SotN.

no torrents are safe. the government is tracking you. use a virus scanner like malware bytes. it's a whopping fucking 800MB, why don't you find out for yourself?

I liked how it played, but it looks completely awful in terms of the visuals; and not just the 2.5D, but the enemy designs and drab color as well. Presentation's such a big part of a good metroidvania experience that hopefully that will improve later, but I have a feeling the shitty enemy designs are here to stay.

Does Dullahammer have a soul or am I wasting my time farming him?

>implying I'm not wasting my time farming for something in a 3 minute demo anyways

Its not perfect, but it looks decent enough for me.

yes, he does.

Except ugly, with an anime girl, on an ugly ship.

TEN MILLION DOLLARS and all we get is "okay? "

>Iga and From team up for Bloodstained 3D game
>Miyazaki directs

there's no 2D, that's all 3D assets.

and yeah the water looks grey because it isn't Mario Fucking Sunshine, have you maybe never seen the ocean in real life?


10 million dollars is poverty-tier budget for a video game, I seriously unironically literally actually sincerely hope you are aware of this.


>AoS cancel rules
fuck yeah

Silent Hill 2 and 3 both cost 10 million each. Do you consider them "poverty-tier budget" ?

Assuming this game does well, Iga has plenty of time to work on new things in the sequels anyway. We've seen how he managed to release Castlavania almost yearly on the DS and GBA by reusing existing resources such as graphics and the game engine, and each subsequent game shows improvement while attempting to mix things up every now and then like Sorrow's soul system and Ecclesia's whole glyph mechanic..


So the Portrait HUD actually drips blood?

>forever set
>for years to come
pick one faggot. and it's the second. they quit making games like that years ago kohai
So this is nowhere in the demo... BUT OMG


>It actually feel like SotN!
>... only you play as a pretty girl wearing a pretty dress who fights with a flower or some shit

Yeah nah. See ya, queers.

>implying alucard wasn't transgender

check your privilege.

Yeah. The way it's set up I can see it being used for some sort of power meter.

I wonder how high I should try getting.

>I fucked your MOTHER, BEECH

>Decide to check it quick on youtube before downloading
>Open first video from under 2 days ago automatically, without paying attention
>Click play (because I'm using viewtube)
>Jim Sterling's annoying voice

Insecure faggot.

Why does every gay person always say this? It makes no sense.


You were once secure enough in your masculinity to play through the same castle twice as the long, white haired, bishonen, more-of-a-teenage-girl's-wet-dream-than-Sephiroth that is Alucard, you can bear to play through it again as a bleeding girl who kicks shit to death.

>tfw you backed Bloodstained and never backed MN9

SotN with AoS' ability system. That's all it needs to be, and it does it wonderfully.




>playing as girl is gay
>playing as bare naked handsome guy is not

How demanding is this?
I'm using a really shitty busted ass laptop and won't be building my new computer until next month.

Forced meme for [you].

>Not Tim Schafer
