Please buy Platinum games during the steam sale. They mostly lost money and the company is barely surviving.
Please buy Platinum games during the steam sale. They mostly lost money and the company is barely surviving
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wow I read that as "please don't buy Platinum games" so I will continue to do so
You fucked up Ninja Turtles
You deserve to die
That's what they get for crapping out short, subpar 5-6/10 games at full price like Korra, TMNT and Devastation.
I don't think Activision is giving them any cuts for sales. Plus they have the Nier and whatsitcalled money.
Under $7 and I would. It's too much right now.
Not OP but they weren't full price. Korra was $15, and both TMNT and Transformers were $40 or $50 depending on the version you got.
You can get 3/4 of the Platinum games on Steam for 32 dollars. It's worth it.
when they start making good games (and on systems people actually own) again i will
Why? MS and Square Enix are funding there next real games.
Not until they start making longer games. I don't care how good the game is, if your game only lasts like five hours on your first run through then it's not worth full price.
>B-but you're not playing the game right! You're supposed to go through the game like eight times on all the difficulties because they change the enemy placements around a bit!
Yeah fuck that noise. How about you add a few more levels to the game and put those changed enemy placements in instead of cutting corners? Honestly every fucking Platinum game I've ever played should have given you three more levels besides Bayonetta 1.
Most of their games are 8 dollars on steam now. Don't you think that's worth it?
I mean, during the 8-16 bit era most games were 5-10 hours long. And everyone was okay with that.
TF Devastation is more fun than it has any right to be.
In retrospect I think it's solely because it has witch time. If that game didn't have witch-time I probably wouldn't have liked it nearly as much. But it's legitimately one of my favorite games from last year.
soon as they make another good game I'll be sure to buy it, Nier is the only thing they are working on that looks good and most of their recent games have been mediocre at best
I'd buy their games if they weren't shit.
>at full price like Korra
>specialize in beat em up games
>somehow manage to fuck up a ninja turtles beat em up
Gee I wonder why they're barely surviving? Could it be because of incompetence?
At a lower price, they might be worth it though. It's like a game you want to play but you feel isn't worth it's current price tag, is better to get when it's discounted or on sale.
>games are better if they're longer
Nights into Dreams is my favorite game of all time. You can beat that shit in like two hours.
Journey of Dreams is a lot longer. I'd say maybe 8-10 hours. It's a 4/10 at best.
>Man Mega Man 2 is the greatest game ever!
>what, a new game that's about as long as that game? Fuck that. All new games have to be 60 hours long or it's not a good investment of my time and money.
I plan on picking up Transformers Devastation on Amazon in like 6 months when i can get a Used - Like New copy for like $4 + shipping. Does that count?
Who are you quoting?
zero dollars go to Platinum. You can get it now for 8 dollars on steam. The money is split between steam, platinum and their publisher.
I hardly play PC.
I already own Devastation.
Devastation was total fluke of it being a good game compered to the other licensed games they made so far.
Worst part is that the controls are solid for a basic beat'em up with some roof top ninja platforming action tossed in the middle to break up the action.
And they fucked it up by making Turtle switching a non-priority and having some of the most boring level design and enemy variety ever.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out what makes a good TMNT game, yet people always manage to fuck up.
>Devastation was total fluke of it being a good game compered to the other licensed games they made so far.
MGR is also on sale though.
Mega Man 2 was made on a system created over thirty years ago running 2kb of memory with 138kb of data.. A better comparison would be Ninja Gaiden Black, released in 2004, which takes people an average of 18 hours to complete their first time through.
I'm not saying that Platinum games have to be like open world games where you play for hundreds of hours, but seriously fucking FIVE hours? Literally any other developer released a five hour game Sup Forums would shit all over it, but because it's Platinum they say "Well that's okay because the gameplay's fun!"
You know what I meant user.
I meant compared to Korra and TMNT. I already have MGR anyway.
>I'm not saying that Platinum games have to be like open world games where you play for hundreds of hours,
Thank GOD because those games bore me to TEARS. I haven't finished one in the last 15 years.
