Is vidya cosplay just a way of legitimizing women acting like total whores? not that im complaining

is vidya cosplay just a way of legitimizing women acting like total whores? not that im complaining

who cares? post more

Something pleasant to look at. Beyond that I don't question it.

did it really take you this long to figure it out

How easy is it to hook up with one of these cosplayers?

I like the cosplay thats just a way for them to show off their armpits


really easy if you're attractive

>cosplay just a way of legitimizing women acting like total whores?
Don't care but as long the cosplayers are nice and can strike a conversation.

McIntosh pls.


>Sup Forums hates "fake" gamer girls who actually play games
>Sup Forums loves half naked cosplayers who don't actually play games



I'm sure there is a small amount of people who genuinely enjoy making and wearing costumes.

1. Do they have sex?
2. Is it censored?
3. Does the outfit stay on?

Women already are whores. It's pretty much impossible to find a girl who is a virgin past 20. This won't really change anything.

Just enjoy it before the world burns.

>legitimizing women acting like total whores

That's like 90% of what women do user.

>yoga in skintight clothing
>swimming in "suits" that show more than underwear
>pole dancing class
>playing "games" but they only play LoL support or hearthstone
>music festivals where they can dress and act like prostitutes
>"traveling" aka fucking with nobody back home knowing how easy they put out

source me chief

people still give cosplayers shit for only being in it for the attention and thristy fanboys.

e.g momokun, JNig

also zero fruit samus has nudes and they are unflattering as fuck. google you fucking pleb this ain't no handout

cosplay is for normal humans

Yes, I think no, yes for a while


it's anri okita broski

shame she just retired

>white knight
>Christian fundamentalist

Where do you think Sup Forums stands on this list?

>white girls trying to twerk

is there any more cringe inducing act than caucasians adopting nignog behavior? dat ass tho

I fucking love it. It's awkward and arousing.

>Christian fundamentalist


the problem is how they're trying to get nerd's attention's, and then they act like being a nerd is shit and disgusting.

Like this slut on your picture, I saw her in an interview, where she said someone offered $700 for that exact cammy cosplay, and she was super excited, but then the guy told her it had to be unclean, so he could still sniff her ass smell.

She was like... woa fucking creep, no way I'm selling it to you then! what the fuck did she expect? someone to pay $700 for that stupid shitty costume that costed her like $30-50 max to make? she would have made an easy buck and someone very happy, but no
>"fucking creepy nerds I hate them, fuck them!"

>sex out of wedlock
Yeah, if having a massively increased risk of STDs and developing an inability to form close romantic relationships with people is healthy.

twerking is so fucking unattractive tbhfam.
it's a mating call for niggers.
niggers don't need to touch our women.

it's ok when Cummy does it

There's a difference between fucking and having meaningful sex with someone user.


>when everyone you know goes to the clinic on the reg for something STD related.

sex sounds awesome, but it doesn't sound that awesome. Just can't get over how people don't seem to care about boils/rashes and shit all over their junk.

Most cosplayers are basically 5 and 6/10s who for a few weekends every year is treated like a 10/10 by a convention full of nerds. They never get that kind of attention in any other facet of their life. They're not attractive enough to draw attention away from true 10/10s out in bars. They're not attractive enough to use their sexuality to get ahead in their career. And worse, they can never land a 10/10 guy to settle with because they're simply out of their league. So when they get that power, the attention of being a 10/10 for just one weekend, the power and privilege just completely goes over their heads.

It's only meaningful if men do it


Yes. Why are you even asking this question?

yeah that bitch can't capitalism for shit.

you think most brony related fanart that gets paid commissioned are made by bronies? of fucking course not, they are made by people who getvpaid to draw whatever. why be a prude to potential customers when top dollar is on the line? pride? dignity? PSHAH I AIN'T NO STARVING ARTIST, I'LL MAKE APPLEJACK RAMROD TWILIGHT FOR YA FOR TRIPLE DIGITS!

she probably still sold it

If you anons dont like it you're gay

> Inb4 what's wrong with that


When the fuck did muslims invade Sup Forums as well?

Nerf this

Not sure who you're referring to but I'm Muslim and I've been literally decades. I'm more of a bloodborne guy in case you were wondering.

I had an artist friend who hated furries but did furry commissions all the time. Furfags pay mad money to have their radioactive sparkledogs suck penises.
The only reason some artists deny commissions based on specific fandom content, is because they don't want to "open the flood gates" so to speak, and become inundated with art for a game/cartoon/comic they don't like and accidentally become "that artist that draws tons of homestuck smut" and have a difficult time getting other forms of business

>is vidya cosplay just a way of legitimizing women acting like total whores?
>not that im complaining

Why not just start the thread with "Vidya Cosplay thread" and be done with it?

