I am a Hanzo main and I will pick him whenever I damn well feel like

I am a Hanzo main and I will pick him whenever I damn well feel like.

I did not pay $40 for some sperg to dictate which hero I get to play.

I bathe in the tears of autists like you and the thought of your red angry face crying as you have a meltdown in the chat over me having fun makes me rock hard.

Fuck you.

have fun in the lowest mmr and kill yourself

I don't give a shit as long as you can aim.
It's the people who pick him and suck that are the problem.
Go back to plebbit with your attention whore bullshit.

They did not pay 40 bucks for some useless shitter to ruin their experience because he's not a team player

Check this 4.

This, if you can aim, I don't give a fuck. Clear the point with your japanese shouting, then kill the supports. Play him if you want.

And I didn't pay $40. :^)

>2 Hanzos on team
>30 seconds left on clock
>Still haven't taken A
>Press tab
>I have gold elims
>1 elim
>I'm Mercy
>2hanzos are spamming "Shitfuck420 wants to attack the point" in chat
Yes this really happened. This is real life with Hanzos.

>tfw paid $40 plus $40 worth of loot boxes
>regret it deeply

>36 hours played only and it wasn't worth it at all

I bought it because I had faith in Jeff Kaplan. But it's a shit game.

I've put 50+ hours into support and tank, always trying to play with the team and win. I recently started playing Hanzo and have had more fun in the last 10 matches than all of those hours combined. Only real bad thing is the stigma and how you're always blamed for the loss even if you have several medals.

>I enjoy losing every game because i'm fucking useless.

Ok then? I only have to deal with your useless ass for one match, you have to live with it for life.

same but torbjorn

Am ok with this but anyone that mains Bastion or Torbjorn shame on them and their families.

I don't care who you play as as long as it makes sense
Don't use a bastion on KOTH

>attacking on anubis
>2 hanzos, widowmaker and genji
>what the fuck
>go reinhardt
>spend half the game blocking all the damage at a chokepoint and wondering why no one is capitalising on my tanking
>check the teams
>they're all fucking tanks
>change to Pharah
>"user we're not tanky enough to take their damage, you need to change back!"

This game is populated by retards


>maining easy mode widowmaker

ok, you're a faggot we get it

Whenever i play with people that pick either 2 Genji's, Widow's, or Hanzo's, i switch to become the third one.
I make sure that my team comp goes from bad to terrible. Usually i'll play tank or healer, so they immediately notice that there's no meat and that nobody is covering them.
I got hatemail once because i was so sick of this bullshit that i went Mercy and only used the pistol. It's the only way they'll learn to value good teamplay.

Well, when comp comes out and you have a shit MMR I will never have to see you. Enjoy being trash m8!

nice pasta

Remember the Golden Overwatch Rule:
>When you play Mercy or Zenyatta do not heal Hanzos or Genjis
Let them die and learn from their mistakes. If you heal them they won't learn.

>Remember to let team mates die and make the game 4v6
>that'll show em

Acting like them doesn't make you better then them or teach them anything. It just makes you a shitter as well

>Hanzo screaming at us on the mic to stay on the payload
>he didn't touch it once
>he wasn't one of the top players of the game
>he didn't have the most eliminations
Hanzo players should all be euthanized.

You tell em! We will create a world where Hanzo's will be loved

It's worse when its a little kid that hasnt hit puberty yet. I heard this shit on PC one night and was floored. I didnt get it on console for this sole reason.

my team was shit talking a zen for not healing enough so i played mercy the next round and literally only used my pistol and revive occasionally boosting damage

we fucking won too

Wouldn't make any difference to heal a Hanzo. My time is better spent healing useful classes. If Hanzo is alive or dead, there's no difference.

This. Characters that stay away from objectives and main group have to learn how to heal on their own

The whole game would be better with just 76

healing tanks gives me my ult faster witch lets me make a difference more.

tfw overwatch is the first game you've played that is fun if you win or lose
tfw everyone gets super serious in a game and it isn't fun anymore

Did they nerf him or something?
He was great in open beta

I don't mind losing, but it's not fun to lose when you and a friend are the only ones on the team doing anything noticeable. Pharmercy can only carry so much.

Having a main means you dont understand the game. You switch in between characters depending on what the team needs at that moment, you dont obsess over one character.

I didnt pay 40 dollars for you to shit it up on my team so learn how to play the game.

