This is a Playstation®4 EXCLUSIVE game released in the year of 2016 costing $60

This is a Playstation®4 EXCLUSIVE game released in the year of 2016 costing $60.

Now repeat with me: so this...................................... is the power............................................. of the PS4™...........................................whoa...................................

Can the PS4 really not do AF?

but the game is on vita and ps3

See that mountain over there?


So this.............
Is the power................
Of a guerrilla marketing team...................

No, the Japanese (excluding Kojima, From and Square) just seem to be incapable of making games with modern graphics. Just look at DOAX3

Wait, what game is this?

i will when it pops in

Dark Souls 3 looks great

Japan emphasizes style and artwork on a smaller budget while Western developers spend a billion dollars making a puddle on a sidewalk look as realistic as possible.

That looks interesting

>not striving for technical excellence
There was a time when japan was pushing the envelope too bad it's long gone.

>western video games, at the very least, are always in a pissing contest when it comes to graphics and technologies
>western video game market is booming

>Japanese have not innovated anything in graphics or technology since quite literally the PS2
>Japanese video game market is in the fucking shitter

Woah, its almost as if competitiveness is what drive industry, and complacentness causes stagnation.

They explain it in the game dumbass

There was a time when Japan was also the cutting edge in technology, not just video games. Turns out that the Japanese method of gaining market dominance, by significantly undercutting local competitors, didn't work so well against larger, richer companies.

It's a game for little girls man, who cares.

It's also on the vita faggot.

PS4 is getting games.... but...... at what... cost..........................

And PS3 (Japan only)

Reverse image search gives me nothing but korean, what game is this?

>mfw even with shit tier graphics the PS4 can't run games at 60fps

>Koei Tecmo

As separate entities, they made Fatal Frame, Ninja Gaiden, Gitaroo Man, Disgaea, and... nothing? How could one company produce so much shit in between their real games and still survive?

atelier sophie i'm guessing

>make a thread shitposting a Nintendo game
>deleted after 5 minutes
>make a thread shitposting Sony
>562 replies and 189 images omitted. Click here to view.

Why are Sup Forums mods so biased? I thought console wars was against the rules, I guess they mean only for Shitendo though.

This is the game from another angle. It looks comfy as hell.

I'd buy it if I had finished the other atelier games I bought

But user, that doesn't matter as long as they're getting exclusive games!

Where do you think you are?

>so this is the power...
I hate this fucking meme. It's been so misconstrued by you fucks that I can't even tell if it's mimicking that scene from FFVII or TTGL. Fuck

>mfw bandwagon weebcucks will never play the latest and greatest Japanese games

Enjoy your sloppy seconds kusoge with your kusoani, poser weeb faggot

Gust makes Ateliers. KT just bought them recently.

The problem with Japan is they keep making games for multiple systems. Maybe if it was PS4 exclusive it would be better.
I mean, it probably wouldn't, I think Omega Quintet was Piss4 exclusive and I don't remember it looking good.





Omega Quintet looks great though.

Not legitimate games.

ZBrush came around and they were late to the party because the Japanese are notorious about not wanting to give up their tools/techniques.

Is she floating?

>PCfags will never ever get atelier


Oh, is this your first time on Sup Forums - Nintendo and shitposting? It's actually the first rule of this worst board on the entire internet - ''All users must shitpost and praise Nintendo no matter what they do. Absolutely no sincere disscussion of video games allowed unless it's Nintendo (only positive things, all negative things will be deleted)''.

who wants this weeb games plox

>Make a thread about a Nintendo game
>Sonyggers starts shitposting in it

You're not the victim, kid.

Sorry, I'm just going by screenshots I've seen.
Haven't gotten around to playing it, bought it for less than 10 bucks but holy shit my backlog.

Once it comes to the PC will be praising it like you did with senran kagura :^)

Mods are the only one biased.

Sup Forums in general hate nintendo.

Don't even pretend, Sonyfags are the biggest shitposters on this board.

so this...................................... is the power............................................. of the PC................................................................................................................................................................................whoa...................................

>muh sony boogyman

>b-but Sony!

