>Win game
>POTG is a IkeaTF2Engineer™ walking and then dying
>say in chat "noice potg"
>kid you not three people say "SALTY"
What the fuck is up with saying anything in the chat and getting "salty" as a reply now, do people even know what salty means anymore?
Win game
Like that hasn't been going on in games since u mad became a thing.
You ovetwatchers act like you're the first niggas to get called mad when you're not.
What were you even expecting desu
Yeah I guess it has just been refurbished as a "u mad" thing, and you are right, I do not play League, ValveLeague™, or CODValveEdition™ so I am not familiar with competitive meme talk
u mad? xDDD
''Salty'' Is a twitch tier insult,stay away from these kind of people unless you like having a 2 digit IQ.
>making fun of other games when you play Blizzard's shitty moba-fps
It's a term that got used in the FGC a lot, I think Smash made it leak out and now it is LITERALLY "u mad?" for 2016.
I guess that means we have to wait another 4 or so years for it to become a cringey thing that no one will say.
This is the thing that fucking infuriates me the most about Overwatch. The community are some of the most touchy feely play nicey goody gamey faggots. It's literally like playing Undertale Online or some fucking shit. What the fuck ever happened to Quake and TF2 and their trash talking actually appropriate for a goddamn first person shooter communities? I miss that shit. Somebody bring it back.
Salty and u mad are the worst things to happen to the Internet, especially in the realms of trash talk.
Before you could have called out a Torbjorn potg like that and his options are to give counter bantz like a good sport or just take it on the chin.
But calling someone "salty" evaporates the tension immediately. It's an accusation that you can't defend against without allegedly proving their point.
What do you think
was referring to?
>It's literally like playing Undertale Online or some fucking shit.
Anyone else collect the starwars cans?
>But calling someone "salty" evaporates the tension immediately. It's an accusation that you can't defend against without allegedly proving their point.
In other words, your average everyday SJW/Christfag logic. Should tell you something about those kinds of communities.
Why do you think they call it Tumlbrtale? That's the kind of people that comprise the Undertale fanbase, and by extension Overwatch is plagued with the same oversensitive beta male PC faggotry.
It's partly the League of Legends community and partly the fact that younger kids these days are massive pussies. Riot's gone out of their way to make its players as thin-skinned and passive aggressive as possible in an effort to preserve their "professional esport".
I hate what esports have done to games.
>Why do you think they call it Tumlbrtale?
Because you're a shitty memer, why not just say "playing Tumblr Online," that makes way more sense.
CSGO? Because it's made by Valve?
Memorabilia becomes valuable because people value them for nostalgia or historical significance. Literally no one is going to give a shit about those cans.
>tracer gets potg
>"SEE? I totally carried the game"
This has happened to me twice now
>tracer solo ults on me when I'm already at low health
>ask them why "LOL, salty much?"
Seriously why are tracer players so retarded
Because there will always be faggots no matter what multiplayer type game you play.
There are people on this board that think Overwatch isn't a standard arena fps where the first person to ult wins
gg ez
>try to get some bantz going in chat
>instantly get called salty
It's the most innocent shit like "hey hanzo turn off your aim assist" and people instantly think you're mad.
i guess its the first time i play a game overrun with autistic children then
What if he collects them for his own value?
Besides, you'd be surprised at the shit people will pay absurd amounts of money for.
saw a toblerone get potg while he was standing in his spawn, not moving.
A lot of Tracer players are retarded though.
Same goes for Widowmaker, Hanzo, Genji, Toblerone, Reaper, Mei and Mercy.
Overwatch was simply marketed towards the kiddies that play MOBAshit like League of Faggots, which explains all the retards.
Everyone is always looking for an opportunity to call someone salty in games nowadays. And to top it all off, most actual bantz are just passive aggressive remarks instead of just screwing around.
>tfw you can barely tell the difference between them and Blizzard these days
Remember, this is most people's first "competitive" FPS simply because it's made by Blizzard.
>use 1337 in chat
>piss off gramps
>saying this while playing Tf2Blizzard™
that sure was a fun game, friend!
I also report anyone doing that "ez" shit too. People have started getting 24hr silences for it which is good.
