Tfw too scared to play resident evil 4

>tfw too scared to play resident evil 4

is anyone else a huge pussy when it comes to spooky vidya like me?

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying re4 is scary

>game where re stop being scary
>you're scared of it
huge pussy more like massive pussy

Is a massive pussy more of a pussy than a huge pussy?

it's way more pussy that huge pussy

I usually don't play spooky games because I get lost a lot.
Anyone else?

What is the prank? I don't get it.

I'm that way with the Fatal Frame games.


Maybe for ice cream and the mysterious bag near the end.

The fatal frame games are pretty good, but i'm not sure if it's just that i played them in quick succession, but two and three dont seem as scary atmosphere wise. Although two did have a story where some decently creepy stuff did occur.

I was too spooked out to play the RE7 demo, and while I played it my heart felt like it was gonna beat out of it's chest.

Now that I've played through it it's not really bothering me too much anymore.

Face your fears user you'll get use to it.

I think you got desensitised, mate. 3 is easily the scariest of the lot.

Where's the joke Buckley?

3 didn't really feel that scary to me mainly because some of the things that happened seemed kinda funny to me. Especially the flying children

honestly bioshock is scarier than RE4

Those regenerators were fucking spooky
And the tentacle dogs get me every time, ugh
Everything else I can handle

>Scared of an action game
Fuck off OP

Honestly, playing resident evil 4 back when I was 15 or so got me over scary things. Now its obviously not that scary, but for me having been a huge wuss and avoiding anything scary it was. Admittedly, i still fucking hate those chainsaw ladies.

Stop being faggots. Regenerators, chainsaw dudes and that atmosphere made the game the perfect mix between scary, cheesy and funny.

3 was easily my least favorite of the games. The house parts mostly felt like padding to me and SH4 did that whole spiel better. It also went on way too long for a game of its genre; just when I was getting tired of the game they pull the whole miasma thing.

Scary games scare me and I take no pleasure in being scared like most people seem to so I tend to not play them all all.


Nigga you can fucking suplex the zombies. It's more comedy and action than horror.

>the whole Miasma thing appears
>the game decides it's only important enough to give you as a note how it works

Scary things scare me. Like I'm not even kidding my biggest weakness is horror. I've been so scared by games before I've actually cried.

I think the scariest game I've ever managed to play on my own for any period of time is Dead Space. I still didn't manage to complete it though.

the only thing that was spooky to me was the extra missions on that dock level with the double-bladed-chainsaw guy

also the regenerator the first time i saw it

Where is the prank Eggman?
You said there would be a prank.

Its okay user, I was scared of horror video games too when I was five years old

RE4 wasnt that scary desu.

There were some parts that made me hestitate a bit but I was mostly worried about running out of ammo than what I was shooting at. The whole island segment, besides the regenerators and iron maidens, is just pure campy and I love it

>play half life 2 for the first time
>get to the area where you meet the poison and fast zombies for the first time
>stop playing the game for 4 months
And this was during the time I played deadspace which felt really fucking weird.

I love it when things scare me for 2 reasons. One, it evokes a strong response in me which clearly shows that I gave some kind of fuck. Two, it's fun to laugh about after the matter. I like recalling moments that fuck my shit up.

Vidya doesn't really scare me, but this does:

Phil's twitter is almost as good as his music.

Cat has to buy food

Is Sup Forums autistic?
Why do you find shit like this and the guidos making drunk/high tweets like the hair and MADMAN shit funny?
That isn't funny it's fucking autism humor. It's a bunch of retarded Italians being annoying fucking Italians.

This is the lamest shit. Why does this constantly get posted in spoop threads?

The only game I haven't gotten very far because of spookiness is Outlast. Now fuck that game right there.

3 didn't really feel too scary when in between every chapter i could just walk around the home and just let a cat paw at my hand for a few minuets.

When I was about 12 and playing it for the first time I was so scared of the regenerators that I made my friend play that part for me
But that's when I was 12. Now it's funny to look back and question why that ever scared me

>le opinion suck meme

Nobody said that this picture is funny you turbo nigger.

I like it because it's funny. And Phil Elverum is more of a Sup Forums thing.

the only scary part of re4 is the village at night

>go outside
>rawgghh I'm nemesis
More like annoying

I thought it was alright until that ending stuff then it got too corny for me to take seriously

>all these niggers saying RE4 isn't scary
>instagib chainsaws
>those instagib plagas that would just snatch your head
>only atmosphere that isn't trying to be scary is last part of the island
>every time that it was pouring rain
What a bunch of hypocrites

>tfw felt like I was getting a heart attack from this game

>stop being faggots and be scared of the least scary resident evil game!!

Because it's something that could actually happen. People have been encouraged to commit suicide in the past when shit hit the fan and the format of an emergency broadcast brings up the instinctive unease people have with them.

fuck now Sup Forums is ruining phil
wasnt nmh enough?

Bioshock was scary for a little in the beginning, but after you get some plasmids, it isn't even scary

Sup Forums's always liked Phil. His comics and twitter shit get posted in Microphones threads all the time too.

must be a newer thing, I fucked off from Sup Forums in 2012

what are some actually fun horror games? i remember really enjoying Ghosthunter but thats about it

Dont sharks die if they get pulled out of water?

