Wtf is with mercy

Why is this shit allowed

>stays behind cover so you cant kill her from afar
>stays with bulk of team so you die if you attempt to dive
>heal rate cannot be out-damaged
>ult is a revive with no counterplay once it's been active for ult FULLY HEALS teammates and gives them a full 1.3 seconds of invincibility (albeit without the chance to shoot until its over)
>ults range is the biggest AoE in the game
>mobility ability on a 1.75 second cooldown
>can boost damage by 30%
>thirty FUCKING percent
>people will DEFEND THIS

There is literally no other character in a team-based shooter that is THIS powerful, the only character that can oneshot her is a Reaper headshot, but her head hitbox is one of the smallest in the game forcing him to be dick-to-ass with a headshot for it to work.

Pharah cannot oneshot her with a direct rocket as it only does 120 damage, widowmaker cannot oneshot her to the body (as it should be) but she's always behind cover. Hanzos arrows fly too slowly for mercy's mobility and Reaper once again requires super direct confrontation. Tracer is an "eh" pick against her since the mercy can run the second they know they're taking damage

Roadhog seems to work, but only when the mercy fucks up and accidentally leaves cover giving him a chance to hook.

This can easily be fixed by either having the animation to revive matter, OR having the revive not give invincibility when players have control again and only heal 50% of the health of such players.

However, I've noticed many people across many platforms do not want her nerfed, my question to this is - why?

The fact this thread is dying pretty much proves my point that no one wants her nerfed.

Although I still know not why.

>heal rate cannot be out-damaged
But that's wrong for most characters

Use the catalog or post on the /vg/ thread next time.

It makes no sense since she's not OP, you're just a ragetard and you're probably bad at the game if you believe everything in your wall of text is actually true. It would also reduce the number of good healers to 1: Lucio.

And she's still less useful than Lucio

>ult range is the largest AoE in the game
Lucio's is the largest I believe. I struggle to bring more than two people back, unless they were all killed on the point by an ult. Even if that is the case, I basically have to put myself in the middle of the fuck corridor were they all died and die in the process

that's wrong for literally every character except mei's m1 and torb turret level 1.

I have no idea how to boost damage as Mercy. Do you just keep healing?

Literally hold RMB

She's easy to kill, or scare away from fights. So what if it takes multiple shots to kill her? That's called counterplay.

Who needs to be nerfed is probably the poopoo lady and the swedish dwarf. I've got a 75%+ winrate with both of them. Just too op.

Tanks don't have to be at full health all the time.
i.e. Tanks missing a quarter of health, a pharah is directly engaging, damage boost the pharah until the push is done then heal
Or, D.VA is inside someone's asshole and she's taking damage, damage boost until she looses around half her armor.

Explain her abysmal win rate.

>stays behind cover so you cant kill her from afar
map dependent, heal target dependent, 90% of PUG teammates will not even realize mercy is healing them and walk out to their death, leaving mercy to follow them into oblivion or stay in cover and heal no one

>heal rate cannot be out-damaged
complete bullshit, a good deal of characters can easily out-do mercy's healrate(BASTION, reaper, mcree, junkrat, etc.) , and if more than one person focuses fire on someone being healed, all the healing will do is get them shredded at a slightly slower pace

>mobility ability on a 1.75 second cooldown
only works when a teammate is close and in line of sight, allowing you to fly directly to where they were when you hit the button, and it provides no invincibility

>Pharah cannot oneshot her with a direct rocket as it only does 120 damage, widowmaker cannot oneshot her to the body (as it should be) but she's always behind cover.

why the fuck does she need to get oneshot? she only has 200 fucking health and it takes 3 seconds to regenerate, any offensive hero that can aim can fucking melt her in a second, if widowmaker could oneshot her with a bodyshot she'd be dead half the fucking game

>Hanzos arrows fly too slowly for mercy's mobility

lead your shot/her flight is situational

>mercy can run the second they know they're taking damage
how the fuck can you not chase down a mercy, they move JUST AS FAST AS EVERY OTHER HERO and you're FUCKING TRACER

>heal rate cannot be out-damaged

What a goddamn lie.

