How the fuck do you fly the jets in this game?

How the fuck do you fly the jets in this game?

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have a controller on stand-by.

Do you need a controller to fly well?

No. You can just keybind all the controls to your keyboard and learn how to strictly fly using keyboard controls.

The only hard part is keeping yourself turning without having to move the mouse back.
Git gud otherwise

You fly in a straight line until the guy who has played 2k hours in Jets alone comes in and kills you instantly.

or fly into him and get instabanned because he is admins friends

>be me
>mainly play hardcore flight sims
>fly in real life , as well as read quite a few memoirs and books on acm tactics
>all of this applies very little to BF anyways but still makes it easy mode for me
>regularly rack up ridiculous kill scores in jets
>be banned from several servers for being "too good" or accused of cheating

I ain't even mad

Flying in jets in BF is so ridiculously easy with a keyboard and mouse I thought it was a joke to say it's hard. Just bind space bar, or some other easy to hit button to Up. Everything else just requires some decent aim, timing, and situational awareness.

It's the same as flying a real jet. Fucking pleb git good

First, you have to find one that's empty.

Use lock ons :^)

lock ons are 2slow
use guns to go fast
optimal turning speed is 300
use freelook for situational awareness

bind nose up to spacebar and nose down to ctrl.

>mfw would get airlocked every second I existed in air superiority when I was trying to unlock the UCAV

How do people enjoy this?

WASD for pitch and roll, mouse for pitch and yaw, use keyboard for maneuvers, mouse for fine aiming.

I never have this problems, all my fucking deaths are from another jet dogfighting me to death, or getting shot down by a fucking tank

Air superiority, user, though I could probably give jet flying in large conquest a go.

I really do want to be a menace to tanks and infantry vehicles, because they're a menace to everyone else, also helis.

Granted, I'm not all that interested in dogfighting. If it's anything like in BF3, it's about as exciting as out rotating an invader in a souls game for a backstab which is what shitters do who can't clutch it in at the last second for a cheeky hit.

I don't know why some jets I fly have the heatseekers that only target air vehicles, while others have stuff that only target land vehicles. The latter is what I really care about, most time my team has no problem taking out helis, it's the tanks and ifvs that's the problem

Remember when nothing killed the jets except other jets in BF2

Was AA really that useless

how the fuck do you kill anything with pistols?
the starting one is ass.

You suffer through the campaign enough to unlock the Rex

Use the Mares leg.

It's very easy tbqh?

heli's on the other hand, fuck me. Godspeed to those heli pilots man, I don't know how they do it.

Literally: who has their sensitivity the most retardedly high

They need to copy tank and plane controls from world of tanks / warplanes // war thunder

Jets aren't the hard vehicles to be effective with in my opinion, its the fucking helicopters that give me a hard time. Only good with em' on controller, but then again, who isn't.

M416 was a mistake

>tfw can't aim for shit

>tfw either dominating or shitting the bed

You fly helicopters with with a 360 controller, gun with a mouse.

You fly planes with a mouse.

Why do raw iron sights feel like ass?

You push RT and proceed to speed into the enemy team where they then fuck you in the ass because flying in this game is fucking cancer. Unlocking the UCAV is the worst shit I've done. Fuck the airburst unlock for it too. Broke my left stick. At least the game was only 5 bucks

>instantly get shot down by stingershitters

when flying, use the WASD + Arrow keys instead of the mouse

>he get locked on

I wish there were modded servers that gave 5000x XP just like in BC2, getting all of the guns is just a grind.

Am I any better for being an IGLA infant?

I remember bad company 2 felt like warfare, with lines and organisation of a sort. Fucking battlefield has had trash gameplay for 2 games now, no method of playing it is fun

>he can't shoot down aircraft unguided by predicting where it'll go

>Not just plying into the sky after using chaff until your chaff is available again and repeating this process

Stingers feel worthless when they use this tactic

>beingqq in stinger range
fly nigga

BF2 had better flight controls

>get revived
>get killed instantly because nobody charges their defibs

It was glorious. Shoot the other jet down, bomb some armor, remember respawn timers and shoot the other guy at takeoff, go kill a heli, repeat.

The KDA-s were ridiculous for good jet pilots and you could do nothing to stop them.

>non shit battlefield like BC2 never again

>mfw I both charge and throw my body around like a meat shield so they can get up and run their asses away

Haven't played since last year because stupid shenanigans like that.

>Join server
>Use M40a5 because it's OP weapon
>Top kills for next few rounds
>Get banned because "aimbotting"

As basic as that game was, getting people pissed was one of the best feelings.

>Spam the dialog ''I NEED AMMO'' ''AMMO NOW'' ''CAN SOMEBODY GIVE ME SOME AMMO'' Giant ammo sign above my head because i have no ammo

Retarded ammo box class doesn't drop his box

why are people so autistic in this game

Lol no.

>playing obliteration in operation locker
>nobody picks up the bomb and just goes full death match because nobody can break through the choke points.
I fucking hate that Map and the all servers playing just that.

>Tfw two back to back 50 plus kill games with the QBU.

So goddamn enjoyable to watch those ribbons pile up.

Do you want to fucking fight me?

It felt like groundhog day every time i decided to play that map. What is even more stupid is 1 squad can overpower the whole other team if they just use smoke and push themselves.

QBB, not QBU
Refer to my post. Totally easy to enjoy the game when you aren't bad at it :^)

I know this feeling. BF4 is fun and I guess it's alright but these motherfuckers don't know how to squad. I can pop into BC2 right now and these guys know how to stick together and stay alive so their lads can spawn on them, and can vary role

>it's another lockers/metro/vehicle-friendly map gets voted episode

Are those older BF games till populated enough?

