why the fuck are you not playing elder scrolls VI, user?
>biggest world to date
>most quests in any elder scrolls game
>you can mod it however you like
why the fuck are you not playing elder scrolls VI, user?
>biggest world to date
>most quests in any elder scrolls game
>you can mod it however you like
But I am.
I just hit 160 champion points, and I'm working on my gear set.
>Elder Scrolls VI
Because Skyrim was shit and so is every TES game.
>Gets MMO of the year award
>Confirmed for 7 million players
Is it worth trying out if I generally don't enjoy MMOs anymore? How different is it from your standard WoW clones?
Im too hyped for skyrim 2
>caring whether a game you dont even play fails or succeeds
why do people do this?
You know how you normally play a TES game? Just run around, explore, and quest?
It's like that.
It's pretty much a single player TES game, but there's an LFG tool if you want to group up for a dungeon or PvP.
It's more like Oblivion that it's like Skyrim, honestly. Think of Oblivion if you could look up people to group with.
Let me know when they bring in that update that opens the whole world up and scales you to the level of the area you're in so you can go wherever like a true Elder Scrolls game.
It's like Oblivion or Skyrim if, instead of leveled lists, there was a strict level progression of content. Like, there's a level range for the vicinity of the Imperial City, then a higher level range for Chorrol, and a higher range for Kvatch, and a higher range for Bruma, and so forth. So not only do you have to do things in order, but you can't meaningfully return to earlier areas.
And really if they finally finished excising the Daggerfall/Morrowind skill system to replace with an incredibly bland MMORPG progression system.
Really it's like if they didn't make an Elder Scrolls game at all, but made an MMORPG that occasionally references Elder Scrolls games in uninteresting ways.
They're adding in a thing where there will no longer be a level requirement for leveling up in areas. Look up one tamriel
They're getting rid of that in the fall.
All zones will just scale you up to max level. So, you start out in, let's say, Stonefalls (Morrowind) and your stats are instantly scaled to a max level players. Same goes for all of the mobs in that zone.
Loot will be the only thing scaled to levels, basiclly.
People are complaining that this means leveling means nothing, but you still have to level for gear and to collect skill points.
Console port saved it.
It's dead on PC.
No it isn't. There's almost always a cap'd population on PvP campaigns now.
Are they also going to add a thing where there won't be terrible, MMO-style questing, crafting that takes up far more than your limited inventory, tedious cooldown-based combat, their usual high-quality NPC voice acting, and the odd point-based limits on skill advancement?
I Tried playing this again after a month long break.
It took THREE FUCKING HOURS for the update to go from 16% completed, to 17% completed
why are you lying mr. marketer?
"With One Tamriel, all characters will be automatically leveled to the content in the world, allowing them to freely group with anyone they want and also to explore the vast world of Tamriel with no level restrictions," game director Matt Firor announced onstage. "This means all content barriers are gone and there are no restrictions on alliance or questing. The moment you get out of the tutorial, the entire game world is open for you to explore freely. You can go wherever you want and play with whomever you want."
that is a fucking terrible idea for a MMO
Note: The version on Steam is an older version and Steam does not keep the game up to date. The ESO launcher does. What does this mean for you? It means you will download a version from Steam of 40-50 gigs and then upon launching the game, the launcher will upgrade you to the latest version for another 15-20 gigs or more.
Want to save some download time? Take the key from Steam (you'll need it anyway to create an account before playing) and simply install the game using the ESO launcher from the get go.
We both know most players don't use Steam.
The Steam version is an outdated client. Using it means downloading the old client, then downloading 20GB of the new client. Once you have the new client, if you start it by using the desktop icon, Steam doesn't record it at all.
Also, if you EVER verify the steam version to make sure the files are intact, it re-downloads the old client and you have to go through the whole 20GB update again.
Most people don't play on steam faggot, the launcher is shit.
How does this play?
I've never played MMOS for the simple fact that the combat was fucking shit. I hate point and click.
>We both know most players don't use Steam.
this just isnt true. Anyway, the game isn't just dead on pc, it was never alive. failed to sell even half a million copies. I know its doing well on console but it was never doing well on pc
like a worse version of skyrim.
>I've never played MMOS
you might like it then, if you had played any you'd think this was bland shit
It's just like any other TES game, but imagine playing as a warrior with your 1-5 keys attached to diffrent spells you can cast on the fly.
Also, there's a roll-dodge.
Whatever you say Mr. Memer, the active PvP, PvE, RP and ERPvP communities say otherwise.
>this just isnt true
Do you have evidence to refute my claim?
hat's not Alinor. That's a fort in Cyrodiil.
Alinor isn't even in the game yet.
what ever you say mr.marketer but the population of your game says otherwise
What's the point of this picture, this is literally Cyrodiil. And there's a whole plot on Altmer wanting to kick the other races away from Auridon.
