What are some games that give off a late 80s, early 90s feel?

What are some games that give off a late 80s, early 90s feel?

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Dafug? Is that from Goemon?


It's either goemon or that one alien flying girl that dresses like an oni.


>tfw Goemon is dead


Whoops I forgot a word

What are some games that give off a late 80s, early 90s anime feel?

If 4-player was unlocked from the beginning this would've been the perfect party game, but as of now it's only the perfect coop game.

Alex is anime. That's just the shitty western box art.


Konami could bring it back. You know how much they love bringing back old series.

games that were made in the late 80s/early 90s


what is this game and what console

thats more like early 2000s

Every game I play.

Popful Mail

Dithering for shading looks so good with 80s/90s anime art.

makeruna makendou

Man this makes me want to play the game so hard even though I'll probably never bother.


Games made in the late 80s and early 90s tend to give off that feel

I biffed it

You butthead



Which game did she wear that in?


Goemon's Great Adventure, you unlock these after you beat the game collect some stuff

Funny you should make this thread, just got done with YSI and now on YSII. You can choose between classic and remastered art and music. It will probably scratch that itch of yours OP, but it's not perfect.