>The ground shifts beneath your feet
The ground shifts beneath your feet
>kids can see my legs
oh come on you know her fucking buttcheeks were hanging out of those pants. Is it really that important to get attention that you act like a complete nasty whore at a family friendly affair?
Allowing smashfags into the FGC was a msitake.
stacy btfo
dumb nintendrone
>vapid, whorish facial expression in both photos
I feel zero sympathy for her whatsoever.
God I fucking hate cosplayers so much.
FGC was already ruined by being mostly niggers.
I bet you any amount of money it was a fat sjw that complained
i honestly dont even know how your brain jumped to that conclusion, but i do agree that anyone who still defends nintendos decisions is likely a drone
Its mostly niggers, spics, and asians who play fighters because all the rich white kids got consoles while the minorities had to stick to the arcades.
And guess who's the majority of smash players? pasty autistic white virgins
>family friendly affair
>He doesn't know about "SQUEEZE THAT BITCH"
Come back when you know what goes down at the Fighting Game scene.
>get near and whisper in her ear:
- you can still show me your butt if you want that so much, come to the bathroom.
THICCCCC or fat? I need some pantsless pics
>win the tournament
>get robbed while taking a piss after
I got you mane
Was it a flabby ass?
Fuck her, she's a damn dummy.
>oh come on you know her fucking buttcheeks were hanging out of those pants. Is it really that important to get attention that you act like a complete nasty whore at a family friendly affair?
This was posted by either a woman or a fedora virgin.
It's amazing how quickly vapid young women have taken nerd culture and twisted it into another chance to attention whore.
Women fuckin ruin everything.
me on the left
I'm more interested in the art stand to the left of her. You wouldn't by any chance have a artist name for that art, would you?
I feel ya.
There was a whole shit show afterwards about that. Neo fucking colluded with CORN or some shit AND got that fundraiser money. Fuck him.
>why can't I be a whore at this private event?
when will they ever learn
Smashfags, tho being white, are the most pathetics. Take a lookatMew2King.
do you have some butt pics of her?
>5'11 vs 6'
Why don't you elaborate instead of acting all high and mighty on an anonymous image board, I mean seriously does it make you feel superior to know more about something so petty as the fighting game scene, that you need to laud it over another anonymous person on the Internet?
Fucking flog.
>cosplaying an appropriate character at a fighting game tournament
>if nothing else, eye candy for those competing
>no harm done
>meanwhile some smashkids mom sees her and complains to the staff
>has to cover up
>no more eye candy
You literally can't justify smash being at any fighting game tournament besides money because a child is easily parted with his allowance.
>she should have my archaic christian values the dumb wench
Could care less.
Holy shit is that a nice shade of blue.
Damn, I've gotta flirt if I ever see her at an event.
Her Vampirella isn't awful either, she's very touch and go
Not bad. Certainly not offensive. Idk who she is but I'll side with her for now
she needs some better lips jesus.
nice, with her as Cammy?
Bullshit, that's what went down last year? Source?
As someone who saw her cosplay, I'm glad they made her put on pants. She intentionally pulls her leotard as deep into her crack as she can. It's gross
Thanks, doc.
She looks better in that one.
You get what you wish for with your anti harassment SJW policies you dumb cunt.
Conventions are in fact supposed to be family friendly. This is why there are dress-code regulations but individual panels people can participate in to seek their own individual interests. She'd probably receive no flak for cosplaying as she did and going straight to the tournament, which is mostly adult, but she probably walked around the whole weekend in that one outfit (or similar outfits) with her ass hanging out.
She clearly is an infantile cunt if she doesn't bother bringing flesh-colored jeggings or the like as a backup in stead of a "WAH LOOK HOW SHITTY MY COSTUME IS NOW!" pair. An absolute attentionwhore of a cunt.
Guys think they like this sort of girl, but if you ever had to deal with the sort of raunchy individual these sort of cosplayers are, you'd realize it's just lust. You will never, ever meet a cosplayer girl who isn't some sort of hyper-fetishist.
>he seriously didn't expect this
you mean you wouldn't gravitate towards an area where competition is less severe for acquiring stuff that you want? (in this case, adoring worshippers, even if they smell and are not that good looking)
it's not really that amazing.
>nice, with her as Cammy?
I'll keep looking but not that I know of.
>She intentionally pulls her leotard as deep into her crack as she can
damn, now i really need to see some ass shot from her Cammy
How the fuck did smash get brought up in any of this I was just here for the shit posting but now I really want to know.
