Why is this shit allowed
>stays behind cover so you cant kill her from afar
>stays with bulk of team so you die if you attempt to dive
>heal rate cannot be out-damaged
>ult is a revive with no counterplay once it's been active for ult FULLY HEALS teammates and gives them a full 1.3 seconds of invincibility (albeit without the chance to shoot until its over)
>ults range is the biggest AoE in the game
>mobility ability on a 1.75 second cooldown
>can boost damage by 30%
>thirty FUCKING percent
>people will DEFEND THIS
There is literally no other character in a team-based shooter that is THIS powerful, the only character that can oneshot her is a Reaper headshot, but her head hitbox is one of the smallest in the game forcing him to be dick-to-ass with a headshot for it to work.
Pharah cannot oneshot her with a direct rocket as it only does 120 damage, widowmaker cannot oneshot her to the body (as it should be) but she's always behind cover. Hanzos arrows fly too slowly for mercy's mobility and Reaper once again requires super direct confrontation. Tracer is an "eh" pick against her since the mercy can run the second they know they're taking damage
Roadhog seems to work, but only when the mercy fucks up and accidentally leaves cover giving him a chance to hook.
This can easily be fixed by either having the animation to revive matter, OR having the revive not give invincibility when players have control again and only heal 50% of the health of such players.
However, I've noticed many people across many platforms do not want her nerfed, my question to this is - why?