In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Texas Red
Is there any mod that changes the 1 handed melee on back?
In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Texas Red
Is there any mod that changes the 1 handed melee on back?
Other urls found in this thread:
Also best raifu coming through
Can I do the Lonesome Road dlc with companions?
>Hitting up all the merchants for a Grenade machinegun
>None have it
>tfw unironically installed sexout
It's lonesome for a reason
>ultraluxe quest
>put veronica in the kitchen freezer
>mortimer absolutely pleased
>willow says i'm a bad person
fuck why is this game so based
why did bethesda ruined it so hard in F4?
honestly? Just additem one into the game and dump the caps you would have spent on it in a chest,or figure out how to put them into the merchant's inventory if you're REALLY autistic
Gold bars and nothing spend them on
I installed Jsawyer and now everything is a bullet sponge and firefights are extremely boring.
Is this intentional? Is this how Sawyer wanted the game?
Modding ruines games
Fuck off.
willow? i never found them, where are they
it's a mod companion
Next you're going to tell me that the clip goes into muzzle in front.
I literally have four of them sitting in my safe in Novac
Marksman Carbine is my raifu, I want to go get the All American but it seems like a hassle.
No one can actually believe this right? you mod the game to be more your own flavor once youve sucked the life out of vanilla, I had over 180 hours in new vegas before I did my first mod splurge
The vannilla game is the creators vision mods ruin that
The only reason people deffend modding is because PC cucks have to act like its a good thing because they blew monney on a PC and not a PS4
>The creators vision was low poly meshes and low resolution textures
>The creators vision was for everything to glitch out and not work
Stop acting like you're speaking for the artist you pretentious fucking faggot.
Don't forget all the stuff that got cut due to time constraints.
Exactly, THIS was the creators fucking vision. Not the two streets that we got, if anything mods bring us closer to achieving what the original artists wanted. Assuming you have a restrained taste in mods.
>implying there are more mods then just graphics and memes
Kys PS4 is the real master race and you know it
Wow, I don't think I've ever seen NV concept art. Though I can't see where any of the roads are supposed to be.
I honestly wonder how autistic you faggots would have to be to play the same game for like 6 years.
Without mods how can you prance around as a skeletal hooker all dolled up and take screenshots with too much bloom and lens flare to post online?
Such a master piece, that's already being replaced for a new model
What's wrong with Willow?
I only take one as a souvenir, as I do from every cool place and set it up in whatever home I decide I want that playthrough.
>less memory for "mods" than exbawks
>master race
I really wish I could easy go back to FONV, but the nasty taste of FO4 has killed my love for the series. Why does it hurt so much, user?
Nice bait, friendo.
But if you honestly asking, it's because it is a legitimately fulfilling game, with the option to customise it as much or as little as you want.
You can tweak a few things for a little extra challenge, add in new areas and full-fledged fan-made expansions, a complete overhaul of the entire game to make it more of a survival game and even add in all of Fallout 3 to play with the extras that New Vegas brings.
Not sure it's autistic to play a game where I can do all this, but you sure are to complain about it.
>want to replay
>remember all the mods I'll have to download&install
>then reinstall and troubleshoot
>give up
Every 3 months.
Make a list next time, what works with what, and prioritise the main mods and leave out unnecessary things.
Will Project Nevada play well with Tale of Two Wastelands?
Maybe if people weren't such shit at making video games we wouldn't have to keep playing the same ones over and over
Last I played it, which was a long time ago, they did have a patch that worked just fine.
Just get the NPC companion mod and spawn like 40 basic NCR troopers to follow you.
I like how every gun has such a distinctive chatter, like the Service Rifle has a distinct sound, the .44 does too, the Automatic Rifle has such a louder, sharper sound to it than the .45 SMG that has more of a "tut" sound
Why can't pipeguns not sound like shit?
>finish Dead Money
>get to Veronica so she can give me
Elijah's ramblings
>use turbo
>rape everything with melee weapons
get your filthy hands off my gunfu
That's some easy mode faggotry right there
Scoped pistols, good or shit? Typically I think with pistols, autos and revolvers you're using them at close range so a scope is more of a hindrance than the utility of having something you can plink people with at medium range.
Personally it's the voice I can't stand. It sounds like the typical nasal fat girl voice.
that is just silly user
You're pretty much correct.
There may be outliers to this, maybe ivolving scoped weapon related perks, but I wouldn't know.