Massive threads right now on both US and EU forums about the toxic "moba" community that has come over to Overwatch and bought this "Ez" thing to it.
I am from that community. It's nice to be positive and not a faggot.
Close game earlier, we won. Losing team in chat after saying we did well and it was close and how good one of our players was.
That is really nice. None of this gg ez shit the 13-22yr old kids are using.
>"SEE? I totally carried the game"
had a great discussion with one of the worst Mercy players I played with.
He was mainly hanging on our roadhog while totaly ignoring low-health targets.
When I fucking asked him to stop healing the guy with a selfheal when everyone else on the team is on low-health he replied with something like "lol dude, don't tell me what to do, I have 5k healing, I know what I'm doing".
after we lost the match he was then bragging about him having 8k healing and getting a defensive assist card while the rest of the team tried to explain that this doesn't mean shit when everyone except our roadhog doesn't get healed.
playing with shitters like this is suffering.
>some bitch nigga starts whining in team chat about how we're all shit
>switch to Shita, Destroyer of Streets
>slap a teleporter down in front of a cliff
>watch the kill feed and see all five teammates suicide at once
>guy that was complaining earlier leaves the game instantly
>genji main is shit, what a shock
>getting rekt in situations not suited for genji
>getting rekt by tracer and crying about it
>someone tells him to change
>we manage to scrape in a victory
>genji main still drops the salt shaker like we were holding him back
You get all kinds
I don't care if people want to be friendly, but if I bitch or talk shit I don't want the first three responses to be variations of "Wow" like you've never heard a person swear before.
>On a 23 killstreak as Reaper
>Tracer catches me on low HP
>She's reloading on 20~ HP and I'm on 50
>Not risking it, ult her alone
>They go completely bananas in match chat
I told a Tracer to switch earlier since a KOTH map wasn't suited to her.
Especially since the last game I was tanking and got 4 gold medals and they didn't once to harass their back line/spawns.
They finally replied to me on the 3rd game when I said I refused to shield them as Sym.
"do whatever you want. I've already reported you"
It's difficult to tell emotions from text.
>not saying "totally devastated", "fucking slaughtered" or "utterly brutalized" after curb stomping the enemy team
>not realizing the trash talkers are the 30+ year old Quake fans who grew up way before the Tumblrfication of gaming
I don't really get it either.
I never really understood when the phrase "Salty" became the latest umad.
But literally every diaper wearing 12 year old says it in online games, I'm going to guess their favorite minecraft letsplayer says it.
>saying "owned" after every kill
They obviously said it for the same reason you say 'gg ez' after every win.
It gets a reaction out of you. Like right now.
I want to put my loo in her poo.
>blogging about this non-event
just why
You are acting exactly like a salty person though.
Because you are mad faggot. Player probally didnt expect, nor want that potg. Yet splurglord (you) had to come in and get salty at him. Not his fault bruh
>people asking your age any time you're non-hugboxy in chat
Normally only do it when they act like total faggots other then that I just don't say a damn word now. I gave up hope on people.
>blogging about something someone said in a video game
you're part of the problem. grow some thicker skin, fuccboi
I get fucking triggered when when millennials say any of these
and literally any other term that game from this generation's wc3 custom game clones
it makes me want to gun some of them down but I don't want obongo to take my gun
Undertale Online was good until they nerfed Undyne. How you gonna do this to mai waifu?
The moves are literally called ultimates what is wrong with saying ult? Do you want the to say super or finisher?
If it's Overfortress or Team Watch just assume they're faggots by default.
No I want you to say the entire word
This isn't facebook, at least try to use proper grammar
You fucking millennials are so lazy you try to abbreviate everything
Salty is an FGC thing and has been around for ages.
There's nothing wrong with saying ult, especially in-game.
Otherwise, I agree with the rest.
>shitty smugposting
i know this is a tibetan weaving board but come on, it's C U R R E N T Y E A R
this shit needs to stop
Capitalize Facebook please, fucking millennials can't even use proper grammar.
Might as well stop using contractions while you are at it.