Team is shit, Mercy is useless.
Team is shit, Lucio is useful.

>heal rate cannot be out-damaged


>Team is shit, Lucio is useful.
ever have your team spread across the whole goddamn map, dying repeatedly trying to be lone wolves?

yeah, no healer is gonna be able to help that situation

Shoot her with soldier 76 and throw your grenade launcher in there. Dead in no time

>grenade launcher

Mercy's only problem is the revive. Everything else can be counter played.

everyone plays her so everyone loses with her.

>be tank
>2 seconds later hear "LET'S BREAK IT DOWNNNN"

Fuck you Lucio. Too fucking late. Absolute garbage tier

She's fine. If you nerf her revive she will fucking suck.

She could be reworked MAYBE. If her revive cooldown gets increased or is no longer allowed to go through walls then she needs more health or speed or her gun needs more damage.



The game has been out for a month now and we're STILL getting hourly rage threads begging for nerfs. Holy fuck, this game makes shitters salty.

Which isn't an actual problem, shitloads of ults can wipe an entire team, Mercy can undo that. 1 ult for 1 ult and she has to be close enough to be in serious danger while being nearly defenseless, I don't see the actual problem.

The game is terribly imbalanced.

You have only 2 viable healers, 3 decent tanks, 4 decent attack characters and 3 decent defense characters.

Everyone else in the game is useless

>stays behind cover so you cant kill her from afar
What do you expect from a character that has no shield or armor health and has 150 hp?
>stays with bulk of team so you die if you attempt to dive
What do you expect from a character that has no shield or armor health and has 150 hp?
>heal rate cannot be out-damaged
Big FAT Lie
>ult is a revive with no counterplay once it's been
active for ult FULLY HEALS teammates and gives them a full 1.3 seconds of invincibility (albeit without the chance to shoot until its over)
Invincibitilty means they can do shit while in that state. They can't so this problem makes no sense for arguing.
>ults range is the biggest AoE in the game
Sure. Somewhat valid complaint.
>mobility ability on a 1.75 second cooldown
It is fine.
>can boost damage by 30%
Valid complaint. I'd go for 20%.

She is fine. The only problem people have with her is how fast her Ult charges. Reduce that a little and that would be ok.

For one it recharges EXTREMELY fast. It's like the fastest charging ult in the game.

Second, there's absolutely no skill involved in its usage. Q to reset the fight.

Third, it can't be shutdown. If reaper tries to DIE DIE DIE your team you can kill him. JUSTICE RAINS can be shot out of the sky. Mercy's revive occurs the frame she presses Q no matter what. I would accept the Ult for an Ult argument if you could prevent it from happening but you can't.

I forgot to say this in the OP, her ult charge rate is un fucking holy

There is no circumstance where you'll NOT have it charged and ready. It'd be fine if Overwatch was the type of game where you lost your ult charge if you died.

can pro mercies explain how to get huge rez?

I feel like every time I just die on the point trying to heal my teammates.

because of some specific situation that happened to you?

Just means the enemy always sees you.

And fucking stay away. The fucking tether is so long you don't even have to be fucking near your teammates.

that's most of the cast

>What do you expect from a character that has no shield or armor health and has 150 hp?
A character that has more counterplay than just being the first target of the team when there are far more dangerous enemies that threaten to team kill you

>Then use flankers.
But she's already about to die by going in and ulting, the flanker wont do anything unless its the start of the fight. But then she'd be defending by the team in point 2 bursting down the flanker before he gets the chance

>Invincibitilty means they can do shit while in that state. They can't so this problem makes no sense for arguing.
The 1.3 seconds refers to the grace time after you are revived where you're allowed to move around to cover or whever you want, bad wording on my part.

