>Keep getting matched up with awful players that make my win/lose rate go down
>When I win a match I get changed to the other team with the bad players but when I lose a match I get kept in with the shitters
>Every time I leave a game after it's done and go to join a new one I keep getting matched with the same people
>If and when I do join a match, it's always in progress and it's seconds away from defeat
I'm getting really fucking sick of this shit.
Keep getting matched up with awful players that make my win/lose rate go down
>he cares about his winrate
I only care about how well I play game per game. If I feel like I'm doing decently, then I'm having a good time even if my team loses.
...and then there's this faggot.
I feel you nigga
Sorry, did you just want to complain?
Oh, so you care more about your k/d ratio than winning, okay.
I feel obligated to play support when my team doesn't have one. And trying to corrall a bunch of retards as a solo support when every fucker on the other team is trying to murder you specifically is not fun.
I don't mind people that are awful at FPS games as much as I loathe the overgrown wankstains that refuse to follow the tank/healer and get on the fucking objective.
Dont buy this game of you dont have a group to play it with.
If you dont have any friends that play overwatch find a group on a forum or some shit otherwise this game is trash.
>enter game
>pick tank
>ask if someone can go healer
>get ignored
>enter another game
>pick healer
>ask if someone can go tank
>get ignored
>Have friends that own the game
>They're shit at it
why did you even care about your KDR on winrate in a game like this? I mean, its important in games like League because if you have a shit winrate the matchmaking system penalizes you with a shit team
>that one friends who plays nothing but genji
>that other friend who plays nothing but hanzo
>both keep insisting they're great at them.
>Main mercy and diva.
>Rely on the team having either a healer or a tank no matter who i choose
>Fuck my life
>having mains
>having fucking dva as your main
>Not learning how to Eat ults
>Not learning how to knock Reinhardts, Bastions and Mercys around
>Not bowling the entire enemy team.
>Phara ult lasts exactly three seconds
>Projectile block lasts exactly three seconds
>Time to raise my fucking rpm
>literally just got out of a game with a level 2 on my team that couldnt find the way out of the spawn room
seriously blizzard? did they outsource their matchmaking algorithm to india?
So you've played her for like 2 games huh
There's nothing more infuriating than somebody nerfing my ult at the last second when I'm gonna do something amazing.
>D.Va shoots it down
>Zarya shields herself and her healer
>Mei walls and then hides in an ice cube
I don't mind losing, I don't mind having bad games, but getting cucked out of a cool moment at the last second makes me maximum asspained.
>Not being part of a huge gaming community
>Not joining Teamspeak/discord at all hours and hopping into voip to play with dozens of different people playing multiple games
Kinda like those guilds that span multiple games. Always people to play with. Video games get fun again real quick with a little humanity in your life you should try it. Remember staying up all night raiding? Hint: you didn't do it to press 1-2-3 for 3.5 hours.
Just force yourself to make friends and quit being such an autist or at least try or you will always be sad and start shitting on w/e game you're on.
D.va has her uses but you're better off maining literally any other tank.
>Rereading my post
If it makes you feel better I ate a Ice Chink's Ult not once, not twice, not even 5 times, but fucking six.
>main mercy
Jesus Christ how fucking dull.
Ruining a Mei's day is a miracle of the universe.
Reinhardt cant get his fat ass on the point, Roadhog attracts all the gun fire, Zarya is tricky as fuck to play because its dependent on the team.
>look at gif thumbnail
>watch it
>yeah that's right bitch nigga be embarrassed
Someones got to do it.
Also mfw using an ult to rez 5 people from somebodys ult wiping the team and the payload is 3 inches from the final cap and i pull back the game.
Those moments are why i main mercy.
Also shes OP as fuck but shhhhhhh.
>implying, that's what a tank is supposed to do idiot, git gud.
At the time I didn't think about it and how well I did it until after. The cunt would poke players in such a way as to get the entire team to chase or watch her. Then she'd throw the Ult directly at them in order to get a better laid out group of headshots. It backfired and I would throw defense up in case she forgot to turn the hose on.
>thinks it's a secret that she's OP
>thinks she's more useful than Lucio
Time to raise my APM you trifling familar.
Plus she's a massive distraction.
They are. Why are YOU letting the team down?
>Taking Overwatch competitively
I'm getting really fucking sick of this shit
How did we go from Sup Forums mocking this casual game to taking it completely seriously?
>Thinks being able to out heal most characters in the game, having and ult that charges every ten seconds that resserects everyone to full health and being able to give people a 30% damage boost while flying around the place like sonic with wings is worse than crowd heal shit damage dj whos ult lasts all of three seconds before its useless.
I don't understand why that ult has pushback. Does Bastion have pushback and I just haven't realized?
If they are then why are me and my other two friends always getting all the medals?
>t. insecure hanzo who thinks he REALLY CONTRIBUTES, GUYS
Because it takes more skill and thought than tf2 and CSGO combined.
You're a shitter if you think otherwise.
because the interface and gameplay ques are incredibly intuitive. It beckons a player to pull out his inner try hard. The automatic call outs of context sensitive strat like " Warning turret " or " Enemy has a teleporter! " means the player focuses on important shit like more headshots.
Tf2 is hat simulator.
Cs:go though?
Is there anything comfier than playing lucio and listening to Jcore while wallriding and blasting niggers off ledges?
