Let's talk about Zelda
Let's talk about deepest lore
Let's collect all Sheikahtech
Let's talk about Zelda
Let's talk about deepest lore
Let's collect all Sheikahtech
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First for Penis Geiger Towers.
>Only one journalist discovered this attack
I really can't stop thinking about this mountain.
Whenever I finally get to play the game I think I'll make it my mission to attempt to get there as quickly as possible.
god damnit, now I have to go all the way over there to see what it is.
Post good & classy fan art.
This picture here seems to summarise the spirit of the game pretty well.
While still being relatively classy.
You'll probably have Epona or the glider. I fucking love the glider animations for floating backwards or straight downwards, don't have any vids of it
Acid Chus
Poison Chus
Lave/Fire Chus
Thanks bro
Those weird circles in the Sheikah areas remind me of the eye knots you see on trees
KYAAAAA! Why isn't it exploding!
>Link... unf... try to... unfff... remember... oh god YESSSS
>they want to olay babbies first gothic
I'm digging it because I feel like Zelda has been going on and off too Japanese for a while now. SS was terrible with all the anime tropes they shoehorned in.
I don't mind if they swing the pendulum back towards western fantasy again.
Here is what I found in Arbiter's Ground. I don't know if any of that is actual language or not, if it is, someone can translate it, because I sure as hell don't know how. If it is language I'm curious what it says since we were on Sheikah discussion last with the symbols and what they could mean for BotW as well.
Ice Chus
Lightning Chus
Shadow/Ink Chus
Spiky/Hedghehog Chus
That could be Death Mountain Summit. There was a Great Fairy cave on the left, Biggoron, on the right, and a tunnel in the middle that took you to the crater overlooking Spectacle Rock.
>Caltrop Chus littering a huge area with spikes
Could some of that language be music notes?
Not a music guy but it looks like notes.
>tfw Fi is too damaged to fight and you have to use Ghirahim
I have no idea honestly, some Hylian looks like music notes honestly. Hopefully it can actually be translated if it is TP Hylian, but as an user pointed out last thread, Hylian seems to be mirrored in the GCN version for some reason.
Finally got here in TP HD, there's absolutely nothing I can see looking at it from that exact angle. It's actually more interesting in your shot where it's obscure.
The middle part is pretty much identical, and the bit you zoomed in on on the left, you can sort of still make out that almost-winged-person shape but it's actually less defined, just looks like a mess of nothing.
thats the gerudo language, they have their own alphabet, i dont have the image though...
That's interesting, wasn't aware they had their own alphabet. Also I noticed just now, the first instant of the Shadow Medallion appearing at Arbiter's Ground, it's actually upside down.
I think could be the marker feature that they showed off at the Game Awards. They might have changed it from an instant light beam to a shooting star that gives off light when it lands.
Nothing matching But I just pulled this off google, not sure what game it's taken from
Ahh neat.
I think the mirroring is due to REASONS and/or throwing off secret finders, in game and our reality.
I'm going to fuck Fi
I see.
Actually, the entire 5 medallion part at the entrance is messed up, guess someone screwed up putting the texture down.
That would be my guess, but the Kokiri Symbol is also mirrored in the GCN version for some odd reason. Didn't notice it until last thread when I went in there to find stuff.
You'd have to find her first.
Fi's fat ____ on my ____
I really wouldn't mind there being a counter-part to the Master Sword.
And it'd be interesting one could actually use it as well.
Don't know what those little symbols up at the top are but some are in this image
I can't make out words, just gibberish. If this is flipped or mirrored I don't have the patience for it
enemy's head
How does the BotW text compare to the stamps in TP-HD?
Didn't the Historia say something about Fi basically not existing within the Master Sword after so long?
>Clutching Ghirahim's shaft firmly between your fingers
Gamexplain analysis when?
any chance SS will get a HD port on Wii U?
Looks to be nothing but absolutely gibberish, just a combo of random letters.
Aonuma talked about it actually, he said it was definitely possible.
>on Wii U?
NX maybe
I'm going to jump of the the plateau straight into Lake Hylia
They're really going to make me replay every instalment in the franchise aren't they?
Well. I don't exactly mind so who am I to talk?
Finally found something interesting, and of course it's in the Market.
Spinny spin attacks! I love it!
I am really looking forward to all the different kinds of weapons in the game.
she's a sheikahboo poser.
this woman is the equivalent of a yoga girl who gets an om tattoo.
well i skipped GC & Wii so i'm all for these kinds of hd remakes
It's not so bad.
Well. If you haven't played any of them in a while.