>steam isnt popular
>elder scrolls fans dont use steam
>steam isnt the majority of pc gamers
everyone knows this game flopped on pc or do you have pc numbers to refute my claim?
For fuck's sake.
See these locks? That means that faction is at the population cap of that campaign. The cap, currently, is 3,000 Players.
See how all three factions are at population cap?
So, steam says there's only about 2K people online right now.
Here's a goddamn screenshot that shows 9K online in just ONE PvP campaign.
The game was pretty populated at launch, there wasn't a Steam version available at the time and they didn't give Steam keys afterwards, so many people including me play the no Steam version.
There's no way to truly know the current player count though.
Just stop it Sup Forums, the memes won't kill this game.
And here's another one, also at population cap from all three factions.
Do you know why People play Elder Scrolls games? It certainly isn't PvP.
So, if a PvE focused game has over 18K people in JUST two diffrent PvP zones, how many do you think are running around doing PvE stuff?
>how many do you think are running around doing PvE stuff?
0 because the game is ded lol
Is it really that much people? I thought the player limit per campaign was around a thousand or so.
PvE gets really boring after the first playthrough so yeah, PvP and dungeons/trials is where it's at.
that picture literally proves nothing. You took a picture of your character and said
>see 9 thousand people!
but lets say for arguments sake there are 9000 people playing right now, a claim of which you have no proof. That is dead for a MMO, especially a AAA MMO with a massive budget and huge marketing campain.
This is for you. I turned on nameplates for your dumb ass.
>Is it really that much people? I thought the player limit per campaign was around a thousand or so.
They had to up the cap due to how long the queue times were. At first, it seemed like a bad move due to how much lag it caused, but they fixed it.
Autistic idiots with literally nothing else happening in their lives.
>mod it however you like
gonna have to back that claim up op
>better bosses than skyrim
>better combat than skyrim
>better thieves guild and stealing than skyrim
>better crafting than skyrim
>no radiant quests
How can normal TES compete
>The game was pretty populated at launch
>at launch
yeah before anyone tried it and found it it was shit. Its dead on pc.
>memes won't kill this game.
cant kill what is already dead m8
woah like 30 people ideling in the fucking capital city. Move over Final Fantasy 14, ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE: TAMRIEL UNLIMITEDĀ® HAS 30 PLAYERS!
its sad because skyrim, a single player game from 2011 has more players than this turd.
>but lets say for arguments sake there are 9000 people playing right now
18,000. Only in two zones of the game. Two of the less popular zones, as well.
LFG times for dungeons are normally less than a minute.
the game's "Auction House" system is pretty weird. You need to be in a guild, and that guild buys an NPC. Said NPC serves as their guild shop. Players in the guild can put up items for sell at that NPC.
A low population would not support this system. You wouldn't have enough players going to the less popular cities and NPC shops.
Pic related. I have a market addon that tells me the average price of items. It comes in handy due to the fact that I'm in a trading guild.
So, say one of my Runes is worthless to me because I never do enchanting. I can just look up what it's selling for and make 50 gold off of it. Some runes sell for over 1K. The rarest rune (Kuta) sells for almost 8K.
Been playing with bros for like a week
i like it,hooking (heh) up with my dragonknight dunmer
>18,000 but I still have no evidence so here are 2 screenshots of my character, one of 30 people ideling in the capital city and one of the auction house showing a whopping 14 player names!
Here's my faction's starter city. This is just the blacksmith. There's like 1,000 players huddled in the bank. That screenshot's coming next.
That was not my point, my point was that a lot of people don't currently have the Steam version and i know a lot of them are returning, i did.
J-just stop it Sup Forums...
The bosses are actually pretty fun. At least the veteran dungeon ones.
>shows a screenshot with 10 people
>th-theres really 10 thousand around the corner! please buy it and come see!
Don't forget even glorious modder trainwiz has gone back and said it's somewhat worthwhile now
well it can't be any worse than morrowind.
>Biggest world to date
It's also filled with generic MMO quests instead of the typical Elder Scrolls content
>Most quests in any Elder Scrolls game
See above
>You can mod it however you like
No, just some UI or graphical modifications
Assuming that everything will be scaled in a way that combat is dependent on the item and skill build your character has requiring groups to work as a team, this isn't that bad of an idea.
Of course it's Bethesda, so I doubt it will be good.
>playing TES without any possible sex mods
>instead of the typical Elder Scrolls content
You mean quests where you have to go to a draugr dungeon, or get five coda flowers?
TES by and large has never had very good quests. The good ones are rare.
>It's also filled with generic MMO quests instead of the typical Elder Scrolls content
Like hell it is. Every quest has a story and is voice acted. It's more like RuneScape's quests.
