What's his name again?

What's his name again?

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John Numbers.

Cosmo, it says it right there on xer shirt.
Jesus learn to read.




Smash-It Steve

The Man Who Lost It All


I hate that jump


Gizmo but you cant get it wet or feed it after midnight else it turns into a tranny


All according to plan.

This is my favorite thing I've read today

>Cosmo got BTFO so hard by John FUCKING Numbers that he became a tranny


Has someone made a JUST edit of Cosmo yet? I would say that the edit should be done on a photo of him in tranny form, because that's post-JUST.


he deserves it for beating out all the other competitors only to have zero grasp behind the extremely basic mechanic of walljumping.

that was the most pathetic championship match ever since we had to watch that fairy faggot struggle at a single part a 10 year old could complete with ease for 80% of the allotted time.


im spooked

holy FUCK

that actually scared me

jesus fuck

beautiful teeth

Whats wrong with her teeth?


I don't like Cosmo at all, but watching him slowly ruin his life in a very public way is distressing.

so whats the story exactly? he got so mad that numbers beat him he snapped and went trans?


Well, that blue tag seems to say, Cosmo.
Unless I can't read.

It's damn entertaining is what it is



For once it wasnt a lie.

its from all the coke he rubs on his teeth/gums

trannies are the best argument for the idea that attractiveness determines your level of acceptance and success in life
they aren't hated for being mentally ill, they're hated for being ugly as fuck in addition to being mentally ill

like a fucking crack whore.

at least he'll have a better chance than chris at prostituting.

Lost his OoT WR he spent years perfecting, even going so far as to bend the rules to allow the Chinese version to be allowed only to lose it in a week, the next week he got exposed on stage in Mario Maker by John Goldberg. A few months later he snapped.

Is he on the mones yet or does he just wear a lot of make up now


>the next week he got exposed on stage in Mario Maker by John Goldberg.


NWC nigga


Wow he destroyed him.