Miyamoto shuts down the SJWs and Linklefags

>We clearly talked with the team to make a game centered about Sheik, so I cannot say it is impossible to see something of the sort in the future, but in the classic games in the series, Link is the hero and that will not change. For the rest, you have to be patient and see what happens! — Shigeru Miyamoto


How does it feel bros?

Other urls found in this thread:


Thank God.

That said, a Sheik game could be ok, he is an interesting character.


Our husbando is safe Sup Forums...

Thank you Miyamoto. Fuck those non-fan cuckold brainwashed autismos that can't shut up for a second about how Link "needs" to be a woman.

Link is for.....

Man breast milk tastes so weird.

How did japs become the last bastion of sanity in the entertainment industry

I'm not SJW at alll I personally wouldnt mind Linkle.

I am somehwat familiar with the lore and I dont see anythingthat speaks against a female reincarnation.

that being said, if they ever do make a game around her, you shouldn'T be bale to pick between link and linkle, but force everybody to use her. not to piss the fanbase offbut to keep the games internal integrety alive.

>Men want to play as link
>Women with good taste want to play as Link and see that cute ass all game long
Seriously who the fuck would buy a female Link game anyway.

If Link is girl then what about the waifus???
Think of the waifus, user

Just make Link your waifu. It's not hard. He's androgynous for a reason.

Men that are like option 2 but want cute female ass.

Would you drink her breast milk?

Nobody really wants it.
Only SJW who were never going to buy the game anyways care.

The goddess didnt get a boner for a girl user, link is mans man and the goddess wants to fuck him for that so she had them stuck together by fate.

>Wanting to look at a girl's ass all game long
What are you, gay?

I would if they made one, but I'm not demanding that shit.

By being old, traditionalist, and absolutely terrified of new ideas.

Jews fear the Samurai...

In Skyward Sword Fi says "He" when referring to prophecy the goddess made. That being said though I wouldn't have a problem with a Linkle game seeing that Linkle isn't really just FemLink (Lore wise).

beta nu-males that have drank deep of the koolaid

Is the mango even canon?


>and absolutely terrified of new ideas
Well that last part can be applied to pretty much every AAA publisher.

>The only people who wanted female Link are SJWs and Linklefags
When will this meme stop?

Also, why would a female Link not simply be called "Link"?

Yeah same here. People have wanted to see a female Link or Zelda as the lead or something for more than a decade, it's just that most of Sup Forums doesn't know about that because they're too young, and SJWs have swooped in and ruined everything for everyone, so anyone who expresses interest in playable female characters in a series where men have traditionally been the lead are automatically labeled insane SJW.

I want her to nurse me while she plays Zelda

now ask them why they keep censoring our games

also I think every game has a different prophecy, there could easily be one around a female hero one day

Absolutely is.

I think its funny how the end of it the goddess basically traps link in an endless loop of them getting together whenever shit goes bad, only for the first (that we know) time to end with a curse that once again binds link to the fate of the hero and eternal conflict.

Nigga got fucked hard as far as having free will goes.

Because Nintendo still markets their brand as a family friendly entertainment center.

>There are people that feel the need to insert as Link.

The Zelda Wiki says Ambiguously Canon (though it doesn't say why so take that as you will) so I think those events DO happen just not in that way.

Well, AAA developers follow whatever the latest trends are, and SJW shit is something that caught their attention. Japanese are fiercely traditionalist, it would take a very long time for them to start pandering to SJWs, but by then they'll have moved onto another target, so it's not a huge concern.

>Man breast milk
user... I don't know what a man has been giving you but it isn't milk.

I'm a boy and I want to play as a cute Linkle so I can undress her and see her cute smelly bare feet!

then why have games like ninja gaiden and devil's third

No I'm allergic to dairy and gay. Id still play with those though, it seems like it would be fun.

Because Link is short for Lincoln


You mean the character who is literally created to be the "link" between the world and player?

Might as well make a Kirby game where you can only play as the painting girl.
Why do people constantly scream for female protagonists that mean nothing? How does changing the gender improve the game?

Nintendo of America you mean. Nintendo of Japan seems more open to more risque stuff.

>that will not change

My nigga.

nintendo women > *

His name was originally supposed to symbolize the link between the Past and Future.

Zelda 1 was supposed to have time travel

>dyed hair
Oh boy

And Sam is short for Samuel.

Marry, fuck, kill

Well yeah, Sheik is a "dude"


There totally could be a female hero, it being Link is unlikely though because the goddess was talking about the Hero's spirit in general, if he reincarnated into a girl it'd be odd because thats not how reincarnation works...Though that depends on what kind of reincarnation cause with some versions Link can be reincarnated into a fruit fly.


samus isnt called sam though

>Zelda 1 was supposed to have time travel

You were "that kid", weren't you?

As long as it doesn't force you to play as anyone but link I don't give a fuck. Options don't trigger me but forced sjw pandering does.