>server rules
>no guided rockets
>rpg a retard heli who only attacks by flying close ground level
>get banned because retard admin thinks the only way anyone can shoot down a heli is with guided rockets.
Sometimes I wonder why I bother.

Go play on the Chuck Norris servers. Best servers by far, no admin intervention.

Why the fuck would you play on a server that has no guided rockets as a rule? It's complete bullshit and makes aircraft nigh invincible. Cut your losses, it was trash anyway.

BC2 still has full servers and such on both regular and Vietnam, dunno about older, since I think BF2 no longer has server support, and I guess 2142 isn't much better off.

Does anybody actually play this game like your standard run of the mill military shooter? I can't help but handicapping myself with ridiculous shit that would never fly in an actual battlefield, like exclusively using the .44 magnum or the Phantom bow.

Either that, or I just hide in a safe spot and use the EOD bot to get a good k/d. Pic related is what people usually see when they get killed by it.

2142 official servers are dead. There is a custom server by some Russian clan, but it's got like 30 players max. Real shame too, it was the best FPS I ever played.

>air vehicles
>menace to anything

Air usually fuck off and do their own thing. The real menace is the MAA, god of death and destruction to air and infantry.

It seems like BF4 is a victim of its community. Several years ago, co-op games became less and less social. Sure, squading is fun when you bring friends you've already made; the problem is how wary almost every co-op community is of strangers. The biggest MP co-op games (ASSFAGGOTS, any MMO, Overwatch, etc) are awful environments for meeting new people.

Nah, if a few people come together to use any sort of tactics the game tips in their favor by a HUGE margin. When I played and was bored I'd sometimes hide and use the MAV or PLD to check out what everyone else was doing. MAV was pretty fun cause you could hover there and watch the firefights below. My k/d would drop a bunch if I did it for a few matches.

I can give you my key binds if you want.
They helped me alot

EoDs are overpowered as fuck. It take several mags to destroy it and it's armor is ridiculous, unless you take a direct hit even tank salvos don't hurt you. Too bad you couldn't put a gun on it by choice. Being in melee range is its only downfall.

>down to zero tickets, guy armed the objective before biting the dust
>defenders think it's over, let their guards down to get killed
>remaining defenders make a mad dash for the objective
>hold the line with my type 88
>bomb goes off
>a huge sigh of relief in my squad as the match continues

Any PS3 players? It's a garbage port but at least the online is free, compared to all the other console versions.

Don't bother, all there is outside the noob servers are Hues, Russians and Brazilians.

I've been bothering with this shit for over a year, also, what's the difference between a Hue and a Brazilian exactly?

What's wrong with the Russians and Brazilians man

Its cheap on pc.

That was just to drive in the point that all you'll find are third worlders

Kill obsessed, also the kind that won't drop their Health/ammo boxes.

Interestingly enough, the only people I find with microphones happen to either be American, or Finnish. I made a 14 year old Finnish friend (pretty obnoxious but hey, gotta be social right?) and while we were playing, another Finnish guy joined our squad and they started talking in Finnish. It was bizarre but amusing. I'm American here

Did that jet just shrug off a shot from a tank?

How do I get started?
Seems everyone knows what they're doing and the starting guns don't feel like they hit at all

Because they don't seem to understand how many points they can rack up playing their goddamn role.

I've legitimately come in at the top 3 scores in 30+ player matches with only a handful of kills; simply because I'm reviving people, marking targets, issuing orders if i'm squad captain, and laying down health packs like they're candy.

Bf 2 has fan servers now, google it. It's like battlefield 2 battle log or something, comes with most of the dlc

Get AEK, kill everything
or ACW-R

EoD's are the biggest piece of shit in the game. I would rather take tanks at mid range than those overpowered fuck buckets.

Rev up that hip sensitivity to 50.
All the starter guns are just fine, lead your shots, too.

>Lose NEEThood in 2014

>go from playing DCS
>to ArmA
>to Battlefield as my time is less infinite

top kek OP you casual shit.

How the fug do I revolver?

I can shit on people with the pistols, but I'm like paraplegic with palsy when I use that.

Get the M416

Start out trying to play as stealthy and low-profile as possible, try not to go for glory kills and more for self defense strategies with any class.

is that you griefer killer

See that minimap in your left hand corner?

Go into advanced gameplay setting and ramp that shit up, your mini map is like a wall hack mod; use that shit to outflank.

Dunno, I have a friend who snipes people with the .44, but I usually stick to the g18.

The mobile AA and static AA defense at bases are the only reliable way of destroying a jet outside of getting in your own jet, and good jet pilots would always come straight down on you with the sun at their backs and rocket the shit out of you.

Try and stick with other people until you learn the maps, I guess. As you said, everyone else knows what they're doing and you're going to get shat on at first, so don't get discouraged. This is also good advice too though, especially if you unlock a suppressor for one of your guns because it keeps you off the minimap when you fire so guys like don't instantly kill you

Support > Engineer > Assault > Recon

>pick up game during sale
>have to fucking claw my way past the literal mountains of ACE 23/ACE 21 CQB/FAMAS/M40A5/SCAR-H SV/F2000
Is this literally all I am permitted to use unless I get called a hacker for killing someone with the SCAR-H?

For the love of god ignore the recon class.
If I were you I'd ignore the engineer class as well.
Get comfortable with at least 2 assault rifles and 2 carbines.
And always drop health and ammo packs even if there are no allies nearby

A recon with a spawnpoint is godlike, never used the sniper part of it once.

just be yourself

I feel like a scum sucking shitter when I use the sniper rifle.

Here's a pretty good guide.