The heal rate, yeah I kinda had retard moment here, I guess i should say it only outheals when you cant keep up 95% accuracy once the one being healed starts freaking out over damage.


>teammates need to be together
>they all need to die within 5 sec of each other
>you need to be in the area and react before they respawn
>enemy team needs to not light you the fuck up as soon as they catch you flying towards the bodies

I got it when my whole team died on the payload from a JUSTICE and I sat in the corner. Remember, your life is more important than theirs if you can res, don't go down with the ship if things start getting fucked

You're not taking into account the fact that Mercy is pretty much completely defenseless and the prime target for the enemy team. It's like you imagine you're playing the game in a void where everyone ignores Mercy until her entire team is dead and she can press Q to revive 5 people, which is completely retarded.

How much play time do you have on Mercy?

>But she's already about to die by going in and ulting, the flanker wont do anything unless its the start of the fight.

See that means you don't know how to flank.

Take Winston or even Tracer. Hide. When a fight almost starts, locate the Mercy. Then fucking go in and fucking kill her. You really think she can do shit when there's actually nothing to Res and she is trying to find a way to get away from you? No you fuck.

Why in the flying fuck would you wait as a flanker to go in in the middle of the battle where there are already dead people. Go the fuck in before.

This fucker is right, not to mention you have to actually get to the place where the team died within a few seconds without dying, and they have to be concentrated.

This. I've always said Mercy is the most powerful hero in the game BY FAR. Mercy is ten times better than Lucio unless she's braindead fucking retarded, which, sadly, most of them are.

>Ult negates every single other ult in the game
>Ult is unstoppable, no channel time, instant, even if you kill her as she's casting, she does it anyway
>Ult makes anyone she revives invulnerable to damage for 1.5 seconds after reviving while they can shoot and move
>Ult doesn't need field of view, can resurrect an entire team, revives everyone back to 100% health
>Despite all this, one of the easiest and fastest charging ults in the game

Every facet of her ult is retarded. But nah, Lucio is cancer because people are fucking stupid and don't focus him before trying to kill his team.

I will never understand why people think Mercy players are worthy of any sort of praise, or why Lucio is even close to be being better than her.

Mercy is pants on head retarded. You can do fucking nothing but press Q every minute and win games if the enemy doesn't also have a Mercy.

There's a lot of retarded heros like Roadhog, Bastion and Junkrat, but holy shit, her ult is the single most stupidly broken shit in the game. No weaknesses, no counterplay. Nothing.

It's even more infuriating because Mercy is almost entirely played by literal fuccbois and trannies who get off on getting patted on the head and being told how good they were at pressing Q occasionally.

Fuck Mercy and everyone who plays her. Any hero I play, I make sure I kill her, each and every single time, until they swap heroes or lose. I will not stop. I will not focus the ulting Reaper or Pharah. I will find you and kill you in the back, over and over again, until you realize what a worthless, faggot-ass cancer-playing assmunching cuntbucket shitmongrel you really are.

An hour or two. I've had both kinds of games. I'm ignored and/or sometimes, and utterly destroyed other times.

The team is going to protect her in most cases.

If an opponent has Mercy I always change to a hero that can flank her ass so bad like Winston, Tracer, Reaper.

And all I do is hide and find her. That's it. I've won all my games against Mercy this way.

There was one game where I was Tracer on Defense Payload and the Mercy was never able to get out of the Spawn point area properly. Opponent had no choice but to change to Lucio. But it was already too late for that.

If Mercy can't Res, she's pretty much useless.

She is a great character, but like others, she has a whole lot of ways to get countered out off.

>He still takes Overwatch competitively

>Do this
>Mercy presses shift
>She's now behind her Reinhardt/Roadhog/Reaper

Tell me how this story ends.

Then fucking jump to her and fucking finish her off then go die if you can't get out. Holy shit is it really that hard?

As long as a Mercy dies without Ulting, you fucking did your job.

I fucking don't care if I die a whole lot as long as a fucking Mercy keeps dying as well. K/D means shit in this game anyway.

because blizzard has a hard-on for making supports super OP after years of """support mains""""" bitching.