>No, just some UI or graphical modifications
Here's the bank.
Here's the room next to the bank where you reset skillpoints.
I started that shit back in april 2015. I levled with some guy in an instance with rats and hit max level after like 6 hours? I never did those rank levels. Did they change that or do I still have to grind 2 months to max level? I only remember joining this pvp arena and got fucked up by everything and everyone.
This seems really unpopulated, when I'm there the crowds are normally huge. What are you like, 3AM on the NA server?
It's not even bethesda, this game is surprisingly less buggy and solid.
If the scaling works like it does currently, there won't be much difference besides the quality of the builds and skills unlocked.
>Every quest has a story
>collect 15 bear hides, I need bear hides. I will make blankets to stay warm with the bear hides. Its cold so I need them to stay warm
>and is voice acted
same 5 voice actors phoning it in. It was a nice though but its so poorly done and unintresting that you just skip most of it
10:40PM, NA Server.
>1,000 players huddled around the bank
Honest question here.
Why does Sup Forums want games to fail?
No, seriously. The game pooks populated from the screenshots. It just seems like there's two guys in the thread that want this game to be bad and fail so much that they're shitting up the place.
Does Sup Forums get more enjoyment out of watching games fail than they do playing good games?
>woah th-this is uncommon
>there are usually millions of players enjoying The Elder Scrolls OnlineĀ® Tamriel UnlimitedĀ®
fucking peak time. Saturday night and 10 people playing...
thanks based time-mage user
>The cap, currently, is 3,000 Players.
Wrong, it's dead on consoles. Every MMO is more alive on PC.
>Failed to sell even half a million copies
>Yet some how there are over 7 million people playing
You aren't very smart are you
I am playing it, but the three faction thing is fucking me over. my friends that I play with are split between daggerfall and ebonheart. You can't fucking faction change in this game so I have to roll a character on each one and that's killing my drive to play. I'm still new to the game so let me ask this: If I get the Adventurer's pack and play for example an orc in the ebonheart pact, do I still get to do pvp in the ebonheart as the orc or do I get sent back to the daggerfall covenant?
There IS more people in AD though, here's a picture of the time ZOS asked to get some people for an E3 trailer and it never came out.
>The game pooks populated from the screenshots
what? ten fucking people on a saturday night?
its not a good game, its a generic cookie cutter cash in on the popularity of MMO's. Zenimax shipped a steaming piece of shit thinking millions would buy it. They clearly put little effort in, they have made improvements since but its still a bad game. There is literally no reason to play this over a far superior game like ARR except for the fact that Zenimax slapped the elder scrolls logo on it
It's changing in the fall. You'll be able to group with characters in other factions.
See: elderscrollsonline.com
>a far superior game like ARR
>Far superior
You still get to do PvP with your chosen race, if you can you should wait for Tamriel One though.
>7 million people playing
>picture staged for marketing purposes
you sure showed me. Sad thing is, thats probably the staff.
It has actually been lowered a number of times in order to alleviate lag and framerate issues (which are still terrible). Closest estimates are about ~100 players per alliance for a capped population.
When the game first released, yeah, it was about 250-300 per alliance at once.
I have trouble on deciding a class and every time I try to play I end up restarting thinking another will be better
>Cuck so fucking mad a literal WHO game is obliterating his dead MMO
>Has to samefag in said game's thread
>"H-haha t-t-this game is so bad! Hey, w-w-why don't we all head on down over to ARR? I-I-It's 3% off on Steam!"
I bet you also shill in WoW threads too don't you
Kill yourself you delusional faggot, this is too much already.
Enjoy this game a lot, any user wanna post their steam ID, I'd love to have more people to play with.
Well... shit.
Is there anyway to prove population to these faggots, then? I'm out of ideas.
excellent rebuttal. strange that ARR has 2 million players while steam charts show ESO, the far superior game has 4000 on a saturday night.
Well there's the /vg/ guild, and there's the /tgesg/ guild
>calling other delusional
>10,000 players guys
>shows screenshot of 10 people
speaking of delusion
>obliterating anything other than jobs at Zenimax
I'll check it out
Why are there so many fucking Aldmeri shits
>steam charts
>This faggot things steam charts mean anything
>This faggot wants ARR to be so good he's flaunting his 2 mill around
>This faggot doesn't realize the devs have literally come out and said ESO has 7 million.
I mean, granted, that's PC+The two consoles, but still.
AD tends to have the better quests.
Except that's not me you sad fuck, get ahead of yourself and enjoy videogames again.
>implying I haven't been playing for like 3 months
>implying implying don't have a few thick khajiit waifus
>ESO has had "7 million players since launch"
not active players
try again.
Technically ARR also has consoles
Are you really that mad that ARR is dead too? If you want to play an MMO that actually has players both of you need to go to WoW.