
>Even though we have a history, humans, we understand that a much larger threat is at stake, help us and we'll pledge our full naval support for you
>We have a chance to finally get our homeworld back. Give us something to look forward to, something to defend, and we'll pledge our full military support to you
>With the help of a few Salarians, we can finally undo the genophage, help us and I think every Krogan would love to kick some Reaper ass with you
>If you don't doom the Krogan to extinction, we wont help you
>Even though we made it our primary objective to erase anything Reaper related so that the entire galaxy was totally unprepared for the Reaper invasion, please help us

The galaxy would have been better off if the Asari and Salarians are kicked out of the Council, replaced by the Quarians and Krogans after the Reaper War, prove me wrong.

Replace all council members with Volus.


>replace the council with BIOTIC GODS

I would have been hyped to have the option to help rebuilt the council from scratch.

Tell them to eat shite if they didn't like giving Quarians and Krogans a political voice.

I wanted their race to look alien, like a grey or something. Not fucking humans 2.0. I'd accept it ifvTali was nervous and photoshopped some random space-google image. If she hadn't shown her face to Shepherd.


Just stick with your headcanon user.

>you'll never help you space gypsy gf build a new home on her newly reacquired homeworld
Literally the only time i support headcanons


>Even though we made it our primary objective to erase anything Reaper related so that the entire galaxy was totally unprepared for the Reaper invasion
i don't remember that

My headcanon is that Mass Effect 2 and 3 never happened.

Still too human. Needs more abstract or mandibles or something.

>People in this thread actually support Quarians
what the fuck are you smoking

The asari, being the head of the council, was part of the main force to dismiss the reaper threat entirely



>find the asari fag

That's some good shit right there



Pretty much every Quarian we met until ME3 was a good person being treated liked trash over something their ancestors did. I never blamed them for wanting to reclaim their home.

Both sides just needed a chance to actually communicate with each other.

I could have sworn that the Krogan reproduced at such a rate that the genophage merely restrained their birth rate to one comparable to first world humans or something. Basically, the Krogans are mad that they aren't flooding the galaxy with bloodthirsty assholes

>sci-fi game
>90% of races are bipedal humanoids

why are sci-fi games such shit?

I believe that was the gist yes. Problem is, the birth control is causing babies to come out stillborn.

"Mountains of dead children," I think that female said.


Nice deflection but I didnt say a word about the asari

Quarians objectively fucked up on a grand scale in a way no other species did and acted as a drain on the galaxy since
It baffles me about how relentlessly people here will shit on Jews, blacks and gypsies in real life and then turn around and cry about the poor innocent Quarians that are a thousand times worse

They were evolving past the genophage anyway without even knowing it.

Far left is 10/10

Because the developers can re-use models and animations. Same reason we only see one gender of most of the races in the game. It's either too much work or they're just lazy.

Easier to model and think up
More comfortable to play as


I was generally backing Mordin's pragmatism all throughout ME2. I was up for potentially curing the genophage, but would have liked an option to regulate it rather than completely cure it overnight.

Not that the Krogan would have been happy with the idea.

>that are a thousand times worse
how dare you

Game devs are very, VERY lazy, and their designs are ultimately up to the approval of their shareholders at EA in this case. Design by committee fucks everything.

that's because people here don't have a cute gypsy or jew waifu user

>It baffles me about how relentlessly people here will shit on Jews, blacks and gypsies in real life and then turn around and cry about the poor innocent Quarians that are a thousand times worse
Maybe, just maybe, those aren't the same people.

I don't endorse racism in real life either.

You realize most of the racism people spout on here is just meme shit right?

You mean Sup Forums isnt srs bsns?

>Sup Forums is one person

I understand that, but I'd expect it to carry over to fictional characters more intensely rather than reversing
I'm not a racist but I shit on elves in video games any chance I get

>people means person

>no vorcha representation
They wuz good boys, dindu nuffin

Imagine if Tali removed her helmet in ME3 and her mandibles were gaping open. The shock and horror on Talifags' faces would have been priceless.


>I'm not a racist but I shit on elves in video games any chance I get

I'm actually glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.

Quarians are fucking retarded, are you kidding me?

>We built some machines that gained sentience
>They got mad and kicked us off our planet when we tried to kill them all
>Now that the galaxy is at stake, we're going to waste our fleet by throwing it at an army of robots instead of fighting something far more pressing

Not to mention all the bullshit they pulled on Shepard. Even with the option for Quarian-Geth peace I let them die every time.

>claim to be superior species
>literal shit-tier

I would still fuck it

It amuses me and they annoy me in a lot of books/movies/games

Because it was meant for a wide appeal and believe it or not the average person does, in fact, relate more to humanoid figures more closely than others. A talking animal looking thing would seem a bit silly, especially as a main character, and could be construed as a bit too fantastical despite the nature of the setting.