But for serious, having a class that's a high-priority pick target makes pick classes like reaper/widow/tracer more important in comp play. In TF2, a good med pick, even if you die for it, means your team can push with a huge advantage. And while Mercy doesn't lose her OP as fuck ult on death, the same basic principle applies.

>The team is going to protect her in most cases.
hot damn user, i want your luck
every time i play mercy i get fucktards who let offensive heroes run around behind our front line unopposed fuck my shit up

>great teamfight where we kill all of them
>hidden mercy who wasnt even involved fly in and ult then dies
>no way to aoe them again since they get an invulnerability timer to move

is this the way this character was meant to be played? a suicide-revive-bomb?

So, you barely played as Mercy, but you should have an idea how she works at a basic level. Tell me now, how many 4 or 5 man resurrects did you get with her super OP fast charging ult?

>can boost damage by 30%

You could always pick someone else and boost damage by 100%, so I see no issue.

The issue is she can boost by 30 or just heal hard depending on the situation.

Boosting by 30% actually negates the fact that you're missing a character.

Just picking another champ is the same as the 30% boost but NO HEALS

Because 95% of the time you'll be trying to do it when a fight starts, and by then the fight probably already started unless you time it perfectly. But the same problem remains, the mercy can literally just jump the fuck away with no way to re-engage her.

Winston doesn't do enough up-front damage, tracer - while fast - can die as easily as the mercy she attempts to kill. Reaper can MAYBE get her in time, but that requiers a decent headshot with a half-bodyshot (half being half-hit half-miss). Further, Genji can only pull off the burst by either being close enough for the triple throw or perfect 3 headshots on the individual throws.

Because it's a team game you dense fucks. What's wrong with you people, you and the Hanzo shitters both

All I see from your posts is you actually do not know how to get into the fight.

You use words like "get to her in time", "she just jumps", etc. It's like once you actually get to her and she even JUST MOVES a little, you already give up and post here how she's so OP.

>Jump to her.
Your jump is on cooldown, you just jumped.

>Finish her off
Good luck doing that before the Reaper/Roadhog/Rein kill you instantly.

You've clearly only played against fucktarded Mercies who pocket heal an equally retarded Zarya who doesn't even realize when Mercy dies.

That's what's going to happen most of the time, she's the #1 target for enemies, her position is naturally behind her team and the team is generally going to be focused pushing forward. Absolute prime flankerbait.

>Boosting by 30% actually negates the fact that you're missing a character.
Completely false, not only does she not damage boost all the time, even if she did it wouldn't be that much. 30% extra damage on an offense character isn't literally 2x their damage, the boost isn't anywhere close to covering the fact that she's not dealing damage herself. Her pistol probably has more damage potential than her boost.

>mercy can literally just jump the fuck away with no way to re-engage her.
If she has line of sight on a teammate in an ideal position to jump to. The teammate has to be far enough away to provide safety, in line of sight, not TOO far because her range isn't that high, not TOO close because it doesn't help her escape. If she's with the main group pushing, she can't escape with their help because they're all close, so it has to be an ally that's not there. That means some sniper who happens to be close enough or another teammate who's further back and as such not contributing to the fight. The ability is much more useful to get to people who need healing quicker than it is a reliable way to escape.

My only real problem with Mercy is how retardedly fast her Ult charges, she's basically guaranteed to have it up for any given teamfight, which means she's priority #1 in every teamfight because if she's still alive after you wombo combo the entire rest of the enemy team it doesn't matter because they're all right back up with one Q and your team's ults are gone.

Issue is you can't really nerf her Ult that much because it'll just make her worthless, her entire kit is balanced around it as it is now and Lucio would just become even more picked as a result.

I could excuse literally fucking everything else as long as the ult is fucking looked at.

Here's a nerf: remove all mobility when you're about to stop being invincible and make the ult heal only 40 or 50%