Leon's cocky banter kills the fear.


I agree. Resident Evil 4 is basically Evil Dead 2 of videogames

RE 1-3

Silent Hill 1-3

Amnesia: The Dark Descent


poor dolphi :(

you guys are making me horny

Sharks are big fish. They breathe through gills. So yes.

stop posting your bad twitter jokes on Sup Forums, fag.



Project Zero 3 is easier than most Project Zero games but still scary.

Eternal Darkness is fun too because you cheese the game.

I really think Silent Hill 3 is fun too, but it's mostly hard and scary the first time you play it. The fun part is getting good at it after replaying it a few times, it has the best gameplay of all the Silent Hill with Heather being faster, deadlier, yet more fragile + meat baits and shit.

Serena is a good point and click horror game, it is free on Steam and it lasts like 40 minutes

Duh. No one brings fish to dry land to keep them alive.

Sleep tight, dolpher

>is anyone else a huge pussy when it comes to spooky vidya like me?

I can't handle anything spookier than Dead Space or Silent Hill, it's why I've never gone more than a few hours in System Shock 2

The isolation and general feeling of dread and unease made DS scary. DS2 had talking Isaac, your buddies often in contact with you and lots of people, made me feel way too comfortable.

How about playing the original Devil May Cry
It's pretty much a RE except you can totally wreck everyone

yes I'm deathly scared of company's that put out shity games with lame duck controls and spoty built lvl desine and shit dialog also. pro tip : you wasted your time and $$$$ pic very related.

also Dead Rising

ive tried out of this list resident evil 2 and silent hill 1 and im not impressed. i haven't even picked silent hill back up because i got to the school and got so fucking bored of looking for clues for three hours. those games atmospheres are mildly unsettling but their gameplay isn't fun at all so im not going to take your word for it

>all these tank walkers
i guess this really isn't the genre for me. i cant find getting chased by le scary ghosts scary at all when you have shit controls, because i know the game is designed for me to get away with those shit controls. takes away all my suspense when it looks like im walking and yet all the enemies run even fucking slower. psychological horror doesn't do it for me at all either

RE4 is legitimately the scariest game in the franchise, because it is at least scary 5% of the time. REmake is not scary, just kinda dull.

I'm a gigantic pussy with horror games. I can't play Fatal Frame, Silent Hill, and I can barely do FNaF.

>Typical opinion of someone born in 2000
It's almost like you have never played a Horror game in your life. RE4 is the least scariest game in all of the RE series, it's also the most casual game in the series.

Well, not such a big pussy that I would be scared by RE4, but in general horror games freak me out. I just get immersed too easily, which is great and all, but despite how much I love horror games I have a very hard time playing them for extended periods.

Generally im like you, only when im alone.
Though if somebody is with me while im playing, i literally do not give any shits anymore.
Shit sucks since i would love to play more horror titles.
Because of this its giving me sick thoughts of Lets Playing them but im not sure if it would count for me since nobody is physically beside me.

Dolphins breathe air though. I mean they could get dried out I guess but I wouldn't imagine that would happen in however long this thing took.

I imagine sea life needs to be in water, even if it is air breathing for multiple reasons including skin moisture, and possibly even the water pressure itself to keep its organs functioning normally.

I know this feel I need to get cheats working then I will like it

No, it's the typical opinion of someone who likes good horror games. Like Silent Hill 2 and 3, and, well, that's basically it. Eternal Darkness is good but even less scary than RE.

Protip, the dogs cannot attack you if you're not looking at them. Makes the hedge maze a joke.

Miasma is where I dropped the game. The other games rewarded you for exploring. Then in 3 they punish you for it. You don't have time to fuck around because the candles don't last long. It didn't make the game any scarier. It just made it frustrating because now you have a time limit imposed on you. Being chased by the invincible one hit kill ghost was only spooky the first time. After it has caught you once it loses its intimidation factor and just becomes an annoyance to deal with.

BioShock wasn't a horror game. It was just an FPS adventure with mutant enemies. No more of a horror game than say Halo when you fight the flood.

It became a joke when you could just tap fork to escape it whenever it caught you anyways.

water pressure? on a seatop animal?


Characters in the game are simply too powerful, so you can literally outskill any sort of fear the game throws at you. I will admit though that I'm varying degrees of pussy when it comes to scary game in which the player is incredibly gimped, either by cumbersome controls, or a lack/complete absence of ways to defend yourself. I can barely play PT because of this.

I wasn't able to finish Ethan Carter because of the maze spook

Woah, lmao, anyone else get spooked by this pic?

the face is too funny to be spooky

The only scary shit in RE4 is the chainsaw guy, and that's only because of how dangerous he is and the fact you can hear his chainsaw a comin'

It's tense as fuck, especially if you are low on ammunition

>Marilyn Manson is rudely awoken by loud house party.jpg

Spookiest game I've ever played is probably Silent Hill 3, because of the atmosphere

REmake is a close 2nd, though

I fucking love Phil. Hearing that his wife has cancer was depressing

Dude, theres legit one jump scare in the game, ONE and its about at the end of the game.


Yes. I haven't finished Crooked Man or She yet.
>this is the man who wrote The Glow Pt 2