Steam sale general discussion

last thread hit the limit
talk about hidden gems, bundles, yadda yadda

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i bought 1 game but i couldnt buy any more because my bathroom flooded and i had to call a plumber.. but still that 1 game was worth it

which is the best red faction?
i heard good things about one once on here but i forget which one it was


they actually updated it last summer

Haven't bought shit. Fuck these prices.

Huniepop for 69% off

Oh Gaben, you witty chump you.

Thinking about buying Terraria. I remember thinking it was just basically a 2D Minecraft when it came out, but it seems like it's grown into its own thing. Seems like some crazy shit that i'd like.

>Is it fun?
>How is Starbound? Worth it too?

It also looks like it'd be a perfect platform to great a metroidvania on. Has anyone done that yet? That'd be cool.


thanks. have a kumiko for your troubles

terraria is probably the most entertainment you get out of two dollars in your life

And its a lot cheaper on G2A. I bought it for $1.

Should I pull the trigger?

Guerilla, I actually just bought it myself. It's one of those games I go back to every few years, I decided now was a good time to check out the PC version.

What's the thing I can get for under $2.30?

Starbound is shit, Terraria is great.

Ha, I bought it for $2.49 five years ago, you're a cuck if you pay more than that.

steam doesnt decide the sale prices, numbnuts

Terraria is fantastic, I've been playing since it first came out. Even better if you've got a friend or two to play with. Avoid Starbound, its developers are fucking faggots.

What is there to discuss?

How shitty they've become?

It's shameful that you don't already own all 3 Thief games.

>he didn't pick up Geralt's new game for $5

This shit is pretty good. It's the first ARPG to come a long in a while that tries to change up the formula.

Red Faction is shit, shit and more shit. You're asking someone to recommend the shit sandwich, or the shit soup.

good taste

well, what game?

yes you got some good taste

Look at this fucking price over here.

>Red Faction Guerrilla $4.99
>for a dollar more you get all the Red Faction games plus their soundtracks.

Posting again for more than one response

What should I delete and maybe add, preferably to get to around $50 or less? I'm a mostly friendless loser weeb who plays alone.

Subnautica or Neptunia U? I have limited money to spend this year

Any good mp games on sale?

P = porn?


Red Faction and Red Faction Guerilla. Don't bother with 2 or Armageddon.

Is there anything on here I should cut?

also, what should i add from my maybe pile? I've been looking at shovel knight, darkest dungeon, child of light, and crysis

Hey Sup Forums, are any of the following deals decent?
Far Cry Primal $38.99
Democracy 3 Africa $10.04
Batman: Arkham Knight $14.99
Call of Duty Ghosts $19.79
Sniper Elite 3 $9.99
Watch Dogs $11.99
Arma 3 Apex $27.99
Black Mesa $7.99
Planitary Anhilation Titans $7.99
Deadpool $19.99

>ARPG that tries to change up the formula

But I'm still looking for the true sequel to Diablo 2. How will I feel about this game?

delete all of it fucking weeaboo

If you have even a passing interest in point & click games, the Unwritten Tales series is amazing

>just bought guerilla on first day of sale
>didn't see that collection for 5.99

Cloudbuilt was in a Humble Bundle for a dollar
maybe you can trade for it

It's not that.

Shovel Knight and Darkest Dungeon are pretty good.

Get New Vegas Ultimate edition, the DLC is really worth it and you can drop Mirror's Edge, pretty short game for what it costs.

Why spend $1 more on games you are never going to play? The old games dont even work in modern systems.

if you want to save money, put everything on the wishlist and only buy the games with 70% deals and up (if that still doesn't work buy only the games with base prices less than 30/20/10 until you meet the 50 buck goal

I have $22 that I got from refunding the witcher 3, Tell me some fun games anons

Any chances any of these games go down in price even more?

>Far Cry Primal $38.99

mirror's edge was in a Humble Bundle for a dollar
maybe you can trade for it


yes I do it for free

Is USF4 worth it?

>you will never experience the thrill of flash sales again
Can someone explain to a retard what refunds have to do with flash sales?

CRPG recommendations? Played Shadowrun Dragonfall and loved it, didn't like Wasteland 2

Should I pick up Tabletop or Rocket League?
I don't think my friends are gonna buy either

Which of these (if any) should I buy Sup Forums? Some of them I played in the past and just want to re-experience, some are new. Tell me how good/bad they are.