Well is not going to happen and according to lore the hero of courage is a "he" always and now according to Miyamoto that will never change.

Linkle is like Aryll.

Call me a slowpoke but who is this semen demon?

I love how Miyamoto is basically saying "Can't you idiots wait for a spinoff?"

I might disagree with a lot of things he says/does but even so he says something like this every now and then.

Pls post more pics of the titty girl.

Demise cursed Link and Zelda specifically to be reincarnated forever. How could a male soul be reborn into a female body?

No one wants a male Samus

After women bitched about Linkle not being a palette swap of Link while also bitching about how replacing a male character with a female character and changing nothing else is just as bad it makes sense that Nintendo would never want to listen to anything they have to say.

It wouldn't be inappropriate if she were.


They have a different version of the prophecy because no legend can survive thousands of years intact.

>tfw no real Lon Lon milk or official Lon Lon bottle

Zelda merely was pretending to be a boy

there's a million things it wouldn't be if she were, i don't know what point you're making

Look it up, the Triforce was supposed to be a collection of computer chips

I would fuck a boy Samus. Very hard.

>and according to lore the hero of courage is a "he"

Where was that stated?

>will never change

Once you get to a certain age, you stop believing in that sequence of words. Certain things will really never change, but video games are not one of those things.


Every time I see a video or picture of her she has this creepy, lewd as fuck smile and look in her eye. Like if you just randomly went up to her and asked her for anal she would give it to you no questions asked. Basically she looks like a nympho who is barely able to hide the fact.

>according to lore the hero of courage is a "he" always
if that is the case I wouldnt want a Linkle ever, are you sure though? I have played a fair share of Zelda games and of course it always refered to as "he" because weonly had male links so far, but doe it really say that it must be a "he" by default?

Go watch the Treehouse

She is a """""""""""dude"""""""""""""

>How could a male soul be reborn into a female body?

You don't know a damn thing about the basics of reincarnation or reincarnation beliefs, do you?

more like
fuck, kill, marry

Shiek is a cuntboy.
Pyshologically a man with wide shoulders and larger muscles, but has no bulge so he still has a vagina.

Point being, that if we're discussing the hypothetical notion of a female Link, then why would we think she would be called anything other than "Link"? It's conflicting when people say
>the creators of Zelda are content with the flow of the series with Link as the hero
Because hypothetically speaking, if Link were a female, then nothing has changed. It's still "Link".

The problem isn't having a female lead, it's that SJW's want a genderswapped Link.

People have wanted Zelda to be playable from early on in the series, which is a completely different thing since it's not strictly based off modern progressive values, but gameplay and lore considerations.

Demise cursed two very specific people. Link is The Hero, Zelda is The Goddess. How could they reincarnate as anything but themselves?
This isn't Buddha, they're two specific souls cursed in specific forms by a specific demon god to reincarnate forever.

i agree

Yes, the goddesses want it that way, fuck.
>The Youth who draws forth the guiding sword shall be known as the goddess's chosen hero, and it is he who possesses an unbreakable spirit.

>He shall be burdened with the task of abolishing the shadow of apocalypse from the land. Such is his destiny.

>With the spirit of the blade at his side, he shall soar over the clouds and plummet below...
And united with the spirit maiden, shall bring forth the piercing light that resurrects the land.

That's the very first prophecy, it also states that the triforce of wisdom can only belong to maidens.

More sexist cr*p from Nintendo no surprise there.
You can keep your male Link but don't come crying to us when we keep our money and your company tanks.

My main fear about having a gender choice in a Zelda game is that it'll die down what little personality Link has; Being an air head type kid that sleeps in but has a strong sense of righteousness. But then again Nintendo wouldn't kill Link's usual tropes. It makes me happy they'll consider making Zelda the protag before turning Link into a girl for no reason.

>somehwat familiar with the lore
opinion discarded



>Absolutely is.
Absolutely is not.

>The curse is very specific
>Only Buddhism reincarnation exist
>Even though reincarnation is very specific in zelda games.

Why are Zelda threads always plagued with trolls and trannies trying to push their agenda?

lazy bait

Someone post pictures of the really cute girl who was on the same stream as the titmonster

Another victory for GG


>One single decision completely destroying both SJW and waifushitters

Excuse me? Zelda is very ripped and Sheik has very wide hips and a small waist.

Maybe she's wearing shoulder pads

If link is a female then it's not link, it's female link.
Also fans don't want that, you are fucking delusional and there's even charts that people don't want female link.

>it's that SJW's want a genderswapped Link.

So have plenty of people for a long time. Just for something pretty to look at while playing, I guess.

He just cursed them to be reborn and be stuck with each other forever, that's it. They could re-incarnate as slugs for all we know. At least I think, my memory of SS is hazy, it was such a shit game. I don't remember him mentioning that one would always be a princess though. A hero maybe, but that doesn't preclude Link someday living the life of a female hero.