
You ready?
Sam will probably be there

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Sam forgive all the speedrunners who used his wife 2 years ago

Sam's going to have such a rude awakening when he realizes everyone's still laughing at him as much now as they were two years ago.

Which is why he made the statement now and not after gdq he expects nobody to bring it up anymore

does that one girl speedrun? i forgot her name but she was a boy before and everyone makes fun of her because she's kinda ugly.. havent seen her speedrun in awhile

I cant wait for this year's autism montage

Narcissa Wright? Yes and she's better than when she was a male

somebody post the video of his mother getting told he sent nudes to an underage girl

>tfw chibi is no longer a virgin, but your one




That sounds pretty stupid

is that a trap?

Thats a tranny

can't wait

>people are still mad i proposed to my girlfriend at AGDQ
>people think its a conspiracy that i said to put the ring on later because I was scared it wouldnt fit her finger.
>fags think i should of proposed at comic con or on the beach instead

that's a man

that is one hideous looking trap

>fags think i should of proposed at comic con
should have*

why not just a simple date

im sorry forgive me

What's that thing to the right of that other thing?

caveman or chibi are gonna stream anything?



>so heres some money for a great cause, a great game...and a great runner.

Do any of you even care about the games?

Fuck that is one ugly person.

Can't guys our generation just jerk off and get over their sexual fantasies like everyone else?


Will she be there?

no just e celebs and politics

she's pretty qt actually

Doubt it, he has crippling anxiety and on some level he has to know he looks like shit despite his twitch hugbox

If this was a woman I wouldnt mind saying she is a qt

He looks like a skeleton now.

He wouldn't be a qt skeleton tho.

>fucking Cosmo

Wait, the King of Cucks came back? Any links?

>people on Sup Forums call cosmo cute all the time
>goes trans
>nothing but hate

I mean she's fucking ugly, but has honestly done fairly well considering their genetics.

>m-muh transphobia

>people on Sup Forums call cosmo cute all the time

>man becomes woman
>suddenly goes fugly

Whoa, what a shocker, Sup Forums is homo and only likes men

Is this the guy who took out a massive loan to become Youtube famous?

crushing boy pussy is better than not crushing any pussy

wait, what? Can you elaborate?

I remember something about this guy taking out a multi thousand dollar loan, despite being unemployed, to buy recording equipment for his twitch career.
Something like that, at least.

>mfw I have him added on skype from 2011 when he was in a video with nintendocaprisun

>tfw you will never destroy someone so badly at a live competition that you completely ruin their life forever
How does it feel knowing you'll never be John Numbers, Sup Forums?


I'm not doubting you but something about that story seems like bullshit. I write loans as a career and I can tell you that no underwriter that isn't a complete retard would give approval. If he was that broke he wouldnt have any collateral to secure the loan

> in b4 he redeemed his good boy points for a loan from mummy

Wait a fucking second. Am I understanding that Cosmo got a sex change? What the fuck? Or was this a joke or something?

It was just something I heard. Might be wrong.
I don't follow these people, I just like to come into Sup Forums threads about them to see what cringey shit they've most recently done.

yes she is a girl now

Nah, user.

I'm a tranny and I know my trannies, and Cosmo doesn't pass at all. Like zero effort put into it besidea the fact they hardly have androgynous, let alone feminine features.

I'm not saying I'm some shining example, but I can tell when somebody isn't trying to pass.

are you a cute girl?

he privated those Silence of the Lamb-type vids of himself dancing, anyone got the links?

I'm glad that there is an ocean between us and hope that I will never have to be his opponent

He's been on hormones for a long time, he said on stream his dick doesn't even work anymore

No. She's transitioning.

It's what we call a "fake tranny looking for attention on the internet". Too scared to actually take hormones because they're not really trannies.

A soy diet is pretty much the same.