The pushback is its main purpose, Roadhog's ult doesn't do much damage unless you're at close range, so it's meant for clearing objectives and setting up for ult synergy. Bastion's has a degree of pushback just like all explosives do, but it's so powerful that it'll just outright kill most characters with a direct shot.
and I forgot my image.
post top 3 played heroes
Man of taste
That's better.
Play Zenny for Adrenny
I'm so sorry
I meant Bastion's turret form
never stay for a subsequent match if your team gets shuffled. the 200 exp ain't worth it
>Only played the game for 11 hours.
>Randomly trying to change topic of thread.
>implying winston is bad
one of the strongest in the game against rein, dva, snipers and most assault heroes
his main counter is roadhog, which blows when you go against one
It's not ranked
Why does it matter?
If you're sick of people not helping the team out play with your friends
Stop these autistic spergfests over people choosing the "wrong" character
yeah we Sup Forums now ;^)
those are top played, friend
try more like 35 hours
Yes thank you for your input redditman
You're not that good yourself fuckboy. Just because no one points out your mistakes doesn't mean they don't see them.
I've been playing a fuckton of Reinhardt lately and he's going in the top 3 for sure.
>Your not that good yourself
>Talking to random person you know jack shit about
no fuck you, you are the one who volunteer to play a team game, nobody is forcing you to play this particular team game.
if you want to play this team game, contribute to the team you selfish sack of shit, otherwise, fuck off to another game
>dva poster
>complains about anyone else playing overwatch
I'm really bad with Junkrat. I'm bad at this game in general.
Winston is shit against armour
>his main counter is roadhog
I've found that Torbjorn wrecks me as well, since he never misses his shotgun when you're in his face
Otherwise, what? You won't get as much XP?
Have a fucking cry you sook
no worries comredd ;O
>implying anyone on Sup Forums is beyond wood tier
Thats adorable you people think you arent the cancerous players that each of you are complaining about.
Id wager if we looked at ips youd see that 90% of the shitty players everyone keeps getting are from here.
most reinhardts sit there with their shield up. you can still zap the shit out of them.
otherwise nothing, this isnt about me dipshit, you are a piece of shit, the least you could do is apologize, actually thats not true, the least you can do is not post again, but that tiny ape brain of yours just has to get the last word in right?
kill yourself you worthless selfish human garbage
on second thought, i take everything back, i dont need to insult you, you insult yourself plenty
Finally someone who gets it
When you select "Practice Against AI", are your allies AIs as well? They seem like real players.
>ruining a mei's day
you're doing god's work user
luicio is the best
vs. ai means you and 5 people go against computers
But a good reinhardt will hit you with his hammer and kill you first
CSGO has a very low skill cap. Everyone stands still for you to shoot them and you have to stand still as well.
>Getting this mad over a casual game
who /innacurrate/ here?
this isnt about the game you inept mouthbreathing piece of shit
this is about you, you are the worst humanity has to offer, you are literally a nigger, africa is thousands of years behind civilized countries because its filled with ppl like you
getting better with DVA
forgot pic
I can't play ranked because Blizzard is composed of fuckups. There's a bug that prevents accounts from connecting to the PTR game server.
I don't care about accuracy at all with Lucio since his balls are so slow. I spam it as much as I can
I am the worst humanity has to offer and am literally a nigger because I don't take public Overwatch games extremely seriously?
Thank you, friend. I was wondering why there was a Bastion camping from a vantage point for the whole match.
Jesus Christ user. I wouldn't even expect this kind of autism from reddit. Scoot your chair back a bit, take in a few deep breaths, turn off your computer and go for a little walk outside. Everything will be alright.
>Have friends that own the game
>They all go dead silent when I try to contact them in any way
Granted, one of them seems to try his best to avoid ANY interaction at all, no matter who it is.
I do this all the time with DVA or Tracer
>start match (offense)
>slip past through enemies
>start caping
>enemies have to go back to deal with me, giving time to my team mates to move forward past chokepoints
>get creamed
>teams are now dealing with enemies or capping
Repeat this for the next point.
>never get any commendations.
>only playing one character
Would not play with under any circumstances, learn to adapt
>have friends to play the game with
>they talk about counter picking if they're getting their shit slapped
>like "we need a Winston against that Widowmaker" or "this Tracer needs to be dealt with, best by a McCree" talk
>they never do and keep dying the same way over and over again, either one expecting one of the others to switch hero
>they even complain about the 2 strangers filling up our team for not switching
>I can't switch because we wouldn't have a tank anymore
>friends always pick the same role regardless of situation
>enemy team has two tanks, especially Roadhog+Zarya or Reinhardt+Zarya or Roadhog are bad news lots of times
>they expect me to put up with it as Reinhardt, always being the only tank, while they are guarding their turrets or do meaningless flanking while I get surrounded by those two
>can't lower my barrier because the Roadhog would hook me straight away while my friends let this happen
>"the payload has stopped, we must get it moving!"
I swear, if you're a Genji or Tracer, if you're playing against us, you can roam around as much as you want, only that Reinhardt will come after you.
My win rate has been going up since I've decided to stop supporting shitters.
>Would not play with under any circumstances, learn to adapt
Why the fuck would I want to play with you?
>projectile block lasts for 3 seconds
It's two.
If you reqeue immediately after you quit it'll put you in the same game. Wait a couple seconds.
>Calls others shitters
>Low kills for Tracer
>Extremely low accuracy for both D.Va and Tracer
>Only 4.5k average healing as support
wew lad
>team game that ranks and tracks your individual progress and encourages you not to play as a team