ITT: Overrated games
ITT: Overrated games
Bastion too, though less so, imo.
literally just the most boring parts of a Zelda game smashed together.
Won't diss the rest of the game, I personally never felt comfortable with clicking to move a single character. RTS I excuse since you need to maneuver whole armies but whether its arpg, moba or otherwise it never felt good. Just tolerable at best.
And while we're at it...
>Having ADHD
Most of the boss fights were fun but running around the empty, featureless open world was boring as shit.
How is this game? A friend of mine told me it was fun, but I don't know. What is your opinion?
>movement system that causes nausea
>combat system that is overwhelming and impossible to manage by a single player
>magic system where you have to remember patterns for each magic
>that clock wise dance you have to do with every enemy to dodge attacks
>puzzles that are impossible to beat without a guide
This is pinnacle of shit games and yet Sup Forums told me its a masterpiece
There is not even a single good thing in this steaming pile of shit
its fun
>There sure are a lot of people enjoying this game
>I should let everyone know that I think It's overrated so they know that I'm a cool non-conformist
> Differing opinions to mine
> Let's insult them
lol. Butthurt much?
>they are people who don't like what i like
>I should let everyone know that either you like what I like or I'll whine like a little faggot and call you a non conformist
>>that clock wise dance you have to do with every enemy to dodge attacks
I was appalled by it. Did the devs actually look at this and think, "yes, this is what players will want to go through for several hours. This certaintly isn't tedious or clunky whatsoever. no sirree."
The gameplay is pretty weak (especially compared to bastion) and the story goes nowhere fast. I don't think I actually managed to finish it before dropping it out of boredom, and it's not a long game.
I practically get off on this kind of irony.
Played with 4 skulls on. Still bored to tears.
More often I feel people post in these threads are fishing for some feeling of solidarity from the other anons who might sympathize with their opinions.
>can't handle minimalism
Why is Sup Forums filled with so many philistines?
Couldn't even make it an hour in.
Massive plot holes
Generic FPS mechanics
Worthless sidekick
Pointless weapon upgrade system
Repetitive and/or uninteresting vigors
And this shit got like a 95 on Metacritic and multiple GOTY awards? Please...
>Make a game with no content where you do literally nothing for 70% of the game
SFV is fine, it's just minimalist.
It's Dwarf Fortress for brain damaged children.
All of the bioshock games automatically gain 15-20 critic points because they make unintelligent reviewers feel smart and important with their extremely dumbed down political "commentary" and stock scifi twists.
If you're expecting reviewers and casuals from the last decade to rate something on gameplay foremost you must a fucking time traveller from the past and if so, I great you to this strange and terrible future sir and urge you not to make the same mistakes.
But user, everybody hates halo 4
Non halo fans hate it because it's a halo game
Halo fans hate it because it's not ENOUGH of a halo game for the MP and the story is trash
if anything i'd say it's underrated since while not as good as the other halo games, it's still okay, and not pure shit like everybody else says.
Same thing here, i've litterally never seen anybody talk about it in a postifve light
Until people can host custom servers, there's absolutely no reason to play this over tf2. It's not like that stops me from doing it anyway though.
Nice attempt at oversimplifying the game, but traveling from one colossus to another doesn't even take up that much time. There's no reason to find it "boring" unless you're a faggot with a short attention span.
"I'm so glad they added more hand holding, cut out all sorts of content, and gifted us a mega legendary!"
> Said no gamer ever
>no reason to play this over tf2
god when will you tf2 autists give up on your dead game
unless the boss fights are boring, you know the only objective
Theres also only 16 of them. The game is literally go kill sixteen bosses with nothing in between, how is that not boring?
>inb4 short attention span lol
If there is one game I actually regret never finishing, it is this one.
I think I beat the flying colossus and then just quit.
Eh, gameplay might be better than bastion, imo. Bastion was just mash attack and didn't really require much thought outside the challenges. Transistor did, but because the game is so on rails all the tactical options kinda feel left behind. The story's problem is that they expected you to care about the world and characters with no effort made to make you care. You're just supposed to, because that's what they were fishing for, so you should care, because. I felt no sense of loss for anyone or anything. A few "drunken" Iwuvuuusomaahch and backstory text boxes in a menu doesn't cut it. Also, art deco style wasn't as enjoyable as Bastion's art, though I really enjoyed the gold leaf at the end, shame they saved it till then. Bastion music was better too, imo, since the musical pieces felt more diverse, though I guess if you prefer vocals then you might prefer transistor.
What's the excuse on Halo 5, then? I totally forgot I even played this thing until the thread jogged my memory. It's that forgettable.
Clicking to move wasn't the issue here, it was the clicking to attack that cost several mice their life.
My dad used to have a couple of spare mice ready when playing Diablo so that he could quickly switch if the current one died on him.
Each and every one of these.
All designed by retards, for retards, on game design standards from 15 years ago. Played by edgelords almost universally. The games themselves are 2/10 on gameplay and 6/10 on story.
>why did they make the game easier for their target audience!?!
Damn right bro, fuck them for making the game easier for kids
Wow I forgot this existed
>PC gamer, never played a DS game
>buy Ds2 because of hype
>realize very quickly that when I dodge right and enemies will always miss me
>works on every single enemy in the game
>buy Ds1
>the exact same thing
All the games can be beat if you just dodge to the right.
>clock wise dance you have to do with every enemy to dodge attacks
how well does this emulate?
I tried really hard to like this game. The game exudes style, but the gameplay is so fucking horrible that I stopped after beating Destroyman. I've heard the sequel has better gameplay, but my autism won't let me play that one before beating the first game.
But WHAT IF you dodged to the left!?
never tried it, I use an xbox controller so dodging to the right is easier
The boss fights aren't boring though, and it's the only objective it needed. Adding anything else for the sake of appealing to retards like you would have made it worse.
2x2 strafing technique you have to constantly do to keep your party alive
If you have a PS3 you can get it bundled with ICO. Works fine.
it was fine, 7/10
Game wasn't too bad. Elizabeth was slightly useful. The only annoying parts were the skyhook rail things, handyman, and the final fight.
This one is usually hailed as some sort of hidden gem, but it's really just okay. Not bad, just a slightly above average rpg pumped up because it was late in the Wii's life.
True, there's not enough in the game.
This game was mostly art and atmosphere, but gameplay and soundtrack were great when they were there. If it's overrated it's only slightly so IMO.
Is this game worth getting for $5 on Steam, or is it a waste of time? Is it at least fun?