I know you're shitting on Genji's but I absolutely hate it when a mercy flies after me when I'm playing genji. I can get health packs reliably, I don't need healing doing what I do, and there's others that need your healing more than me. Dont fucking fly after me and get yourself killed for no reason.

It's not fun to lose when you get blown out either. You're constantly hero swapping to meet the coming threat and you and your team is fighting with little resistance. Or when the spawning rotation fucks up and it's always two people by themselves that just run the fuck out there with no support while the rest are barely leaving the spawn point.

You're a credit to your fucking team, you fucking edgelord.

If you want to shoot a bow and arrow for your own solitary enjoyment then why don't you buy one and stop playing Overwatch? I could use the space for someone who might actually help us win.

My response is usually to pick Roadhog and just do stupid shit to amuse myself when it looks like we have no chance of winning.

People don't seem to like me jumping off a cliff and hooking someone on the way down.

Good on you m8

Autistic fucks taking unranked games seriously need to be gassed

>T...that'll show them!

Yeah that's what I meant, I typically play a friend and our usual comp is Pharah and Mercy, we can do a LOT, but it's a lot harder to carry in Overwatch than TF2. If our team is somewhat decent we can usually carry, but we had 2 nights where we played around 9 games each night and only won 2, we just kept getting the most awful teammates.

>All these people complaining about team comps and people not trying and how they teach bad players a lesson by doing x thing

It must be your first game of this type. This is standard procedure, just like those "my team vs enemy team" pictures.

>I am a Hanzo shitter and I will rely on my crutch whenever I damn well feel like

>I did not pay $40 for someone to tell me to pick heroes that require skill

>I bathe in the tears of autists like you and the thought of you not getting to see how bad I actually am makes me rock hard

This user gets it.

problem solving skills don't develop properly on a hugbox foam playground

I love that you think people are getting red in the face over your dumb antics, when clearly you're upset enough to bring your baby defiance here.

Side note: It's a team game.

He paid 40 dollars to play 1(one) character.


Out of 400 games I can remember exactly 1 game in which we got a legitimately good Hanzo who contributed to the match and pulled his own weight.

I remember that 1 single Hanzo out of 400 fucking games because other than that, every single match there has been a Hanzo they've been complete shit incapable of aiming even with his retard friendly gigantic hitboxes.

The character attracts the worst kinds of faggots.

My go to "fuck it" character is either Junkrat or Reinhardt. I'll either amuse myself by charging constantly or I'll just spam bombs and hope to go I hit something.

Or I'll work on my aim with a different character.

This OP is copypasta, user.

As a mercy I use Genji as a lock-on point to move around the map. If he jumps high I'll teleport to him just to gain height advantage. Or if he ults I'll damage boost him. After the ult he can fuck off and find his own health packs. Same with Tracer. There are other classes that can't self heal that I need to prioritize.

>hanzo running around being a faggot not helping like normal
>"we need a tank or we are going to lose"
>I say "then how about you switch?"
>"I only play hanzo"

These threads make me want to buy Overwatch just to play Hanzo exclusively just to make people salty bitches.

You should try Roadhog some time. It's hilarious how mad he can make people.

The one time I just kept hooking the same McCree out of bounds whenever he would show up. I could feel his rage and everything he tried didn't work. Makes it better that they stay just long enough in the air that you can wave at them before they fall.

Have fun, bro. Tracer main here. As long as you're good at your job and you can adapt without changing hero, you're good.

ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau

I main Hanzo and I can see where some people are coming from. I am not the greatest player but I do try to help out when I can. I just don't get it when I am the only person on the objective and where is everyone else?

I have been on some teams with bad Hanzo's, I play someone else if there already is one I just prefer to play as him. Why aren't they using their sonic arrow? Why aren't they helping clear the objective?

I guess I am just a bit torn on the whole thing. Or just hate it when team mates don't actually help on the whole objective thing.

>that boner inducing feel when you ult people off of a cliff
Seriously, Roadhog is absolutely top tier.

I really should. I usually can't land the hook shot and usually go "fuck it" but I should practice with the one man apocalypse.

Trying to learn Tracer here. What the fuck do you do if you run into another Tracer? Those are my least favorite fights.

>Zarya ult into Roadhog ult.

>I usually can't land the hook shot

60-80% hookshot accuracy is average. How are you missing hookshots?

Hare trigger sensitivity. I panic alot.

It's like a little girls slap fight. Fucking annoying. Whoever recalls first usually loses.