Arkham Knight (Assuming your PC can run it)
Sniper Elite
Arma 3 Apex (I just bought Apex Edition for $40)
Watch Dogs
Far Cry Primal

I don't know anything about Planitary Anhilation or Democracy 3. Also, Black Mesa was free a few years ago I don't know what they've added that's worth charging for.

I'm a big Neptunia fan but I thought U was terrible, way too easy and simplistic

Drop Yatagarasu, it's a great looking game with good music and great mechanics but there's just literally no playerbase, you won't have anything to do because nobody plays it online unfortunately

The prices arent changing this year. What you see is what you get.

Can anyone gift me Saints Row 4?

it's pretty cheap (and so am I, I guess)

Because I'm a fucking hoarder that's why. I've only played maybe 4 of the 12 games I bought last summer sale. The backlog never ends.

>buy game
>it goes on flash sale later
>Refund so you can buy game for cheaper
>Valve gets flooded with dozens of thousands of support tickets

Flash Sales are essentially impulse buys. You have a limited time to consider them and, before refunds, were stuck with your decision.
Refunds are inherently counter-impulse.

valve is too lazy to put measures in place so they can co-exist.


Flash sales were a pain.
I'm too impatient to check back every day for ten+ days.

Dam, i thought it was weird eye was 2.50 and not the usual 3.50. Any reason for the change?

Divinity Original Sin

Don't get ff3 or 4 they are shitty tablet ports. you are better off emulating

What possesses someone on Sup Forums to even be interested in Deadpool game. I know it's Sup Forums, but Sup Forums is better than this

I think many people who just missed a flash sale were using refunds as some form of price protection

no flash sales mean these refunds don't need to happen anymore

please watch the first 5 minutes of this video for your explanation

crashing the thread with no survivors lol

I thought III and IV were both the DS versions?

Thanks. Any opinion on La Noire?

>implying anyone at valve actually looks at the tickets tho

are there any games where you wipe out people? preferably as an animal

I can think of
>plague inc
>predator simulator

any others I'm missing. that is my fetish.

>buy game
>it goes on flash sale later
You wouldn't buy it if its not a flash sale, until the last day.

refund system

Not that user but not owning something on Steam doesn't mean you don't have physical (or other digital) copies.

I like to have favorites in my Steam library but after a few dozen Steam sales you kind of have to stop yourself buying more copies of games you already own in triplicate

I agree. It felt good to get a game at a really good deal, but sucked ass the other way around.

good taste mate

Got Dishonored and I'm extremely happy. Tried it when it released (pirated it) and somehow couldn't get into it.

Now I just started the first "real" mission and I'm in love. Fucking powers make the game so much more interesting to play than most stealth games.

i think you underestimate the amount of 12 year old retards on steam

is shovel knight likely to get any cheaper? i've got it already for 3DS but the dpad gives me hand cancer

>La Noire
>not LA as in Los Angeles


>gift a friend Bad Rats
>he actually plays it


Is the new version of Rise of Nations decent? I can't find a veredict anywhere.

I don't care about netplay.

some people like Deadpool
and interest is higher due to the movie being popular

everyone, lets guess what A and G mean

>faggots without smartphones ruined flash sales
Thanks guys. it really was a pain to get 30 dollar games for 4 dollars. these new sales are great! I can get a 10 dollar game for 8.50

Is there any way to sell shit on the market WITHOUT using that god awful authenticator?

>stealing Sup Forums's only good meme, even after it was already stolen by reddit
You deserve the chambers.

shouldve gifted him that one $1 unicorn game instead, faggot


GTA IV has a terrible PC port, would recommend to remove.

If I'm to buy a Naruto game, should I get 3 or Generations?

Shadow of Mordor 75% off... thoughts?

Just got Zesty for 20 bucks. Know it's not the best of the Tales games but it'll be the first of the modern Tales titles (barring Hearts R) that I've played.

If you have to get one get 3 it's the newer one. generations is just 2 with some extra features.

I must admit he has a point yet he doesn't mention the fact that a lot of discounts are worse than prior years and the huge amount of indie/mobile trash bloating Steam and making very hard to find good games because no filters.

Do you like Assassin's Creed

3 is best

extremely boring after the first 4-5 hours

I'm drunk and going through my wishlist right now mainly looking at under $10 games.

I'm really close to FINALLY getting Starpoint Gemini but I don't think it's going to be what I want.

I want to tip my toes into the "space" game "genre" but don't know if this will be what I want. I can handle grand strat/RTS/rpg/etc but space games have always been something I've not delved into much.

Yeah, wait the 15 days.