>1 elimination
>gold medal
what the fuck?
Probably rolled so hard the rest of his team quit.
christ, i just can't even imagine this type of scenario
incredibly easy desu, a single team wipe followed by a preemptive "ggez or gg(getgood)' is enough to send an average overwatch player into a spastic fit
nice meme but theres so much information missing here. i bet you had a 6 hanzo team, or other reddit shit going on in the game. each other player could have also got one kill perhaps, and it was a fast cap on each control point (short game).
tl;dr- hanzo / sniper players dont ever get to complain about anything
It's not hard.
When someone quits, the next guy to join obviously has 0 kills, so if basically every player leaves but one the guy with 1 kill gets a gold.
Now being a hanzo, it's hard to tell if he too joined late or if thats just a par for a mediocre hanzo faced with a competent team all match.
>That career avg.
Fucking Hanzos. That 1 kill could be the lucky shot right out the door and screenshot but that career avg is shit
Reminds me of a Reinhardt game I had where I came in gold for killing 2 people.
Had a McCree who wanted to only flank and got murdered. A Reaper who flanked too hard and got murdered right away every time. A Junkrat who cowered around a corner 5 miles away from the objective the entire round and was only useful during his ult. A Mei would freeze one person and then die while trying to kill that person. Finally, a Genji who I never saw once.
>Finally, a Genji who I never saw once.
then he was the perfect ninja
That's a match end screen.
Do you guys think Hanzo needs a buff? Seriously getting teamed with Hanzo players is the worst thing in soloQ. I immediately quit when someone picks this hero. They literally do jack shit throughout the game because the hero is GARBAGE.
Why do these hero exists? They are defined by their high skill-cap, but I haven't seen any consistent good Hanzo players. I am also noticing an increasing amount of useless Genji/Widowmaker players recently.
I get silver/gold damage/eliminations nearly every time I play Hanzo. I think he could benefit from a disengage mechanic to let him jump backwards a small distance. Otherwise he's pretty fair I think. Widowmaker just shits on him comparatively though because her kit is just better overall.
Post bad lucks.
He would have had to not die in order to get gold. I believe they're awarded by kd ratio, not just the number of elims
>4 hours of getting rolled as Mercy
>get a handful of blaster kills
>gold in eliminations all game
I've played on some trash teams. Word of advice. Just play what you want when you're destined to lose. At least enjoy your time with the loss. Also, the most vocal and angry of your team typically suck the most and are mad no one is carrying them.
hanzo needs a rework. hes doesnt need a nerf or a buff, but having a hero that just spams arrows and gets random head shots is stupid and makes the game kinda un-fun.
he is good for spotting enemies and his ulty. he is a useless killer though.
It goes by who had the most. Deaths mean nothing
Pretty sure it's highest number of kills.
Was actually some of the most fun I've had for a while despite the subpar actual score. Even got PotG with my killy-spinny.
we still got completely fucked in record time
post em
>having sub 60% winrate
muh forced 50
>believing the 50 meme
what site is this?
>two Australian characters
>none of their skins look remotely australian
I payed 500 dollarydoos for this shit?
You can share gold medals, just FYI. Still, awful situation to be in.
>not having a 89% winrate
I dunno, two skins based on two mythical, insane murderers seems pretty fucking apropos.
you're still young, you'll see...
>gold healing
>as reaper
no wonder you lost
also his ult is fucking weird compared to basically everything else in the game. it's mostly a goofy science fictiony game but then you have fucking magic dragons that fly through walls, it's just bizarre.
>implying magic isnt a science
reapers entire character is magic
I too wish I had 5 friends to premade with.
i have friends but they're terrible
so am I really but I can play more than 1 fucking character
>i am le quake pro i play soldier or pharah only :^)
remove arrow headshot
buff body shot dmg
now hes not a poor man's widow anymore
>join a game earlier today
>50 seconds left on the clock
>pick someone and hope it means we're really close to winning
>haven't gotten the first checkpoint even
>well fuck
>fuck it may as well play it out
>get a single kill
>gold medal
granted it was for objective kills and not eliminations, but still. I was there for literally like thirty seconds and I did better than the rest of my team in that one aspect.
Just had my best game ever. 41-3 with streetpig. Came back from 99-0 on lijiang
Mercy has the worst fucking luck. see thanks
>picking Hanzo
>barely play Widowmaker
>get the same skin almost right after the first
Only time I've spent on her is when we're rolling the other team and I'm attempting to get the achievements.
Pharah and Rein are all from my roommate.
I blame the arcade brawl for my Zarya win/loss ratio.
So what do you do when your team is getting absolutely steamrolled, to the point where it's a lost cause?
I generally just start playing as characters I generally ignore, try to see if there's something I missed last time and if they're actually any good. Feel like I've been sleeping on Winston but at the same time he's still just not as fun as Dva, Junkrat or Lucio.
The only heroes on this list I'll admit to being bad with are Genji and Widow. I only played Widow pre-nerf to try and deal with enemy Widows. Genji I have no excuse, I love mobile heroes and he's one of the most mobile but I just can't clutch that shit out.
So my Tribes playing ass just goes Pharah. VGS
Did anyone ever make one of those images that profiles people based on who they main for OW?
run past the enemy team and generally just create chaos, you are losing the status quo so change it up
>best elims
>that best trob damage
Step it up user.
The corner of the last point of Anumbis is fucking OP. Literally always put your turret there.
Gg is good game idiot.
Am I a garbage Dva?
I've actually been using tech support a little more. I normally pull torb out when things get too close for comfort. Kinda weird that my best damage is from tracer.
>join game
>on defense with payload 3 meters from goal
>run out of spawn
>touch the payload
>get killed by hanzo ult
>game over
>gold medal: 3 seconds on objective
well at least I seem to be playing Zenyatta properly
What site?