Console shitters can't handle one of the weakest classes in the game

>Console shitters can't handle one of the weakest classes in the game


>“In an upcoming patch, we will reduce the damage done by Torbjörn’s turret by 30% on Xbox One and PS4. PC will remain unchanged,”

>Console players are generally less accurate than PC players

PC players couldn't handle Widow maker and McCree. Oh I am laffin.

>playing FPS on a console

Why do people do this?

Those two were nerfed on all platforms retard. Console players couldn't deal with them well either

>implying implications

Ever heard of pastebin, faggot?

>he has trouble aiming with a controller

>>Console players are generally less accurate than PC players

Can we stop with this meme? With practice and some light aim-assist, console players can be just as accurate as people using keyboard and mouse.

Wow changing the meta for players lack of aim. That's a fucking first.


>Play Overwatch on console


Tell that to the thousands of console plebs whining on blizzards forums right now about torb.

>light aim-assist

c'mon man

No one is complaining right now, they're celebrating.

>some light aim-assist


>Console plebs can't a fucking stationary turret


It's less about aim and more about being fucking stupid. I legit am the only turret taker when I play as Lucio while the rest of my team dicks around or gargles cocks or whatever the fuck they're doing besides contributing.

>reduce in turret damage because console retards can't aim

I don't play waifuwatch but aren't the turrets immobile like in TF2?

Who cares
Torb stacks are cancer on PC too but at least you can take them out easier

>playing FPS on console

That "stationary" turrent locks on to enemies super quick - far faster than we can turn around to detect it and take cover. It's too fast and too powerful and was rightfully nerfed.

Turrent = shark
Diver = every other player

A human can't outmaneuver a shark in the water. A player (on consoles) can't outmaneuver a super fast and powerful AI turrent.

I love threads that have no discussion other than >FPS on console

Fuck off and take your shitposting elsewhere
At least they're playing video games rather than bitching on Sup Forums

>PC players play 5 torbjörn on defence every map


>With practice and some light aim-assist

Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself

>FPS on console



Fuck off. It's not hard to take a turret down console players are just fucking stupid.

>it's a PC elitism shitfest thread
Purely autism. It's like poetry when one of your most prominent advocates has ass cancer.

Fuck off, I play on console and you have to be utter fucking shit to get out dps'd by torbs turret as pretty much any long range class.

This is blizzard casualising the game for the Polygon tier retards.

I will be so mad if this happens, Torb is my most played character and it really is not hard to counter his turret

>and some light aim-assist
>Literally need an aimbot to even get close to being as accurate as KB+M

Do you play Overwatch on console?

No, so you don't know what it's like.

It didn't even need a fucking damage nerf
All it needed was a slightly delay in lock-on time and it wouldn't been fine

>overwatch players link kotaku

yup seems about right.

>, I play on console

It's not a meme m8. Back in the late 2000's Microsoft trialed some "pro" Halo & CoD players on Xbox 360 vs some random nobody PC players, and you know what happened? The console pro's were fucking dismantled by the PC players. A complete one sided squashfest. Microsoft abandoned their cross-platform plans after that.

Lol you're a fucking idiot, I only play on PS4. People are retards, yourself included with that piece of shit argument.

>get absolutely fucking destroyed by any halfway competent team
Torb's turret is dead weight and free ults against a coordinated team.

so fucking mad, you cant even play the game properly without the game aim for you

why dont you go back and bitch more



I think this blows the fuck out of any argument that controllers fucking SUCK for FPS.

Stick your controllers up your asses while you tie the noose, you consolefags.

>FPS on console

Heh, PC shitters apparently can't handle one of the weakest classes in the game either.

Ahaha where's that faggot who said there's no difference between m&k and controllers when it comes to fps skill?

>he doesn't remember Shadowrun on Xbox360 and Pc cross-platform play

>I only play on PS4

What are you even saying? No one thinks controllers are better for aiming.

You're embarrassing yourself.

Didnt go to the link

Shouldn't Kotaku be out of business by now?

>No one thinks controllers are better for aiming.

how new r u

This board is full of fucking normies who will disagree with you. They seem to think controllers are "as good" as kb+m for shooters. They are wrong, of course.

Makes sense to me, it's an objective fact that aiming with a controller is much harder and less accurate than M+KB.