>act like a complete nasty whore
You'd think a white knight would know better than to slut shame, but I can't say I am really surprised in the least.
>people ITT bringing up Smash for no reason at all
Holy shit.
I have never seen so many people so butthurt about one series, this is hilarious.
>t. fat girl
Cosplay as girl fighters + getting with a top 8 players = Money for her
>a sagging face that young
poor girl, she's going to hit that wall at terminal velocity
It'd be one thing if it was some soccermom floating around the fittan gaem area; that much I'd understand. More than likely, however, she was traipsing around areas with as many people as possible throughout all hours of the day.
Very much this. She clearly has debaucherous intentions for her cosplay. Not because "OH WOWEE I LOVE CAMMY!".
should be illegal to cosplay Cammy and not take ass pics
At least she worked on improving it.
Even if this were the case...
>Showing a bit of asscheek is going to cause irreparable damage to the children!
Holy shit are you in the wrong place, man.
autismal faggots are mad at different autismal faggots for being allowed to come to the fag party
>professional video game fashion model
>barely plays games
>has a Chad boyfriend
>easy ride in life
Boo fucking who.
This is misleading, a lot of whores wear flats now.
Old-fashioned is the best for all of these options.
>oh come on you know her fucking buttcheeks were hanging out of those pants. Is it really that important to get attention that you act like a complete nasty whore at a family friendly affair?
Man this is some /cgl/ tier anger at a moderately attractive woman
Because it was a smashtard who complained you retards.
In case you didnt know CEO was a fighting game tournament, besides you see far more promiscuous stuff at other conventions and hardly anyone complains, but I guess because greedy kikes want the smash and pokken money they have to bow to their outsider overlords.
Prude on shoes, bore on neckline and old-fashioned on legs is a top-tier woman.
nah you're just jealous fat girls
so she likes poison, cammy, and vampirella
bfd, go cry into your ben and jerry's about it, ladies
It was me.
>two post less then a minuets apart
Nigga what does your hate for smash blind you this much?
Where is the source it's a smashfag they even said they wouldn't name the person.
>all these thirsty teenagers white knighting her
the fighting game community everyone
>Because it was a smashtard who complained
Based on ______ ?
>those legs
>those socks
Pants with socks, please.
case in point ladies and gents
Found an older one.
her face definitely was much better before.
I'd still smash.
>One of the biggest FGC event in NA
>Family friendly
it was me asshole
>so she likes to cosplay as characters whose sole purpose is to be sexualized
FTFY. She's clearly fishing for the attention of thirsty guys. Her cosplay isn't even good. Anyone who thinks ass makes a cosplay is a candid whore, through and through. Go to /cgl/ and see for yourself.
You're just fucking thirsty. That's it.
Bring back these guys
Fighting game community are all niggers. Of course they'd want white girl ass.
saved, thanx
i didnt say samefag i just replied to two posts haha what the fuck are you actually autistic
I'm all for eye candy, but I guarantee you she is way more interested in dressing as that character because it would give her an excuse to get her fat ass out in public than for any interest in the game or community it has.
Women see everything through the prism of 'how can I get more attention out of this'?
Both complainant and complainee.
>Sup Forums literally being raided by the cosplay board
>Not posting Sup Forums version
Followed by "Measure a woman's worth by how THICCCC she is!"
I never really understood the think of the children argument when it comes to things like this. What are they worried about? If they are pre-teen they wont get any reaction out of it since they won't see her as attractive. The older ones might but who cares? What about the girls? Who cares if a girl sees another girls ass?
She could at least hit the gym if she likes skimpy get ups. She would look real good with some muscle tone. As it is now she's borderline mom bod tier and maybe one biracial baby away from going pear shaped.
Stop oppressing the Cammy!
But whore and slut are spot on, the bigger the heels, the shorter the skirt the bigger the slut.
If a woman has a top so low her tits are poppin out, her skirt so high her ass cheeks are hanging out and heels so high she could break something if she were to lose her balance, that she's not a whore?
Come on now, these are specific things a woman specifically thinks about before going out and is intentionally broadcasting about herself and we're not supposed to acknowledge it?
I'm tempted to do a male cosplay with a leotard and hang out around the skimpy fem cosplayers, so when someone complains about my butt I'll get them all kicked out with me.
rule 63 cammy maybe? or morrigan?
>Allowing paradigms of whoredom to influence the youth
i'm bad at sarcasm
i should've named some more sloots
Just post the sauce