Jesus Christ Sup Forums, what have you done?
Jesus Christ Sup Forums, what have you done?
This might be it lads, when his mom dies it won't be long before he follows the fat slob
Found out my son has autism. Everytime i see or think of chris it just puts me in fear on what will happen to my son. Most i can do is keep him away from the Internet.
>Found out my son has autism
Like father, like son
is he seriously prostituting himself?
so should we send him some money?
>help us out here, please
I actually felt bad
in all seriousness if true that fucking sucks
just remember chris' main issue is he had shitty parents
You know he's just going to spend it on terrible video games.
That's not how it works, I should know. The actions will be just as embarrassing, only without an audience.
You might want to do some studying
if I had any extra money I'd send him some just for making me laugh over the years.
Stay strong Chandlers.
What's gonna happen to him when Barb dies? Jesus.
That video actually really got to me. I can't stand to see people suffering, and Barb literally looks dead there.
he could easily make more than enough if he sold all his toys. not gonna happen, though.
don't feel bad. he's scum.
it's like this every month, e gets money from some 'fan' and then asks for more next month
never once has he thought of actually getting a job or selling all that bullshit he doesnt need
but no, he continues to buy legos and vidya
he needs to be put down
is silk road still operational?
Autism isn't real, user. Don't let your kid grow up thinking he has a fake disorder. Just raise him as a normal dude.
>what have we done?
FTFY fampai
Holy shit it's finally happening. Chris is literally going to be a ward of the state. The wild ride finally ends.
don't worry that much m8
chris is the result of parents trying to force an autistic child to be "normal" (no therapy or treatment etc.) while simultaneously spoiling him like crazy (giving him whatever he wants, no punishment/boundaries etc.)
In other words, chris is like a worst-case scenario in terms of aspergers. As long as you do right by your son he'll be fine
Lemme tell you this as someone who works with disabled children. Please don't be a shitty parent. Unless it's super severe autism the kid is probably gonna be fine, unless you fuck him up.
Don't be as shitty as chris's parents. At least try to convey to him actions have consequences.
And science, can't have him storying his jizz.
Didn't he just fucking brag about completing a set of transformers with spare cash like a week ago. Holy shit fuck cwc.
I've seen this dude on and off for a while now, but this has got to be some Andy Kauffman level shit. I still refuse to believe this is all real.
I believe that autism is real, but autistic people get a free pass so easily nowadays and the "treatment" they get is so shit that they might actually benefit from not being diagnosed.
Nigga, you're crazy. It's sure as hell mislabeled in a lot of cases but it does exist.
I don;t think he could get a job anywhere. I can't see. Are there even any stores that haven't banned him from the premises yet?
>Force him to be normal
nig no, that was the exact opposite of what had happened. The only thing that even fits what you are saying is that his father kept him from being sent to a hospital because he thought it would fuck him up, otherwise they never tried to force him to be normal.
user, I'm a guy with Autism myself, specifically aspergers syndrome. Anyways, as long as your kid is high functioning, and you're not a shitty parent, he'll be fine. I promise you. My mom has let me used the internet since I was 7, and I was diagnosed when I was 3. I'm absolutely fine.
Do you like Dwarf Fortress?
>let me used
>I'm fine
Never played it.
i knew what to expect and im still disgusted
How big is your game collection and do you own any toys?
Also age? I just want to know what you define as 'fine'
That's some good satire you posted there.
Are you seriously comparing him to an animal?
So what's his paypal address?
real talk
I couldn't make it through the video
He had a job at wendys for a bit but got fired for being an asshole.
There's literally no resources for adults with autism. There's barely even any studies about adults with autism. For some reason the entire medical community treats it like a disease that vanishes once someone turns 18.
We literally don't know what the fuck to do to help any adults with autism
Chris doesn't have autism. He has a very, very rare disease that simulates it in the beginning, but becomes incredibly more deranged. This is proven by him randomly forgetting how to speak when he was six. This disease causes the person to completely forget how to talk and have to relearn the entire language again. Look it up. Your son is going to be fine.
we fixed him
inb4 404
Feel kind of bad for CWC if his own mother acts like that to him when he's being very sweet
>gosh darn autism beating me up in the brain
I do not own any toys, as for my game collection, it's not big at all. Nor do I ever want it to be. And, I'm 22.
I know it's real. I know it is, but it just can't be. As a side note I live around Charlottesville and have been to that fashion square mall a few times. I met the dude he pepper sprayed last summer and he totally deserved it.
Its not the first time he has tried to.
>How big is your game collection
not him but at what size does it start to get worrying?
>I'm absolutely fine.
you're posting on Sup Forums
This is actually really sad
>American health care
Is this lewd? google's new image search has failed me yet again and iqdb sucks.
>at least say something so i know you're alive
Still has the compassion of a psychopathic mongoose, I see.
brainwash never cures people
Autistic people should be let to be the person they want to be not shoehorned to be a slave to a fucked up society
Actually that is what is wrong with society forcing people to be slaves for green pieces of paper
If you have a disorder and you hurt animals or people then you should be locked up
If they do something and their parents or something abuse them physically or verbally for they way they are then the parents should be locked up
People deserve freedom.
What do you think would happen if a trans female messaged good ol Chris. I bet he'd fly into a seething rage.
Why don't we ship him to Britbongland where he could actually get some help?
Another aspie here.
It's too fucking hard to get into but it seems intriguing
>for $100 i'll do pretty much anything
>but not anal
That kind of limits your options.
Collectors editions and steelbooks
The ride never ends
he needs to be exterminated
it really is for the best
Do you collect retro games?
Jesus Christ fuck off you idiot. Theres an enormous difference between severe and high functioning autism. Severe autism, while they're not retarded, they might seem it because of what they do and it can't be helped in pretty much any way. Their mind progresses super slowly and it's like they're in a fantasy land for their entire life.
Just come out and say the worst you have to offer in terms of character, not talking shit about you here but it would end the conversation really quick. What are your fetishes, what's the worst you have ever done, are you outgoing. basic shit.
He is a fucking hero in my book. Selling his body to buy his dying mother medicine. What a fucking trooper. More than i can say for the lot of you.
>everyone here
HER*, Christine-Chan is a woman, you should respect her pronouns of choice, or else I'll ask my wife's son to shut down this website
The perfect job for me is the same thing as autism which is rearranging things at a retail store over and over till I die!
Where in the christ did you get all of that from my post?
>you can't even get in for an interview, but you'd be complete bitch made if they hired you
oh well.
They mainstreamed him despite protests. They moved counties to avoid being forced to place Chris in special ed. They wanted him to be as normal as possible.
>and the thing that I was wrongfully born with down there....oooh
I have one Collector's Edition, that's it. I'm the autistic guy, it's this one by the way.
Whats next though? He's probably going to become homeless and go dark because he wont have internet access.
Thanks David Supernigger.
>bringing a kid with a mental disability into this world
You fucked up. Badly. Shouldn't have had it in the first place. Now you've brought someone into the world whose life will be an endless struggle.
Britbongland is noe Sup Forums centred. We'd probably bunch him with the polish during the coming genocide