Tekhartha Mondatta was an inside job

Tekhartha Mondatta was an inside job

Other urls found in this thread:

rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-overwatch/pages/hero_pages/Mei - Default.html

What's Reaper and Widow's fucking problem? Why did their organisation want to kill this poor guy?

They plan on recovering his body, corrupting his programming and beliefs and making him an agent of Talon.

He's going to be the polar opposite of Zenyatta

>Runs everywhere
>Focuses on buffing teammates and draining the health of enemies
>Melee fighter focusing on shutting down the chakras of the enemy hindering their abilities to fight
>Ult is a mass health drain

if they killed of zenyatta why is he still playable? what does the stupid story have to do with gameplay?

Does Zenyatta think?

he wasn't Zenyatta, nigger

>Ult is a mass health drain
So functionally identical to Reapers?

What the fuck are you talking about

Yes, therefore he is

Slower, smaller chip but over a wider area

Who of the playable characters is "evil" aside from Reaper and Widowmaker?
Are Roadhog and Junkrat part of the good guys?

nah they're just violent mercenaries


When will we get a badass Omnic hero who really fucking hates humans?

I mean if Zarya and Tor Bjorn can openely talk shit about omnics then why not an anti human hero?

And can't be stopped by shields and other blocks

Roadhog and Junkrat are criminals

The masketta man

Do submarines swim?

Because OW was formed to curbstomp robo scum like that you mouth breathing fuck

thats just racist and sexist

so how come widow and reaper fight along you in missions? Are they technically still Overwatch? Further more why is everyone fighting each other in game? It doesn't make sense

Junkrat and Roadhog are on a mass crime spree including murder and grand theft. Junkrat literally hangs a guy in their comic.

They're far from good.

I'd love an HK-47 type omnic soldier that calls people meatbags and makes snide comments to allies

Its already been stated officially, nothing happening in the game is canon.

Only official media like comics,shorts, and stories are canon

Why werent there any fembots at the rally

Fuck you retards. We're peaceful.

Mei has been hinted to be an agent of Talon due to the suspicious deaths of the other scientists.

Also in one of the comics one of the black agents mentions "SHE" has recently woke up which is Mei.

the game itself is "non-canon"

I noticed how it was only women with robot lovers, I bet there would a huge outcry if a dude had a robo gf

we were fools to trust the omniggers

Its probably Mercy somehow. Its somewhat hinted at with her dialogue lines and costumes

would love to see a "Professional killer" skin for Junkrat and Roadhog

It's a fucking multiplayer game

Mercy at no point has been asleep though. The only other person might be Tracer because of the whole time bullshit

How retarded are you?

>Mei has been hinted to be an agent of Talon due to the suspicious deaths of the other scientists.
There would be no reason for an agent of Talon to kill a bunch of eco scientists in the frozen oblivion.

Only retarded neckbeards gets salty from a fictional robot being with a fictional cartoon human.

Who fucking cares, omnics are nothing more than tools and shouldn't be treated as equals



I'd buy the game again just for this skin.

What would their weapons look like?

What does Roadhod's face look like?

actually a pretty cool idea

get on it metzen

Mercy is a pacifist

Prepare to die, meatfag

Is Junkrat even human, he looks like he could be a d44m demon

What if the discovered something? I'm not buying it, out of all the heroes, Mei is the one who kills you the most brutal. Freeze and ice pick to the head. The nerd and clutz thing is an act


"woken up" might refer to sleeper agent.

But youre right it could be either one. Its just the writers seem to like railing people over the head with the lore rather than letting them figure it out, and theres virtually nothing in the game itself that shows Mei acting suspicious.
for a price

Oddly enough, Mercy is hinted to have done more to Reaper then initially save his life during the explosion.

Also, Torbjorn is somewhat racist and it is odd for something like Kings Row where you are sending an EMP into an Omnic neighbourhood.

Symmettra is also hinted to be somewhat evil or brainwashed for her totallitarian company bidding then the good of the world.