Roadhog is my go-to grief class. I can hook Tracers reliably and drop people into the Ilios well. I love shitting on people with Roadhog. They get so salty.

>Tank (you)
>Hey can someone switch to a healer please?
>Fuck you user, why don't you switch?

Never be afraid to throw a hook. You miss every hook you don't throw.

I don't understand this, why would anyone "main" in this game. You pick based on what your team and objective are and should only do that.

>I am a Hanzo main
>KDR: .3
>W/L: 3/127
You didn't even have to tell us, OP. We could have guessed.

Are you guys ready for the true hell that will be ranked mode?

Pick Roadhog. That way your tank and support. You just support yourself.

>tfw you get gold Elim and damage with a sniper

I usually switch if I'm not at least silver. Don't ask me to switch if I'm gold be a use I'm not here to carry lazy fuckers. If I wanted to win I would group up in a premade and pick one of my mote experienced characters.

The only reason you would make this thread is if you have been bitched at by your team for picking Hanzo, and the only reason they would bitch at you is if you suck using him. Congratulations on sucking terribly with a character that you main.

Yeah I usually either zip away or if I get too frustrated I just choose another character. Fucking hate tracking Tracer. Hate that while Winston and most tanks are a hard counter she can tickle their anus repeatedly and then fuck off. I only ever seem to take out a Tracer when she's distracted by something else. Junkrat also works because I get to shit explosives at her.

because gengu and henzo are more fun to play and allow you to be the lone wolf than something that might actually be useful like rein.

it's pasta
some guy posts this thread every day

What was that Hanzo's name because I went on a gold medal streak the other day with Hanzo and git barely any comms for most elims and MVP.

Fellow Piggu here.

Chiming in to say that all Piggu players are cunts who do nothing but look for the most optimized ways to shit on people and I love you guys for it.

I like to play Reinhardt the Retardt Guardt when my team is that dumb, he can do okay without a healer as long as you know health pack locations and you're playing Escort

Just line the shot up before you come around a corner and fire it. If you know generally where the enemy is, you'll land it. CD is pretty short so don't be afraid of missing. Just duck into cover again and wait for CD. Most enemies will hide and avoid you when they see a Roadhog in the area. And try to stay away from obstacles. Models like barrels and boxes interfere with hook hits.

Which is exactly why I propose dropping Genji's health back to 150.


I find it to be the exact opposite actually. When you have no support playing Reinhardt is suffering. I'd rather be any other tank over Reinhardt in that scenario.

have fun losing then

He already gets dropped pretty easily, 175 would be ok by me. If you dropped him to 150 you'd have to give him armor or shield as part of his health pool or he'll be too easy to crush

My favorite is on Volskaya Industries and hooking people into the water that come out of the side room at the beginning of the game.

Thank you Hanzo and Genji mains. You help charge my Q faster.

>24 and living at home
>Eat spaghetti and ketchup every night
>Share a dildo with your dad

This is a typical Hanzo main.

Can't remember, but it was over a week ago. It was truly a sight to behold.

For solo imo,
Roadhog > Reinhardt > Winston > D.Va > Zarya

I bet you just shoot around corners and let the bullshit hitscan do your work for you because your aim is bad. Post your headshot percentage, fag.

I play tanks, so you literally don't matter regardless of if you're on my team or not.

I'd put Zarya above Winston just because it's way easier to survive with her and she has regenerating shields. That and she counters a lot of bullshit.

>team has no sniper
>play hanzo and rely on his tree trunk hitboxes since I'm shit at aiming

I just don't like sniping

but I dont play this game with pubbies or derive some kind of sick satisfaction from a blog post about how I make others angry

so what now


Dont got anything against that senpai.

Hanzo doesn't have hitscan. He just shoots out logs that are arrow shaped.

Reinhardt player here, can confirm nothing in this game tilts me like a fucking competent Roadhog.

Closely follower by Tracer, hooooly shit all her highlight intros for POTG are obnoxious as fuck too, I just want to physically strangle anyone who plays that little cunt.

Ironically a fucking love watching Roadhogs hook that little rat even if the Tracer is on my team.

>that stupid fucking giggling highlight intro
>that stupid fucking blink intro

Kill me.

>Playing MOBAshit
>Taking MOBAshit seriously
Go in with a premade or shut your fucking mouth.

What you're really angry at yourself, since you could never git gud at fightan or RTS.

>McCree's flashbang does 25 damage
>Pharah's Concussive Blast does 1 damage

Motherfucker for what?