>tfw that will never be an actual boss
While that might be true, it's interesting the one who sees the truth and can lead you to things has a Sheikah symbol, the only other one in the game outside of the Sheikah Stones that summon the Hero's Shade. Also interesting that both her and Telma have red/purple/green dots around the bottom of their eyes.
Agitha has them too.
I must have completely overlooked it then, I was just in there. Guess all the bugs kept distracting me flying around.
ah i'm just joshin'.
though it makes you wonder how much of hylian culture has been influenced by the sheikah. maybe there were different periods of varying sheikahboo tendencies in hylian society.
What outfits do you want Sup Forums?
I never got around to finishing SS, was this just a coincidence?
Reminder that the Sheikah were into some serious shit.
I'd say a good chunk actually. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire history and culture of Hyrule wasn't shaped by them (barring Gerudo which I always viewed as it' own country anyways due to the ears, sand goddess, and general size of the desert we never get to see fully).
I wouldn't put it past that they're everything wrong with Hyrule, the entire bloody history and torture of the Shadow Temple, Interlopers, Dark Majora Tribe, the weird blood sacrifice in the Forest Temple and all the ghosts and 4 dead sisters, etc.
Outside of a few cases, Sheikah don't seem to have a good rep of assumed 'good-guys'.
Thank you user
Will we finally get Darknuts and Iron Knuckles in one game?
>Iron Knuckles are heavily armored and slower but appear mostly in shrines/enclosed areas
>Darknuts are more mobile and usually roam around on horses causing havoc
Yes, it might be Termina's equivalent to the Dark Master Sword though.
A dress or a jester outfit.
The latter is never happening, so I am banking on the former because there is still a slim chance of it happening.
I really wouldn't mind a magitech kind of pilot suit ish kind of costume though.
I feel like such a thing could potentially blow my mind.
TP user here, my internet is acting up, so I might not be able to get to the last few places in TP to post, but I will do them either way and then move onto things I can find in WW and maybe connect to BotW outside of Koroks.
A duster and some normal hats
and a pistol
Good luck user!
The shrines seem to be tests they left for when Link gets out of the shelter
>I wouldn't put it past that they're everything wrong with Hyrule, the entire bloody history and torture of the Shadow Temple, Interlopers, Dark Majora Tribe, the weird blood sacrifice in the Forest Temple and all the ghosts and 4 dead sisters, etc.
This family. Add in their tech and ruining the environment in SS and these "Now Loading" "Do Not Turn Off" and the meme messages, and you might get a civilization that was once similar to ours and advanced so far to the point of the Goddesses taking notice. The way you get runes seems to be some kind of technology that transfers data through liquid
Every thread until it comes true.
>So THAT'S what Ganon's up to!
>Gee, it sure is wild around here..
forgot to quote But also in regard to this I didn't make this image but all three of them live near each other in castle town. I'd like to say Fanadi is a Sheikah or a descendant with her seer abilities
>Exactly three of them.
They represent power, courage, and wisdom too.
Agitha rich and powerful, Telma brave, and fatty mc burgerflaps can smart the future
>red, purple, green
>purple, green, red
>red, purple, green
so is agitha just an impostor?
someone webm this shit
This could potentially let you reach high areas or just generally glide for a long time. I love the physics engine in this game so far.
Glider takes stamina just like climbing.
Now, a catapult and a stamina boosting food...
Decent pants, cuz I ain't wearing a shirt, no matter how cool/good stats
The possibilities man, fuck I need this game
Speedruns are going to be a riot.
It's not necessarily the case that everything the Sheikah eye is on is a Sheikah.
It could just be a popular mystical symbol used by Sheikah and also by tryhards like the fortune teller
>Look we finally catched on to ps3 and xbox 360 and have basic physics implemented into oru games!!!
>oh dont mind the awful lod, graphics and almost no detail anywhere and 80% of the map they showed being uninteresting garbage
>40 minutes of foraging food and making god level food for infinite restoring hearts/ stamina
>Get some Sheikapad apps
>use timestop to propel rock towards ganon
>then spin in infinite circle using endless stamina and 20 boko clubs against ganon
>Throw final club to get critical damage
>win game
That would be the craziest and most amusing shit. He'd be the best sidekick since Midna, for sure.
But it's never gonna happen though since he's pretty much kill.
if there was a ps3 or 360 game like botw I'd be playing it user
Agitha is a Kokiri obviously.
And honestly, that Easter egg has been known for years.
The underage around here is really starting to show. It's like 2006 TP theorizing threads all over again.
They're the female version of Groose, Stritch, and Cawlin.
This proves Nintendo has had Skyward Sword planned since as far back as Twilight Princess.