Jesus what happened to cosmo?

degenerate tranny here

I actually dont think Cosmo is that ugly but I might just be telling myself that because I wont pass

He was considering taking out an $8k loan to become a voice actor in Yooka-Laylee (one of the backer/donation incentives).

Also, for those wondering about Sam, king of the cuckolds:
He's still married to the same wife that fucked Stiv.

he should just end his life at that point

I started in high school and now I have a job and stuff that never knew me as a guy. I'm not really comfortable answering that because people will demand pics, though.

I think they are on hormones, but Cosmo isn't trying to pass as an actual girl. I think they just want to be a "trap". It's all highly fetishized behaviour.

I would have trouble believing you pass worse.

Keep your pics, I don't want to see a man.

post pics of your cute feminine dick ;)

>I would have trouble believing you pass worse.

you'd be shocked how bad someone would pass when they start at 19/20

Does cosmo just want to be a trap or is it just his backup plan if HRT fails? coz I can understand the latter

what exactly does a man look like

A miserable little pile of secrets.


Can I become a cute trap without taking hormones? I just wanna be a sissy

I'm 21 btw

depends on genetics, but more traps you see that camwhore are either on HRT or are underage/late teens that haven't been destroyed by T yet


>legend of Korra profile picture

Now I feel bad for enjoying that show

How very human of you. Dictating what you enjoy by others.

It's people like you who make me happy being the robot I am.


Eh. I mean you won't get an insta-pass like somebody who was 16, but you're well within reasonable boundaries. Plenty of people your age pass fine. Age helps, but I've seen unpassing girls who started at 15 and passing girls who started at 29. It's more to do with genetics.

I think Cosmo has some kind of personality disorder and this is a way of acting out to get attention. Nothing about the way they behave seems to me like legitimate dysphoria.

If you're really trans, settling for being a twink isn't really an option. You'll sudoku when you start to age.

>That face

Would Punch/10


You should feel bad for enjoying it regardless.

apparently mentioning speedrunning on her stream now is taboo or something

>Nothing about the way they behave seems to me like legitimate dysphoria.

can you describe some feelings of legitimate dysphoria? I want to know if that's what I get a lot or if I'm just crazy

>see the guy propose
>immediately skip forward

i can't

>John Number's face when

fucking robots this board is for humans only

What if he just goes there to attend and does nothing to improve his greatness?

I mean I recommend seeing an actual doctor, but sure.

Dysphoria is a disassociation with your body due to your sex. It usually manifests in an intense dissatisfaction with how you look and sound, to the point of serious depression.

It's hard to explain exactly what feeling wrong in your own skin feels like to somebody who hasn't experienced it. But a good way to put this is:

>If you could flip a button and become a girl right now, would you?

If the answer is yes, and I would masturbate immediately, you're a fetishist. If the answer is yes, and I would be so happy I would start crying from joy, you're probably trans.

A common misconception is that genital dysphoria is needed to diagnose GID, but this isn't the case. Dysphoria related to secondary sexual organs, or lack thereof, combined with discomfort in a male role in society and a history of depression caused by this can also diagnose it.

Hope that helped.

Fuck off. You humans are the worst things of the earth. All you do is argue, and reproduce. Try getting a life.

fucking and arguing IS life, ya dolt. just existing like a robot isnt "life"

I like that jump

I think I understand user, thanks a bunch.

if I could flip that switch I'd definitely be the latter, shit if flipping that switch meant I'd never masturbate again I'd be fine with that

sleep tight porker

>isn't even an organism
>telling others to get a life
You can't make this shit up!

sleep tight porker

I've got aspergers too you dick.

Glad I could help, although sorry to hear you're stuck being a tranny like me.

Transitioning is a hard road, and a lot of people give up half way. But stick to it. Work on your voice, take those pills, learn makeup and a flattering fashion, body language and social etiquette and you'll be fine. There's a life waiting for you at the end of the tunnel.

If your experience is anything like mine you'll find out how much you've repressed your femininity and when you're learning the stuff I mentioned above it'll come naturally.