I tend to prefer energy weapons anyway.
another reason I loath FO4
>he doesn't snipe with a Hunting Revolver
Depends on the pistol really. For anything below a .44, scopes are pointless, for the .44s and above, Pistol Sniping is a perfectly viable tactic, even though the rifles do it(for the most part)better. But still, not wanting to give your gunfu all the pretty accessories because you can? For fucking SHAME user.
I want to detach the suppressor for my .45 Auto, it makes it ugly.
That's what you get for trying to be a stealth archer
Oh, and have this
They always seemed utterly useless to me and that they only existed because that bald Aussie fag used one.
This has been so damn useful.
Jingle Jangle.
What websites\tools\utilities do I use to download mods? Are their any guides or youtube videos to show how to download a mod?
I'm a Fallout vet oldfag who wants to start modding, how do I do this?
To start, just visit nexusmods, get a few recommended mods and learn how to use FNVEdit, it's pretty easy and you'll figure out the basics of the engine/game. Start by merging and making tweaks of your own to suit your playstyle. You'll just snowball right into obscure loli mods in no time.
use Mod organizer and watch gopher for tutorials
>Powder Ganger
>openly bragging about winning a lottery
>voiced by Yuri Lowenthal
It's a crime to let Swanick live.
3, 6 or 9 decides if i shoot the shit out of Boomers and who do i join.
except for Caesar, nigga's dead
Kill the Boomers with Explosives only and join House, but as a joke.
If he's a dick, turn off his control but leave him alive then take over Vegas to spite him.
Kill them all and go independent.
Boomers for Independent Vegas masterrace.
Johnny Guitar is the worst song in the game
Kill boomers, join House
is there a list of recommended mods? wanna give the game another shot but unsure
Kill boomers, go independent and try to do the best you can for the wasteland independently
Knife the boomers all up.
Go with House.
That's a pretty big question.
WMX, oHUD and jsawyers are a must in my opinion. MonsterMod, DFB, EVE, some JIP mods and signature weapon&armor are some other good additions.
Of course, you'll need plenty of texture, weather and lightning mods as well.
>character has fat girl voice
>character isn't a fat girl
why is this allowed
>tfw mouse broke and trying to play new vegas with a controller
jesus this is horrible
Hey, I played my first 100 hours with a touch pad.
You'll get used to it.
>blackfag flashback
Fallout community is cancer with the exception of some quiet modders.
>touch pad
how in the world, especially with pic related touchpad
All communities are cancer, user.
At least our awful one puts out mostly decent content.
When the Lord held out His mighty hand
So that others in this world might understand
That wars could never be and this world it must be free
When they found the mighty, mighty Atomic Power
Radio Free Wasteland was superior.
>raider radio with psychobilly
>I can finally whack meat in rhythm
I don't know I kinda l'm partial to Conelrad because of the theme and actually got me into 50-60's atomic age music. Radio Free Wasteland was a nice addition and opened me up to other artists.
Willow? Or Raven or Amy or whatever else a fucking virgin thinks is a pretty name for a fucking girl because they never talk to girls. It's a pathetic, stupid Barbie mod.
You came down to this southern town last summer
To show the folks a brand new way of life
But all you've shown the folks around here is trouble
And you've only added misery to their strife
If your Gunfu doesn't have a 3D render styled like this, it's shit.
I don't dislike the station, but it really didn't fit that well for NV for me. Seemed like something better suited for 3's atmosphere, not a post-apoc western.
>Voice is shit
>Personality is shit
>Likes hello kitty too much
>Way too overpowered
>Does lots of useless shit that just slows down the game with stupid scripts, like making Willow buy something every time you go into a store
>Only faggots use that mod and keep using it after trying it
Get that communist joe
Depends what you want to accomplish by modding it
>made my first mod
>too much of a pussy to actually upload it
Too far. Horrible bait
I would fucking LOVE to play another Fallout game, but until they make one we're shit out of luck
I think I spend more time modding my game then I do actually playing it.
>tfw I still have no idea how StringMap arrays work
Sounds like you're fucking retarded because that makes no sense. Does every franchise that makes a bad game retroactively ruin every good game that came before to you? I'm really glad I'm not you because every fucking franchise ever must be horrible.
dubs and you are caesar's most loyal pawn
Life itself is continually ruined each and every day
burn Nellis to the ground
In WHFB terms, Fallout 4 is the Age of Sigmar
I don't know what that means but just tie the noose already
Too cute for macho players