Deflowering a virgin Skyrim game

Hello Sup Forums I recently kicked the console and acquired an optimized gaming desktop, among the first games I downloaded was Skyrim as I was eager to mod it to Oblivion (no pun intended) but I am not quite sure where to start, here is a list of my preference of gameplay if it helps as an indicator for any specific mods that may come to mind:

-Very high fantasy style in generally everything, encompassing both extremes to absolute evil to absolute good, and all the neutral goodness in-between.

>Blood, gore, decapitation and harsh/brutal spell effects, I want my enemy to explode in a violent meaty eruption when I poke them. (See Fist of the Northern Star)

>Complex combat system that optimizes on mastery instead of -just- raw damage, and realism. (A sword stab really fucking hurts and kills usually...)

>Highly expansive Daggerfall sized (if not close to) world with colossal cities to boot.
>Beautiful yet simple and accurate npc and character design

>COMPLETE magic overhaul, ranging from rituals, cast times, Midas Magic level bullshit but mana costly and hard to obtain.

>A solid alignment and leveling system with classes being ALOT more distinct and not blurred together, having a pyromancer focused mage or a berserk two-handed warrior class for example.

>Lore friendly reactions and encounters warzones, neutral zones, NOPE zones, etc.

>XBOXHUEG amounts of quests and arcs.

You're better off playing an actually good RPG instead.

Oh like a JRPG? Right?

Cancerous weeb.

The easiest way to to do this is find it in your steam library, right click, then delete local content.

Read the OP in the /tesg/ over on /vg/.

>I want a mod that turns Skyrim into a completely different game that is actually good

You're better off playing a different game.
Skyrim can't be fixed no matter how many mods you pump in it.


Shut up Eric. Play a better game.

You people are more depressing than /r9k/ were you faggots born this way?

I'm sorry user, there are no mods that turn Skyrim into a good game, let alone what you're asking. It's reality that's depressing.

Play Morrowind instead.

Learn to research faggot and I have a suspicion that your pc is prebuilt. Go to the general in /vg/ for the modding guide in the op.

It really isn't? Name a good RPG aside from Skyrim modded to personal enjoyment, as must be done with all of Bethesda games, that doesn't overly fucking praise the steaming owl shit that is Dark Souls and Bloodborne, because masochism really isn't as enjoyable to the rest of the world, only to you small circle of cucks.

Are you implying that Souls games are hard?
Are you seriously calling fucking Bloodborne hard?

Kek dark souls isn't hard and bloodborne is even easier


How about you fucking look for stuff yourself

You're trying your best to sound intelligent, but you can't even format a proper sentence.

Bethesda is RPG for retards. Have fun with bad stories, shit gameplay, and garbage loot systems.

"muh 300 hours of gametime"

That didn't take much..

>no futa horsedick mods
>no beastiality mods
>no submissive creatures mod
>no bara Argonian mod
>no trap Khajiit mod

What a faggot.

But seriously just go to Skyrim nexus and check out the mods for yourself

>please do all my work for me!

Fuck off

Name another RPG series that you can mod to hell and back into whatever you want like said

Play the vanilla game first for roughly 100 or so hours.

Then play again modding the shit you want fixed.

>dark souls

Are you one of those faggots that gave 0 points in methascore, and writed on the post "uhhnnee i could not beat asylum demon buaaa".


Baldur's Gate
Never winter Nights

The campaign is like 15 hours though and all of the sidequests are shit.

jRPGs are great. Weebshit is bad.

That's everything you need, faggot.

you're better off playing something else. Modded oblivion is more what you're after

Thank you, all I was asking for.

Where did you get that from you fucking sperg