It's also a lot harder to convincingly design, model, and animate a totally alien form in a way that's believable or wouldn't come across as outright silly. Elcor are mostly stationary in the games for this reason, they look goofy and are kinda comic relief in many situations. The average person is retarded, and would likely not engage well if everything was totally alien altogether.

>live a thousand years
>still fucking stupid compared to every other race

Just realized ME:A is probably going to have good enough tech behind it they'll be able to render a decent furred/feathered gaylien for furfags to romance.

Why are Turians so great?

>We built some machines that gained sentience
>They got mad and kicked us off our planet when we tried to kill them all
It's the same thing that humans did in the Battlestar Galactica reboot, and people act like that's the greatest work of science fiction ever made.


Consider this:

People who argue that the Quarians don't deserve the galaxy's scorn are also saying that Germany shouldn't be made to feel responsible for World War 2 and the Holocaust

>there will never be a game where the renewed krogan fight an ascending yahg empire

But they aren't. They had the best navy in the galaxy and had access to ME technology for centuries before humans did and the humans literally rekt their shit after only having ME tech for two decades.

Man if it had ended with s4a's finale on the nuclear hell-earth that would have been great.

That's retarded and you should feel bad for posting it

>goverment based on merit
>free to do what you want as long as others dont suffer from it
>built in neutral :3 face
>cute af females

I hope there's an insect race. I want a cute bug waifu.


They don't. Making Germany responsible for a global war is what made WWII happen in the first place.

Germans shouldn't be made to feel guilt today. Sure, the people that actually were responsible, of course, but why the fuck would you blame someone who was never a part of it? Germans have every right to be proud of their country nowadays. Fuck you and fuck people like Angela Merkel.

>I would rather let an entire species die, many of whom were innocent, than let a hivemind that kind of supported the reapers die.

To be fair the humans caught them completely off guard. If it had gone to a straight up drawn out fight we'd have gotten trashed over and over and over

But the fact we caught them off guard is proof that humanity is the eternal GOAT species

Because pointy ears grind my gears.

You would say that in front of all your peers?

Humans didn't wreck shit. Turians just stopped fucking their shit up.

the geth did nothing wrong and acted only on self preservation in a galaxy that wanted them dead

I'm partial to this design

Still humanoid, but certainly no mistaking that it's an alien

Although i love the quarians, i do agree with this

>tfw Nihlus gets killed within minutes of the first game

i want garrus to make me call him daddy
i want garrus to tease me and make me scream for his long hard side quests

>putting space mexicans on the council


>side quests
>not calibrations

Ya blew it.

>not wanting to share a beer and watch a game with garrus
You are what is wrong with the mass effect community

Correct. Geth acted out of self-preservation. Quarians were being opportunistic fucksticks while the galaxy was burning and begging for their help.

I'll take a fleet of networked AI over a disjointed bickering admiralty with terrible decision-making and a penchant for betraying Shepard.

Quarians are not nearly as bad as kikes. If they had killed Shepard because he showed the world their momey scam... or if quarians would own all the banks and most of the media, would have started the 1st contact war and were historically selling human women for batarians AND would have a 'blopd libel' of sorts..

>not wanting to do that while boning

It's just an added bro bonus, bro.

Why the fuck is there a Mass Effect thread on Sup Forums?

you are now aware that they could have tweaked the plots of both to have ME2 come first, have nihlus as a squadmate, then in the events of ME1 the betrayal by saren would carry that much more weight


>I am literally ok with genocide.
>Efficiency trumps saving living beings with feelings, hopes, dreams and desires.
>R-robots are people too!

They are responsible but they shouldn't need to feel fucking shame because their grandparents and great-grandparents fucked up really bad.

>why is there a video game thread on my video games board

Do you have brain damage?

why not?

But he's straight...

I am literally okay with Quarian genocide. They went full retard and got their comeuppance, and I had no compelling reason to bail them out of their own shit.

Never understood why salarians are supposed to be supergeniuses. Their lifespan is too short for them to learn and remember anything. They die before they graduate college.

calm down satan

Ignore the turks or the swedes as per usual..

I assume their brains work a lot faster, and they can learn what they need to learn in a shorter time.

have you ever noticed how animals who live shorter gain the knowledge necessary to live a lot faster?
while humans take at least 5 or so years to not be completely retarded?

Clearly you missed the most basic descriptions of Salarians then. They process everything incredibly quickly. Ex: After Mordin's loyalty mission, you ask how he's handling the aftermath and he comments that he went through all the various stages of grief on the shuttle ride back to Normandy.

Shorter life span but everything is still roughly proportional.

Andromeda is coming soon, they are trying to stealth-shill people back to Mass Effect again, because they think people care and that Mass Effect is still a thing.

Bioware has been losing so many employees in the recent 1-2 years because even they know that EA will pull the plug on them soon.

>I had no compelling reason to bail them out of their own shit.
Do it for her

They're fast learners.