Cave Story came out in 2004, it's about three hours long, and it's better than Ninja Gaiden Black.
why am i not surprised that Sup Forums fails to understand the developer publisher relationship?
>Literally any other developer released a five hour game Sup Forums would shit all over it, but because it's Platinum they say "Well that's okay because the gameplay's fun!"
Not him but a lot of short games still get released today and praised. Shovel Knight is a big example.
I suppose. But Korra and TMNT are still solid though, but you don't have to get the PC versions.
Are you trying to imply that Platinum doesn't get moeny from sales? I know that.
But the publisher does. But this is good because as long as their games sell, there will be new orders for games.
Maybe they should have made shit like MGR and Transformers longer than 5 hours
Platinum makes games on commission. So they get paid a certain amount to work on a game and that's it, they don't get any more based on sales. So if you don't feel like giving money to Activision, don't buy it.
I bought Bayonetta 2 just to show the company my support, but even that was done on commission.
>buying korra
TMNT is anything but solid.
>So they get paid a certain amount to work on a game and that's it, they don't get any more based on sales. So if you don't feel like giving money to Activision, don't buy it.
Publishers look at sales data to determine which dev studios to hire. If a game continues to sell well, that makes Platinum games look better.
It's also free and created by one person. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance was created by a team of hundreds of people and it amounts to just two more hours of gameplay not including the challenges.
Rising was rushed due to the original version being cancelled due to Kojima's team not being able to do everything, and Kojima having to turn to Platinum to get the game out in a year though. That's on Konami.
>5/10 games like Korra
yeah but the 3DS Fire Emblem ripoff was decent for 10 dollars
man that was a letdown I agree
fuck your opinion bucko Transformers Devastation was great mate
Cave Story was also in development for years.
MGR was made in 11 months? Some really short time. Also, there is no fucking way "hundreds" of people worked on MGR. Majority of Japanese teams do not even outnumber 50.
>most boring level design and enemy variety ever
>most boring enemy variety
bruh even in Turtles In Time most of the goons were color swapped foot clan ninjas. Let's not revision history just to prove a point. Mutants In Manhattan sucked don't get wrong but come on.
How is it moving goalposts? Cave Story is a 2D sprite-based platform adventure game, Ninja Gaiden Black is a third person action game, as are games such as Vanquish, Rising, and Bayonetta.
instead of giving us tmnt with transformers combat just with co-op instead and turtle switching it would be their best game instead we got shit
well its not that their short its just that there is not enough content.
Transformers was 50 bucks and has half the content of baynetta 2 and tmnt has even less content then transformers it seems for every game they mkae their is less and less content
>TMNT is solid
even someone who works at the platinum offices couldn't really believe this
who the fuck wants a basic beat em up? I want transformers tier gameplay with more combos due to lack of weapons and instead got the most simplified combat system in a platinum game besides anarchy reigns and mad world
not really, tmnt and korra? they were made by the anarchy reigns mad world team with the worst combat desinger they have. Transformers? mgr dev team and is just refined mgr. what the problem is is that they have a shitty dev team that they do not teach how to make a good fucking game
I am hoping he meant compared to other platinum games. Besides korra this game has very little variety they could have given us purple dragons rat king and rats
Then why even bother having such a poor team.
Turtles in Time had a variety of Foot Soldiers with different sets of weapons and different wave load outs to keep the action going. The Foot Soldiers were palette swaps, but the variety in their attacks weren't as copy pasted as you make them out to be. They also tossed in a bunch of one off enemies in levels so it wasn't purely Foot Soldiers.
I don't think you understand what I'm getting at. MiM fails to be entertaining even on a basic beat'em up level. Even though the core mechanics to accomplish that still exist, various design flaws prevented it from being as enjoyable as one. When you can't manage to be as fun as fucking Final Fight 1, you've fucked up.
Has Kamiya ever made a good game?
Platinum already got paid for the game when they made it.
>Resident Evil 2
>Devil may Cry