Are you autistic?

>sexual attention

So why men don't do sexy cosplays?

men have real jobs


>implying nerds at vidya cons have jobs


I used to take the Internet treatment about cosplayers seriously.....for years I went to cons and treated them all like shit and called them whores and joked about it with my friends. Then I realized that my friends were still running off and banging them and I was literally missing out because of retarded Internet mysogny. None of my friends have stds or kids either....but they all have awesome con sex stories

>nerds at cosplay events

men prefer financial security

women prefer wasting their lives until they realise they want the same and then settle

It's not like a con is the only place where you can go to meet random strangers and end up having sex with them

It's only meaningful if you're married to that person.

Easily done. Just post the rest with her face included.

>that fucking hamplanet

really feeling this

Sometimes yes sometimes no.

Just like Halloween.

There's no rich females to pay to sexy male cosplayers, even if they're good at something they blow it all on useless shit.

Sexy males become traps if they want attention and financial security to come out of their booty.

God fucking damn you're all little immature boys. Does it really matter what we wear? We just want to have fun, not have you immature assholes stare at our bodies.

Pretty much, yeah.
I've heard it called the Halloween Effect a decade ago.

Supply and demand. Fit/handsome men aren't going to make money from a bunch of fujoshits. Unless maybe they're super rare traps that do trap on trap yaoi pandering. They're not going to be internet famous for being fit and cosplaying. At best they could probably score pussy at the con itself.

Please don't mimic disgusting ghetto trash.

this is bait

And yet, you fucks always flock to /cgl/ when you're at a con for the meet up and then bitch that no one cares about you because you don't cosplay.
Its not quite about being a whore as its more about being THE BEST whore.
Also if any of you are heading to AX, friendly pre-con fuck yourself, and you'll never find our parties.


People who use the word 'nignog'

why come to cons literally full of men who don't care about you or your values and then dress up like the cheap whore you are then

link to full youtube video of this please

>And yet, you fucks always flock to /cgl/
If it were up to me everyone on /cgl/ would be loaded onto a shuttle and flown into the sun.

Not with a smoking hot mai, or Chun li, or female dante

people who cringe at the word nignog

>There's no rich females

Girls always have more spending cash than guys.

>Fit/handsome men aren't going to make money

Doesn't that make it even easier for men then? They just need to not be fat.

>At best they could probably score pussy at the con itself.

Isn't that enough motivation for most nerds?

If you're such big whorls why won't you have sex with me


Because once you start working out and gaining self esteem you realize you are above cosplay sluts.

muh secret club
have fun being degenerate filth and eventually becoming a single mother :^)

this. you can just go out to a bar any night of the week to meet normal girls

Is this post real?

>yfw Sup Forums doesn't know about Halloween
>nor Spring Break
>nor clubs

Yeah nah it's just cosplay.

what ever man, works for me

>Girls dressing provocative
>Automatically being whores

How's your luck with girls that aren't ugly as fuck, user?

Seriously though. I don't think so. I mean, granted there are always gonna be girls like that, but I know a couple of good cosplayers, and they really just do it to try and replicate the character as a personal challenge. Its an actual hobby - you think these girls spend countless hours making costumes just to have guys they'll never fuck want them? That happens even if they weren't dressing as slutty.

>t a way of legitimizing women acting like total whores
A lot of western society is this. Look at spring break for example, or most of female fashion.

Did they skip leg day? Those are the least defined thighs ever.

>Doesn't that make it even easier for men then? They just need to not be fat.
No. It means even the apex of men aren't good enough, so the average guys are even more hopeless. It's just simple demographics. You'll have a hard time selling death metal bands to senior citizens and you'll have a hard time making it as a famous male cosplayer when the average cosplay 'fandom/consumer' are a male audience looking for fapbait. Not saying it's impossible, but you need a lot of luck and the ability to market yourself. It's like how the average virgin can't start streaming video games and suddenly become the next PewDiePie.

Leg day wasn't invented back then. You god damned mother fucking silly goose

This is last years /cgl/ meetup. God I am so jealous that I can't be a part of this.

>Leg day wasn't invented back then

Leg day was kicking persians into a hole.



Here's a bunch of /cgl/ nobodies desperately clinging to JNigs coattails.


>/cgl/ nobodies
You mean they're anonymous instead of tripfags?
How awful.


Most girls in cons are normal, not cosplayers.

Cosplay fandom and average consumers are girls.

cosplayers are children

Is there anything better than high test cosplay?

buttz r gross