We also waiting on Sombra

Hanzo might join Talon at some point. He has pre-match banter with Widow about it.

he's obviously being set up as a tortured "grey" anti-hero though so I'm sure he'd do a heel turn eventually

Then why does she carry a firearm?


Self Defense

Mercy is the final boss orchestrating everything to be set against Jack Morrison. She's pretty much a necromancer.


To dispense peace.

>I'm not buying it, out of all the heroes, Mei is the one who kills you the most brutal.
Getting hammered to death isn't brutal? Blunt force is a nasty way to end someone.

Remind me what and who Sombra is? Which side is he on?

To be fair he only hangs the guy when he backstabs them.



Getting killed execution style is more brutal than normal fighting.

>does this look like the face of mercy?

Sombra is probably part of Talon, because one of Reaper's voice lines is "Where's Sombra when you need her". Sombra is also probably Pharrah's mother, because Pharrah's voice lines regarding her mother makes it seem like there's a hidden side of Ana Amari, so much that Pharah resents her.

>Runs everywhere


Of course not that's Mei

What the fuck is Mei saying when she does her ultimate?

I want to see the men of overwatch in a reservoir dogs type adventure.

Jojo, push it up!

I agree. Something about Mei doesn't seem right. She's way too innocent.

Well that's fucking gay

gg ez

The chinese translation of what she says in english to allies "Freeze! Don't move!"

Cool tip: Enemies say their ults in their native languages (except D.va and Torb), which is a translation of the line they have if they're allied.

"Dong zhu bu xu zou!"

"Freeze, don't move!"

same thing she says in english when shes on your team and uses her ult


Still no different than getting sniped or Mcreed. Getting hammered wouldn't even be a clean or swift kill unless Rein or Torb aimed for your head, which they don't.

Ana was just a overly strict mother, not evil.

The literal translation would be

>Stop right there! Don't move!

But she also says it in English. Which is

>Freeze! Don't move!

Mei also has a hidden ultimate line that for some reason isn't used. What bugs me about the 2 currently used is that she sounds way too nervous. This sounds better, check out "Chinese 33"

rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-overwatch/pages/hero_pages/Mei - Default.html

I unironically want a Beyblade skin for junkrat

>Lucio, Phara's native language

And who knows exactly how much Zarya's and Symmettra's particle beams hurt.

He's Australian, so no.

all hail omnics

I imagine symmetra as a beam that destroys you on an atomic level by disassembling you whereas zarya is a brute force laser gun


It's Farrah's mum you dipshit.

Except that you don't see Widowmaker and Mcree does it too fast to piss you off.

>Rein and Torb going full retard during their ults, swinging everywhere
Eh, s'alright.


>Mei methodically aiming at your head while you can't do anything, which by the way is a regular ability of hers
Twisted fucking psychopath.

>The Chinese character

>Being a spy

Blizzard is too afraid of being called racists to do this.

*smacks lips*


Lucio is from Brazil yes but the Langauge there is officially English in the game. Read the comics you fucking imbecile.

Reaper is a mercenary, he was just hired

>Reinhardt is german as fuck
>Has zero lines in german

Why the fuck didn't they get a kraut to voice him?

So he is still part of Overwatch?

No, he's part of the opposing faction, Talon. Widowmaker is also a part of it.

Pretty sure reaper isn't a merc. He was the black watch commander and split from overwatch and started a insurrection against it is what I've heard

Rein is greenland you gay retard

What about Pharah, retard?

Real Name Reinhardt Wilhelm
Age 61
Nationality German
Occupation Adventurer
Base of Operations Stuttgart, Germany

Pretty disappointed and kinda surprised by that too. He got plenty german references in his voice lines and even a Bundeswehr skin, why not give him something like DEUTSCHE WERTSARBEIT.

No, he wants to end it
He is a merc, he has no bussiness with humans and robots politics, he just wants to end OW, that's why he says "So we're working together again" or something like that to WM