League of Legends is objectively one of the best games on the market right now, not to mention free to play...

League of Legends is objectively one of the best games on the market right now, not to mention free to play, so poorfags like you niggers on Sup Forums that only pirate games can actually enjoy something for once rather than complaining about it on an anonymous image board.

Why would I play dota for babies when I can just play dota?

0/10 try harder

league is a shit game but i play it because it has waifus

That's nice.

>forced meta
>5 minute cooldown all or nothing "get out of jail free card" spells with no buildup or trade off

it's funny how league of legends is going to die thanks to overwatch.

we can all agree that kayle is objectively the best champion in the league of legends game. armor / magic resist shred, 40% CDR infinite E and 60 sec invincible ulti, pentakill machine with guinsoos.

STOP TELLING EVERYONE. You're going to get my freelo champ nerfed

>Constant nerf, tweaks and changes to character stats, which makes for maiming a character difficult because over the course of a year the character can lose a decent chunk of power

>The community is full if salty, angry, loathing people, which makes solo Q the worst experience

>Playing with other people you know is the best way to end friendships

>The game is shilled to all hell, some skins even make it more difficult for enemies to read your abilities

>The game is completely based on a singular, nigh unchanging meta, diverging from said meta loses games and earns the ire of your own team, getting you reported for feeding and other nonsense

>The game in itself is ass and more of a chore than a game

>Youtubers that used to play are starting to jump the boat because they are realizing how shit league has become, IE VideogameDunkey, more recently Keyori and a few more I can't name

Fuck this game. I sucked dicks at this game and its taken so much money off of me, the last straw was the hextech loot boxes, now that was maximum jewage

Only problem is that you need to be 30+ mins into the game to do literally anything.

I'm a Leaguefag, but that statement isn't true right now.

Season 6 has some of the worst balance in League history right now, it would only be much worse if Devourer was still in the game.

Too bad she is literally the most one dimensional champion in the game.

No one plays her outside of ranked.

>no one plays her outside ranked
Ranked is the only thing that matters in lol, if you aren't at least gold and above you're a shitter and you get paired with shitters

Source: bronze 5 fag who quit the game because he could get decent teammates and a win rate of under 50% and hextech boxes jewage

Fact: Male yordles is the only thing LoL is good for

Relax Kaylefag, no need for all that projecting.

Ranked has been a joke since Dynamic boost, I just got to Gold 5 so I could get my free skin and I haven't touched ranked since.

I played kayle once and I sucked dick.

Like I said, I suck at league, this why I quit

this is now a kayle thread

Trust me, it doesn't get better even above gold

all you need to do is press r and e not hard my brother

I would murder my entire family just so smell one of Tristana's farts.

To what lengths would you go to crush tristana's pussy?

I would drink a quart of mercury.

It pain me that they redid all of her animations and spell effects, only to lock them behind a 1850rp skin

Now great skins like Iron inquisitor are completely wasted because they're top tier texture splattered over 2010 model and animation

it truly is a sad day for kayle but i believe she will rise again