Of course if you are using a mic you say ultimate but typing it ult is way more quicker and efficient anyway you shouldn't be having these problems because Overwatch has a built in chat function that says ultimate you autistic faggot. Why when your team is in the middle combat would you take time to spell the whole word you dumb motherfuckeR?
>being this ass-blasted
>gunning people down over video games
There are video games for that m8
>What the fuck ever happened to Quake and TF2 and their trash talking actually appropriate for a goddamn first person shooter communities?
I played tf2 since 2010 and I did not see this at all. The OW community has been a carbon copy so far, with the vast majority being quiet, occasional people sperging out, and "gg"s at the end of games
Here's something you can share on the bridge club facebook page gramps.
You are a millenial.
>already have character picked
>everyone picks theirs
>no one goes support
>comment, "Glad to see there's no mad rush to picking support."
>get shit in chat
>swap over to Mercy.
>we lose
>willing to chalk it up slightly to people who don't know how to play characters or let me shit on the enemy as a character I'm good at
>3,751 hours in TF2, 1,400 at least in competitive from 6v6 and Highlander.
>retards who do not check flanks by simply turning around.
>enemy Tracer shits on team I'm on
> "ggez"
>blogging about blogging about getting thicc skin
and then the POTG started clapping
Fuck you and your CoD spunk trash-talking, games are so much more fun when I can actually talk the other team without some mlg squeaker starting shit, keep that cancer out of OW.
>tfw you're too focused on surviving and killing to have even the most remote clue what your teammates are doing
How do you guys do it, Sup Forums?
Here we go with this shit again
>being this salty playing a MOBA and not using your champion right to gank the other team with your ult.
I thought Overwatch would be different because it's not F2P, but the community has gone to shit in less than two weeks.
It seems the idea of having fun nowadays is to act like an unfriendly, annoying asshole and try to infuriate the other players as most as possible. Is this seriously better than not talking at all or having casual, friendly chat with your team mates or the enemy team, even if it's light, innocent banter? How do people manage to get so angry over a video game whenever someone else or themselves fail, or they don't agree with something? Is this because of all the eSports shit that makes kids think they can become pros and feeds their massive egos?
I don't expect a good answer here, though. Most people on Sup Forums are like (or exactly) those kiddies.
Also World of Warcraft may not be the best game but it's the only game where I can have decent social interaction nowadays, which is ironic in the current solo-centric gameplay design.
There are like 5 Overwatch threads up right now. I guess I'm expecting too much for Blizzbots to use a search feature though.
Yeah because overwatch is popular right now get over it
If you wanted better discussion for this shit game, you would have it all in one thread instead of fracturing it across 5 for no reason. It's not a matter of popularity, it's a matter of logic. Of course, most Overwatch fans are underage and/or retarded, so I'm expecting WAY too much for you people to think.
No offense buddy but you can insult blizzdrones better than "shttup ur like 12 and retartddted and I am smart u stupid"
>Shita, Destroyer of Streets
you should have tried TF2 6v6
its fun, but man do they trash talk
>playing a scrim against a team clearly better than us
>"Stick to pugs"
TF2 culture is odd
Net's not the wild west anymore, of course you're going to get a gay as fuck response OP. Deal with it. You do sound salty.
>Get POTG with Zarya because I shielded someone and missed three right clicks 10 seconds before we won the round
It was funny at first, but then it was just sad
Blizzard needs to refine the algorithm for picking POTG
dumb d.vaposter
>people are actually getting mad over someone saying "ez" after a match
Jeez, people are fucking pussies nowadays
>not Bastion holding down M1 and wiggling the mouse
not really. not in this context, not this time. people who call everyone salty over everything are just fucking retarded.
yes, i am mad, because you are visibly and publicly being a huge fucking retard, and anger doesn't somehow invalidate any sort of sentiment or point i am trying to make? this whole thread is about how using salty or umad is a fucking pathetic joke, and deems you 12 forever. to respond to me the way you have is to set your own stupidity out on the table to get fucked.
>He brings up Undertale for absolutely no reason
You sound like a closet furfag.
You think you have it bad? When they buffed Papyrus' Spaghetti Drop I knew the game was over. Why the fuck would they buff the most overpowered ability in the game? What the fuck was Toby smoking?