Atleast read the thread.

>Shouldn't Kotaku be out of business by now?

You have to be at least 18 years old to post here.



>PC players shit on consoles for aim assist (even though they wouldn't be able to name the specific heroes it actually applies to) despite using Sonny's and hacking the game
>there are PC players who literally could not finish dark souls without an easy mode hack

I REALLY wish there was crossplay. Oh god how I wish there was crossplay.

Its not a meme game devs even acknowledge and state this thats why PC/Console cross platform will never happen in shooters. Devs are even making changes to games to account for this, mobs The Division had 50% more armor on PC because mouse aiming is better.

Even if you could aim as well with a controller its still impossible to have reaction time as quick as a mouse.

>light aim-assist
So you literally just admitted you need assistance to aim on par with a mouse you just destroyed your own argument.

So are console players also the shitters I see on here constantly bitching about Mei? I'd imagine her turn speed slow makes it impossible to fight back with a controller.

>the team with more console players loses

Yeah nah I'll pass on that one

Uh, can you read? He said just as good (still wrong) not better.

Look dude, actual people don't think that. That's like saying most people are flat earthers and when NASA posted some moon pictures you were all HAHA YOU WERE ALL BTFO.

Stop thinking retards with objectively wrong statements are somehow the majority.

>directly linking to Kotaku
>You're generally less accurate with a less accurate aiming device

What a hot scoop by Kotaku.

>this entire post

so fucking mad

>light aim assist

his damage was fine they just needed to nerf the fact it could instant 180 lock onto you and shoot through a 1mm crack and kill you.

80% of the posts in this thread are platform wars from literal children.

>What is X and Y sensitivity

The only good console players play with that shit turned all the way up and can turn on a dime

Yeah as good using a fucking AIM ASSIST.

Did they fed you from sligshot when you were a baby repeadetly hitting you in the head?

I'm 33 years old and love debating the merits of vidya platforms.

Stay salty, kiddo.

The game is fundamentally flawed on console,

controllers just don't work

What about what I said indicates Im underage?

ITT: Blizzard tries to patch stupid. Sorry guys, can't be done.




>there are PC players
Yes and there are console players who couldn't defeat the first boss. Your point?

>Calling other people kiddo when you're still being a fanboy fag at 33


Yeah and we're talking about people who have trouble with Mei, so obviously these aren't the "good" players.

everyone has trouble, do a 1x1 against a pc key+mou and prove my point.

Okay now you're clearly replying to someone else because I am not talking about anything you just mentioned.

This. I have no issue with the damage. It just locks on too fast.

Who are you quoting?

>some light aim-assist

What? It's a fact. Most everyone here is just shitposting. Saying that makes me mad?

>platform wars

There's no such thing

A "war" implies 2 factions that are relatively equal

What we have is a bunch of stubborn kids that are too afraid to admit that they got ripped off by buying a modern-day console, that still can't play games as well as a PC can, even when the game literally helps correct your aim for you

They'r slowly dying, They haven't been forced to pay yet. They're still trying to appeal in court

How much of a faggot do you have to be to subscribe to kotaku on facebook. Kill yourself OP

A lack of understanding of basic law and business.

summit couldnt even get diamond in Halo, proves my point he cant aim on console, console is just hard mode and most pc cucks need a direct point and click to be good

>it's the same with aim-assist
Hahahahahahahaha, console toddlers are honestly delusional. They live in a tiny bubble.

While we are at it. Reduce the aim radius of turret for both platforms.

Buying a console is fine if you want to play something that isn't an FPS

So platform wars.

I don't think the damage needed to be nerfed. They just needed to add a cool-down once the turret was destroyed, instead of after it was built.

Boom, done.

why is it that everyone says turret that way when they're younger I don't get it

>They live in a tiny bubble.

Except console sales completely dominate PC sales. Games are made mostly for consoles and sometimes ported to PC.

>"war" implies 2 factions that are relatively equal

No it doesn't. Dude you're looking way too much into me saying people are shitposting.

>>Console players are generally less accurate than PC players
no shit

nigga, controllers are so bad you need the game to aim for you

But shitty FPS games and sports games are pretty much all that consoles have

T. Nearsighted American

They're called a turret in the game. Though most people just call it his sentry because of tf2.