>niche game
>non-AAA budget
>puts that budget to use to focus on developing gameplay
>doesn't bloat the budget by making things look better than they need to look
What is supposed to be the problem with this? This is the direction that vidya needs to go if it wants to return to its former glory. Now the only thing we need is more niche developers that don't believe that the only two options are anime and realistic.

Nintendo and PC fanboys were way way way fucking worse shitposting sony threads.

Only Sup Forums realized last summer their shitty toy company doesn't care about them and they stop being biased cunts.

This is a 3DS exclusive that no one bought on a popular platform.

Japs only buy Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter on Nintendo platforms

>gets shitblasted for an entire generation
>people double down on shitblasting for the new generation
>Sony fans start fighting back using the same tactics
>Sup Forums literally becomes Sony vs everybody
>b-baw sony is ruining Sup Forums they're the worst how dare the fight back a bloo bloo bloo

You too.

What do we do about it? Email Hiro? Make a thread on /qa/? These fucking useless mods have to go. They must be on Nintendo's payroll.

Rorona is shit it would have sold better with Meruru as the star.

>that pic
it looks ps2-tier

...I was really looking forward to this game coming over.

Thats a vita screenshot you dumb fuck

Tie a rope and hang yourself, virgin manchild.
So SJWtendo could butcher the fuck out of it?

>a series that is known for being on playstation consoles doesn't do well on a non-playstation console
Should've been on Vita.

Man you sound pathetically salty.

Amazing, isn't it? What a time we live in.

Gee maybe its because its on the fucking vita you retard.

All the games in this series are pretty much exactly the same. It's weeb pandering garbage.

There were atelier games on the DS

Why is it that Xbots rarely ever shitpost from what I've seen?
I don't even like Microsoft but most of the console war faggotry is just Nintendofags and Sonyfags having dick-measuring contests, while PCfags just hate everything.

Whenever someone shitposts Sony, it's assumed they're a Nintendofag and vise-versa, but no one ever thinks it could be an Xbot.

Did those do any well?
Those were also spin offs.

>It's only okay when us Nintenbros shitpost!

Don't you have a censored babyshit game to be playing right now, kid?

>everygame is a big AAA title with 5 entire dollars to spend
I don't want to be a video games anymore

We know you haven't played them its okay user.

They are probably the only series of it's kind so I don't see a problem. Or are the other freeform jrpgs?

Thank god, if only they could round up all the shitty pedo weeb devs and kill them.
Oh look an anti-censorship fag throwing a hissy fit, how "uncommon"

Not sure what you expect from a literal copypaste series just like Neptunia

>Tfw you're a filthy heretic who likes Nintendo and Sony

Oh look, a Nintendo nu-male acting like a cuck, how "uncommon"

Seems like most people who had a 360 jumped ship to PS4.

Kill yourselves

>implying the PS4 version isn't simply just an uprez'd port
nigger please

>Battleshit from EA

No thanks. A polished piece of shit is still a piece of shit.

>cartoons have feelings

Back to you go.

go back to jerking off over #FE, which is now dumb weebshit

That has nothing to do with your original post you shitposting nigger

So this is the power of copypaste weeb shit made to pander towards the lowest common denominator with no quality standards. Whoooaaaaa

Same even if it was digital only.

What could they possibly butcher from a chibi game?

lmao dude what the fuck does ZBrush has to do with anything
did you just learn about it today and now you're parroting that new word?
look at dev videos from jp, you can find some from FromSoft working on Dark Souls and you can see them using ZBrush

regardless, the graphic differences on that image have a lot less to do with detailed models, and more about lighting, different style choices and textures

>implying if this didn't come to the PC pcfags wouldn't be praising it because It's suddenly QUALITY JAPANESE game once it hit the pc


>the most celebrated western games are movies and games that are a severe downgrade in terms of gameplay compared to games from 20 years ago
what a great industry

Western game studios killed gaming.



It has all to do with it

The Vita is more capable than fucking that
This is the system which can run an Uncharted Game and Killzone Mercenary

Stop excusing shitty ass backward Jap companies won't move on from outdated PS2 graphics that look like they were emulated on PCSX2


>movies vs games

Lionela. She won't be a traveling prostitute anymore.

Fuck off pc nigger no one cares what you think

I really need to play the atelier games

Why is Sophie the target of so much shitposting? The older games weren't like this.