

Used to be great, have only done bland movie games for almost a decade. If we get new Crash games Insomniac should handle them.

Never made a good game, only made tech demos.

medicore gameplay with absolute god tier presentation. graphics, cutscenes, voice acting, and especially animations are fucking astounding.

movie game studio and nothing more

you are retarded

Great movie studio.

They lost their way


you mean after crash?

I like the Jak games but I wished 2 and 3 stayed similar to the precursor legacy.

Fuck what Sup Forums says

ND are a great studio and personally my favorite

Crash was great. CTR is the best Kart game ever made. End your life.

Marketing > Gameplay

>tumblr image
fits perfectly

Really good developers wasting their talent on movie games, they are enjoyable games but Naughty Dog could be doing better.

I liked last of us except for the ladders. uncharted climbing is shit too. they need to find something more interesting to pad the game between shooty sections

>Sup Forums, I really am cross with you! I'm just trying to do my job, and you go and cause all this chaos!
>I'm sorry, but... I'm gonna have to eat your face.

what did he mean by this


Not him but hotlinking is an image off google is a thing.


>if i was a contrarian i would hate them.

I literally don't understand why faggots harp on people for this. If I need an image for my post that I don't have, there's like a 70% chance that it'll come from Tumblr and I'll be too lazy to change the filename.

They used to make fun games, but now everything they do feels so shallow.

They make a mean cinematic game, but they'd probably make meaner animated films.

At this point, they are a collection of derivative hacks who fuck over artists and good devs and the only thing that makes them stand out is their over reliance on motion capture
Uncharted 4 was mediocre, TLoU is shit and it's a good thing they aren't doing the Crash remasters

You're getting a new crash, but it's made by the Skylanders team.

99.998% of tumblr have never beaten the game on Grounded+.

I really like them. I've never cared for their name, but that's never going to change.

ND are fucking wizards and pull off some really cool shit, too bad it's wasted on those games

Funny thing about Insomniac. They TRIED to get into the "realistic" games bandwagon that Sucker Punch and Naughty Dog got into. But Insomniac failed. Their Resistance games simply couldn't compete with the other brown and gritty game series.

Make no mistake, if Insomniac succeeded there? There would have never been as many Ratchet and Clank games post the PS2. Failure prevented Insomniac from getting arrogant and ungrateful towards their "colorful" games of the past.

Sucker Punch and Naughty Dog unfortunately found success and it went to their heads. We need more "realistic" games to FAIL.


what the fuck are you talking about

I like Naughty Dog but I wish they made truly great games.

nice joke

They have condemned Sony gaming forever. Just look what they did to The last of Kratos. Fuck them all.

probably the most shilled company in here if it wasn't by blizzard

They're basically like Sony's Rareware but with even less innovation

Naughty Dog formula since 1993

>1. Take genre that has been popular for the last few years
>2. Remake most popular game in that genre with better graphics
>3. Put a very tiny "twist' on it
>4. ????

crash was good, jak was good, uncharted was bad, tlou was okay

They were never that great. Crash was a decent but overrated platformer, haven't played Jak, and Uncharted forces you to play it in only one manner for most of the series. Insomniac and Sucker Punch are vastly superior.

all are good

nice opinion

thank you

Tech wizards, cool, exciting gameplay and compelling stories. Simply put, best in the business today.

Crash was alright. J&D were great. The following Jak games were decent, though Jak X was pretty fun. Everything afterwards has been an absolute shit fest progressively butchering action adventure games in the west as we know them.

They've been on a longterm steady decline overall since 2001.

What an argument! Keep sucking contrarian Sup Forums cock you idiot.


your welcome

Go away, Neil Druckmann.

Genuinely amazing developer who believes fantasy cartoony games hold them back from achieving their true potential when the opposite is true.